R. But deliver us from evil. V. Save Thy servants. R. Who trust in Thee, O my God. V. Send us help, O Lord, from Thy holy place. R. And defend us out of Sion. V. Be unto us, O Lord, a tower of strength. R. From the face of the enemy. V. Let not the enemy prevail against us. R. Nor the son of iniquity approach to hurt us. V. Blessed be the Lord from day to day. R. May the God of our salvation make our way prosperous before us. V. Show us Thy way, O Lord. R. And teach us Thy paths. V. Oh, that our ways were directed R. To keep Thy righteous laws. V. The crooked ways shall be made straight. R. And the rough places smooth. V. God hath given His angels charge con cerning Thee. R. To keep Thee in all Thy ways. V. Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. O God, Who madest the sons of Israel to walk with dry feet through the midst of the sea, and Who didst open to the three Magi, by the guiding of a star, the way that led to Thee; grant to us, we beseech Thee, a prosperous journey and a time of tranquillity, that, attended by Thy holy angel, we may happily arrive at that place whither we are journeying, and finally at the haven of eternal salvation. O God, Who broughtest Abraham, Thy son, out of the land of the Chaldees, and didst preserve him unhurt through all his journeyings, we beseech Thee vouchsafe to keep us Thy servants; be unto us our support in our setting out, our solace on the way, our shadow in the heat, our covering in the rain and cold, the chariot of our weariness, the fortress of our adversity, our staff in the ways of slipperiness, and our harbor in shipwreck, that under Thy guidance we may reach in prosperity the object of our journey, and at length return to our home in safety. Give ear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to our supplications, and dispose the way of Thy servants in the blessedness of Thy salvation, that amidst all the various changes of this, our life and pilgrimage, we may ever be protected by Thy help. Vouchsafe to Thy people, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that they may walk onward in the way of salvation, and, by following the exhortations of the blessed forerunner, John, may come safe to the presence of Him Whom he preached, Jesus Christ Thy Son, Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. V. Let us proceed in peace R. In the name of the Lord. Amen. Aspirations on the Way to the Sick Man. O MY SAVIOUR, through love of Thee I am about to visit this sick man; make my heart overflow with charity. I will visit Thee, O Jesus, in this sick man; Oh, that my cold heart were inflamed with the fire of Thy love! O Jesus, in Thy Sacred Heart I enclose the soul of this sick man. O Jesus, do not let Thy infinite merits be lost upon this soul. O Jesus, come to help Thy servant, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious blood. Mother of Dolors, who didst stand at the foot of the cross, assist this soul! Mary, Comforter of the afflicted, Health of the sick, console this sick man and commend him to thy Son. Holy angel guardian of this sick man, assist me, that I may guide his soul to heaven, where thou wouldst have it to be. Morning Salutation. TO THE HOLY FOUNDER (OR TO THE PATRON SAINT) OF THE CONGREGATION. THROUGH the most sweet Heart of Jesus, I salute thee, St. N. N., in union with all thy clients in heaven, on earth, and in purgatory. While on earth thou didst assist with the most assiduous care the sick and the dying, and now, that thou art in heaven, how much greater is thy love for souls! Take then under thy constant protection this, our Congregation, which venerates thee as her patron. Help us to glorify God, according to the desire of thy heart. Help us to pray this day as thou didst pray, to perform our works of charity with that same spirit which rendered thine so pleasing to God; help us to unite the contemplative with the active life, so that the one may not impede the other. Help us to merit daily more and more the name of Brothers [Sisters) of Charity, and like thyself to love our neighbor, as Jesus has loved us. Following thy example, O St. N. N., I will each day, and especially this day, begin with all earnestness to strive to attain to perfection, and will endeavor to show myself everywhere a worthy Brother (Sister) of Charity, and thy true child. Evening Salutation. TO THE HOLY FOUNDER (OR TO THE PATRON SAINT) OF THE CONGREGATION. As a good child to its father, so do I come to thee, St. N. N., to thank thee with all my heart for the protection thou hast this day afforded me and the graces thou hast obtained for me. Graciously ask God's pardon for the faults I have committed, and if I have done anything |