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motions of my heart until my last breath may be acts of sincere repentance and of burning love. From this bed of pain I offer myself wholly to Thee and with the most perfect resignation to Thy divine will. I thank Thee for all Thy benefits, and deeply regret ever having misused them by offending Thee. Henceforth I will love Thee with all my heart and above all things. I am now united with Thee, and will nevermore separate myself from Thee. O Jesus, Jesus, Thou art my sovereign Good, the Beloved of my heart, Thou art my All!. Forsake me not.



If Thou wilt that I should suffer, suffer much, I am ready with Thy grace to suffer through love of Thee. Ah, most dear, most bountiful Jesus, this I implore, through Thy suffering, Thy precious blood, Thy cross and Thy death, let me forever be the object of Thy mercy, that I may praise Thee in heaven and enjoy the delights of paradise. Amen.


O MY JESUS! I firmly believe all that Thou teachest through Thy holy Church; especially do I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament; I believe all this because it has been taught by Thee, Who art eternal Truth.

O my Jesus! I hope that in Thy infinite goodness and mercy Thou wilt pardon me all my sins, and give me the grace to persevere and save my soul.

O my Jesus! I love Thee with my whole heart and above all things, because Thou art the supreme, most perfect and amiable Good. Out of love for Thee I repent of all my sins; I will rather die than offend Thy infinite majesty again.

O my Jesus! I adore Thee in this Most Holy Sacrament, because Thou art my Lord and God, my Creator and Redeemer.

O my Jesus! I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, yet speak but the word, and my soul shall be healed. (Three times.)

O my Jesus! my God and my All! my heart desires to receive Thee; come to me and unite my soul to Thee.


O MY JESUS! my Lord and God, I adore Thee from the bottom of my heart, and I will adore Thee for all eternity.

O Jesus! Thou art the eternal Truth; I believe in Thee.

O Jesus! Thou art the eternal Goodness; I hope in Thee.

O Jesus! my love! I love Thee above all things.

O my Jesus! whence comes this grace that Thou, my Lord and God, dost visit me, a wretched sinner, and dost nourish me with Thy own flesh and blood?

O my Jesus! may praise and thanks be given to Thee for all eternity, because Thou hast deigned to visit me, a poor sinner.

O my Jesus! I offer Thee my body and my soul, and all that I am and all that I have. Do with me what Thou pleasest, now and for all eternity.

Prayers of a Sick Person on Receiving Extreme Unction.


DIVINE SAVIOUR, let me now be strengthened by the holy Sacrament of Extreme Unction, which Thy boundless mercy has so lovingly instituted for Thy faithful sick. I firmly believe that this sacrament will restore to me the health of the body, if it be good for my salvation; I likewise believe that it will relieve me in my illness, strengthen me against temptations, and remit those of my sins for which, without my knowledge, I may still be indebted to Thy justice; for such is the teaching of Thy holy apostle: "Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man: and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him" (Jas. v. 14, 15). I thank Thee, O my God, for having instituted this means of grace also for me, who ardently desire to receive it, that I may be completely cleansed from all the sins which I have ever committed through my inward and outward senses. Fill my heart evermore with horror and hatred of the least transgression of Thy law, with perfect resignation to Thy holy will, that I may worthily receive Extreme Unction, for the salvation of my body and soul. Amen.

My God, grant me, I beseech Thee, the grace to receive Extreme Unction and all the operations of grace combined with this holy sacrament, so that the wounds of my soul may be healed. Alas, how often, O my God, have I made use of my senses to offend Thee! Instead of consecrating to Thee all the members of my body, I have misused them, making them instruments of injustice and of sin. Through holy Baptism my body had become Thy temple, and I have often profaned it. I ask Thee, O Lord, for mercy, compassion and forgiveness. I repent and am deeply sorry for all my sins, because I have thereby offended Thee, my supreme Good, Who deservest to be loved infinitely and above all things. I will nevermore offend Thee. Pardon me, console me, and make me happy, O Lord, through the infinite


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