ADVERTISEMENT. THE present Edition of Horace's Works is based upon that of Dr. Dübner. But the Introductions and Notes have been abridged, and in many places re-written; additional notes introduced; and pains taken to adapt the commentary more especially to the use of Schools. Mr. Arnold at one time intended to publish an Edition of the Ecloga Horatianæ with an English digest of the Notes for School use. But he ultimately abandoned that intention in favour of the greater consistency, and less excursive character of Dr. Dübner's Notes. The reviser of the translation has carefully endeavoured to carry out Mr. Arnold's object; and although he has added notes where they seemed to be required, he has taken pains to avoid equally the too-much and the too-little in a commentary intended principally for younger scholars. The matter of the additional notes has been principally drawn from those appended to the Ecloga Horatianæ, which in Pars II. are almost exclusively Orelli's. References are occasionally made under the following: INITIAL ABBREVIATIONS. M. Mitscherlich. D. Doering. Dl. Dillenburger. O. Orelli. K. Keightley (Satires, &c.). R. Riddle (Latin-English Lexicon). C. D. or S. C. D. D. A. or S. D. A. Smith's Classical Dictionary. Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities. INTR. Introduction to Ode, Satire, &c. SHORT NOTICE OF THE LIFE OF HORACE. HORACE (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) was born A. U. 689 at Venusia (Venosa), a small town on the confines of Lucania and Apulia-(Lucanus an Appulus anceps)-near which place his father had a small farm. His father appears to have been a collector of petty taxes or a kind of auction-broker at Rome. He had probably been a slave in a household of the Gens Horatia, but had obtained his freedom before his son's birth. When Horace was ten or eleven years old, his father, who was anxious to give him the best education that Rome afforded, brought him with him to the great city, and placed him under the first masters there, that he might come in nothing short of the advantages then enjoyed by the youths of the best Roman families. With the same view he sent him afterwards to finish his studies at Athens. Horace was at Athens at the time of Cæsar's assassination; he subsequently joined the party of Brutus and Cassius with some of his fellow-students, and was in command as tribune at the battle of Philippi (A.U. 712), and the defeat there of the |