IV. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENTS. Prayers of a Sick Person on Receiving the boly Sacrament of penance. PREPARATORY PRAYER. O GOD, the Father of light! Thou Who enlightenest all men that come into this world, send into my poor soul a bright and burning ray of holy charity, that I may know, abhor, and confess the sins which I have committed against Thee. I desire to see my sins in all their enormity, and just as they are in Thy sight: I wish to detest them for the love of Thee, and to confess them with the same sincerity as I should wish to do at the moment of my death. Jesus, my God and Saviour, I offer to Thee the examination which I am going to make, and I look to Thee with confidence for the grace to do it well. And do thou, O Mother of God, assist me, thou who art so full of compassion for sinners that sincerely desire to repent of their sins. Help me, my holy guardian angel! help me to know all the offences which I have committed against my God. Oh! all ye saints of heaven, pray for me, that I may bring forth worthy fruits of penance. Amen. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE. First Commandment. Have you doubted any article of faith or denied your religion? have you exposed your faith to danger by going to Protestant churches, or reading Protestant books? have you gone on in your sins, trusting to confess them on your death-bed? have you neglected your prayers, said them carelessly, or behaved disrespectfully before the Blessed Sacrament? have you made a bad confession or communion? have you given faith to dreams, or consulted fortune-tellers? Second Commandment. - Have you taken a false oath? a rash oath? or an oath to do something wicked or unlawful? have you broken your lawful oaths? how often? Have you sworn rashly or inconsiderately by the name of God, by your soul or by way of imprecation upon yourself? have you cursed yourself or others? and if so, was it from your heart? how often? have you spoken disrespectfully of God, of His saints, or of sacred things? Third Commandment. - Have you missed Mass through your own fault on Sundays or holydays, or gone late, or kept others from going, or behaved badly during Mass? have you done any servile work without necessity on those days? have you eaten meat on Friday or fasting days? Fourth Commandment (for Children). - Have you been disobedient, sulky or stubborn? have you behaved disrespectfully to your parents? Called them names, or cursed or struck them? Have you kept your wages from them or neglected to help them? For Parents.-Have you neglected to have your children baptized soon after their birth? to teach them their prayers, etc., or to send them to school? Catechism? Mass? Have you sent them to Protestant schools? have you given them bad example by cursing or quarrelling in their presence? have you neglected to keep them out of bad company? have you let them stay out late at night or exposed them in any other way to the danger of sinning? have you left your family in want, wasting your wages in drink, etc.? have you fulfilled your duty to each other as husband and wife? Fifth Commandment. - Have you been guilty of anger, quarrelling, or fighting? have you borne malice to any one, or desired to revenge yourself? have you been intoxicated yourself, or made others so? Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Have you given way to immodest thoughts, looks, or actions with yourself or others? have you read or lent bad books? have you been guilty of bad talking? have you sung bad or immodest songs, and in presence of how many? have you exposed yourself to danger of sin? have you kept bad company or kept company at improper times and in dangerous places? Have Seventh and Tenth Commandments. you stolen from your parents or others, used false weights or measures, passed false money, or cheated in any way in buying or selling? have you encouraged others to steal, or shared in stolen goods, or pawned or sold them? have you wasted your master's time or goods, or let others rob him? have you delayed to make restitution, or neglected to pay your debts? Eighth Commandment. - Have you told lies of your neighbor, or made known his secret faults, and to how many, and what is the amount of the injury you have done? have you carried stories backwards and forwards, or in any way made mischief among your neighbors or at home? have you told lies in self-excuse, or given way to rash judgments or jealous suspicions? ACT OF CONTRITION. (St. Alphonsus.) O GOD of infinite majesty, behold at Thy feet the traitor who has again offended Thee, but who now in all humility asks Thy pardon. O Lord, reject me not. Thou canst not despise a humbled heart. I thank Thee for having waited for me up to the present moment, and for not having allowed me to die when I was in |