Social Studies of ScienceTransaction Publishers, 1 sty 1990 - 278 One of the first and premier specialists in the sociology of science presents seventeen published and unpublished essays in Social Studies of Science. This rich volume is introduced by a long essay, "The Multiple, Diverse, and Unexpected Origins of the Sociology of Science," a sociological analysis of the fifty years of development of what has finally become the fully realized field of the sociology of science. Barber's personal connection with this development makes this analytical essay a vivid contribution to the history of sociology. |
Spis treści
25 | |
33 | |
Sorokins Formulations in the Sociology of Science | 45 |
The Social Process of Scientific Discovery | 77 |
Introduction | 79 |
The Case of the FloppyEared Rabbits An Instance of Serendipity Gained and Serendipity Lost | 83 |
Resistance by Scientists to Scientific Discovery | 97 |
The Functions and Dysfunctions of Fashion in Science A Case for the Study of Social Change | 115 |
The Ethics of Experimentation with Human Subjects | 177 |
Ethical Aspects of Clinical Research in the Field of Human Reproduction | 191 |
Research on Research on Human Subjects Problems of Access to a Powerful Profession | 203 |
Liberalism Stops at the Laboratory Door | 215 |
Control and Responsibility in the Powerful Professions | 221 |
Relations between the Sociology of Science and Related Scholarly Fields | 241 |
Introduction | 243 |
On the Relations between Philosophy of Science and Sociology of Science | 245 |
Trust in Science | 133 |
The Dilemma of Science and Therapy | 151 |
Introduction | 153 |
Medical Technology and Its Ethical Consequences | 157 |
Perspectives on Medical Ethics and Social Change | 169 |
Scientists and the Social Study of Science A Research Problem | 253 |
Tension and Accommodations between Science and Humanism | 259 |
273 | |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
American analysis autonomy basic behavior Bernard Barber biological biomedical research C. P. Snow century committees concern course culture mentality discussion ears effective empirical ence essay established ethical problems example experience fashion field functional funds groups Harvard history of science human subjects humanists Ibid ideas important informed consent innovation institutions interest investigation Journal Kellner Kuhn macrosociological medical ethics medical schools medical sociology Medicine Merton moral National norms papain paper Parsons's patients patterns peer review percent philosophy philosophy of science physicians political powerful professions profes professional recent reported Research on Human responsibility Robert Robert K Russell Sage Foundation scientific discovery scientific specialty serendipity social and cultural social sciences social scientists social structure Social Studies social systems social-systems theory society sociologists sociology of knowledge sociology of science Sorokin study of science subsystems systematic Talcott Parsons theoretical Thomas thymectomy tion trust University Press values York