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Tbree Blessings for the Dying.

May God


the Father, Who has created all

things and given thee thy body and soul, bless thee.

May God

the Son, thy Lord and Saviour, Who died on the cross for thee and Who has redeemed thee with His precious blood and bitter death, bless thee.

MAY God + the Holy Ghost, Who through His grace has sanctified thee in holy Baptism, bless thee, and preserve thee in His grace to the end of thy life.

The peace of Our Lord Jesus + be with thee. May His five sacred wounds with the blood that flowed therefrom be to thee an invincible wall against all temptations now and at the last mo

ment of thy life. In the name of the + Father, the Son, and of the + Holy Ghost.

and of Amen.


Go forth, Christian soul, in the name of the Father, Who created thee after His own image and likeness; in the name of the Son, + Who redeemed thee with His precious blood; in the name of the Holy Ghost + Who sanctified thee. Behold, the divine Saviour comes; go forth to meet Him! Go now, Christian soul, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity; the Father, Whose omnipotence will protect thee; + the Son, Whose mercy will accompany thee; + the Holy Ghost, Whose sanctifying grace will not forsake thee!

May the cross of Christ + be thy shield against all the assaults of the wicked enemy. Go forth, in the name of Jesus, before Whom every knee must bow in heaven, on earth; in the name of Jesus, before Whom hell is trembling; in the name of Jesus, in Whom all find their salvation.

May the wounds of Jesus be thy strength in the passage to eternity; the cross of Christ thy staff; the merits of Christ thy riches; the body of the Lord thy Viaticum; thy holy angel guardian the companion of thy journey, and Mary thy helper and mediator.

May the power of the Father + strengthen thee; the wisdom of the Son + govern thee; the comfort of the Holy Ghost + refresh thee.

Depart then, Christian soul, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, + the Father, + the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

The blessing of the Most Holy Trinity be with thee and remain with thee forever. Amen.


Go forth in peace, Christian soul! May the blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ replenish thee; the power of His bitter suffering and death strengthen thee; the victorious sign of the holy cross shield thee; + the protection of the Immaculate Virgin cover thee; + the choir of the angels screen thee; St. Michael, the archangel, fight for thee. The intercession of all the elect and saints assist thee. May the protection and blessing of God the Father, + Who created thee out of nothing, accompany thee; the power of Jesus Christ + Who shed all His blood for thee, preserve thee; may the Holy Ghost, Who made thee His sanctuary, replenish and + bless thee.

Go forth, Christian soul, to thy God and Father, Who, through love of thee, vouchsafed to send His Son down upon the earth. May Jesus be with thee, and favor thee with His merits. May the Holy Ghost be with thee and enrich thee with His love. May God have mercy on thee and bless + thee. May the God of Israel send thee help from His holy dwellingplace. May the Lord be gracious unto thee, pardon thee thy sins and heal thy wounds. Let Him bless thy going out of this world + and thy entrance into eternity +. May the almighty, merciful God, the Father + and the Son + and the Holy Ghost + vouchsafe to grant thee this grace. Amen.

The Recommendation of a Departing Soul.

Go forth, O Christian soul, from this world, in the name of God the Father almighty, Who created thee; in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, Who suffered for thee; in the name of the Holy Ghost, Who was poured out upon thee; in the name of the angels and archangels; in the name of the thrones and dominations; in the name of the principalities and powers; in the name of the cherubim and seraphim; in the name of the patriarchs and prophets; in the name of the holy apostles and evangelists; in the name of the holy martyrs and confessors; in the name of the holy monks and hermits; in the name of the holy virgins and of all the saints of God: may thy place be this day in peace, and thine abode in holy Sion. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

O God most merciful, O God most loving kind, O God Who, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, blottest out the sins of the peni

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