Abgarus, King of Edessa, his cure and conversion, 130. ABLUTION, the rinsing of the Chalice after the Celebration of Holy Communion. It is done with wine and water, which are reverently drunk by the Priest. [See sixth Rubric after Communion Office.] 198.
Abolition of early Liturgies of Europe, 147.
ABSOLUTION, the priestly act whereby the pardon of God is conveyed to penitents. Also the form of words employed. Absolution in Communion Office, 177; in Mattins and Evensong, 4. 177; Manual Sar. on, 285, n. 1; of Sick, 284; power of, when first stated, 539. 563; form of conveying power of, 563. ABSTINENCE, a less rigorous kind of Fasting.
Accession Service, [29]. 414. 579.
Accessories of Divine Worship, Comparison of Rubrics, lxvi; the Reformers' standard in the time of Elizabeth, lxvi. “Accustomed duty" to Priest and Clerk, 268.
Act authorizing drawing up of the English Ordinal, 535; same repealed, 536; authorizing use of Ordinal 1566, 536. Act of Uniformity, 1 Eliz., [4]; what it empowers the Sovereign to authorize, [2]; 13th and 14th Charles II., lxix. Act 5 Geo. IV., Omission of Burial Office, 293.
Act 22 Vict., repealing the State Services, 579.
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Advent "O Sapientia" Antiphon, 76; Ember days, 75; First Sunday-what is represented, 73; Fourth Sunday-altera- tion in the Collect, 75; general principle of its observance, that of our own Church, 73; how kept in the Eastern Church, 72; how observed anciently by the "Religious," 73; Hymns, to be sung daily up to Christmas Eve, 73; its observance primi- tive under another name, 72; said to be instituted by St. Peter, 72; observed as a Lent, 72; Rule for finding, [27]. 73; Epis- tles and Gospels for Wednesdays and Fridays, 73; as a prepa- ration for Christmas, 73; Second, events preceding it, 450; period of, 445.
Advents of the Lord, 383.
Advertisements and Injunctions of Q. Elizabeth, lxvi, lxvii. Elfric, Injunctions on vernacular teaching, xxiii; Canons of, on Communion of Sick, 289.
AFFUSION, the pouring of the water on recipients of Holy Bap- tism. [See IMMERSION.]
Affusion, Baptism by, 211. 226.
"After," its Liturgical sense, 3. Agatha, St., [41].
Age, Canonical, for Ordination, 541. 544.
Agnes, St., Benediction of lambs at her Church, [39]; touching saying of St. Augustine, [39].
Aholiab, his inspired wisdom given for Ceremonial Worship, xlvii. Aidan, St., 37. 43.
AISLE, the side or wing of a Church, separated from the Nave by the arcade, i. e. the piers and arches.
ALB, or ALBE, the white linen robe worn by the Priest and his assistants at the celebration of Holy Communion. [See Ecc. Vestments, Plate I.]
Alban, St., the first recorded British Martyr, [49]. Albanopolis, Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew, 140. Alcuin, Quotations from, on Candlemas, 131. Alderson, Baron, on publication of banns, 262. Aless, Translator of the Prayer Book into Latin, xxx. Alexandria, St. Mark martyred there, 131; catechetical school of, 241; Liturgy of, 146; use of "Missa Sicca" at, 197. Alexandrine Manuscript and the Te Deum, 11.
All conditions of men, Prayer for, its authorship and intention, 65. "All holy Martyrs" festival, 114.
All Saints' festival, 143; Sarum Psalms, 339. 359. 377. 428. 432. 435. 446. 459. 483.
Allegation of impediment at time of Marriage, 265. Allegiance, Oath of, required of Bishops in Greek Church, 569. Allegiance and Conformity, Declaration of, in A. of Unif., 8. "Alloweth," old word for "approves and accepts," 220. Almanacks, Prohibited times for Marriage in, 263. Alms, Offering of, 174.
Alphabet Psalms, 477, 478. 486.
Alphege, St., [45].
ALTAR, the "Table of the Lord," whereon the Christian Sacrifice of the Eucharist is offered to God.
Altar, a term properly applied to the Lord's Table, 158. 164; early names for, 158; of stone or wood, 158; wooden in Eastern Church, 158; in private house, 290; its position and decorations in primitive times, 159; of St. Peter at Rome, 158; of St. Cuth- bert at Durham, 158; the, seen by St. John, its arrangement, xlix; rails, 165.
Alterations at the Revision of 1559, xxxiv; Alterations in 1661- principles on which the Convocation acted, [13]. Amalarius, his use of the Benedictus, 16.
Amalgamation of Offices for Private and Public Baptism, 234. Ambrose and Augustine, SS., and the Te Deum, 10. Ambrose, St., on Amen after Prayer of Consecration, 189; on Benediction of Water, 224; on burial, 295; case of private celebration, 290; on Confirmation, 251; tradition respecting him, [45]; excommunicates the Emperor-introduced Metri- cal Hymns, [45]; his influence over Western Church Music, lvii; his writings-contests with Heresy-saying attributed to him, [45]; on Marriage, 261; on Prayer of Invocation in Confirmation, 257; on trine immersion, 211; what he says of the Psalms, 316.
Ambrosian Rite, 45, 46. 147.
Amen after Lord's Prayer, 6; after Prayer of Consecration, 188; on receiving consecrated elements, 190.
American Church, Burial Office of, 299; Prayer Book, xliv; Prayer Book, its variations from that of England, xliv; Liturgy in extenso, 206; Liturgy referred to, 151. 167. 170. Amphibalus sheltered by St. Alban, [49].
Ampulla of St. Remi, at Rheims, [57].
Anabaptism, its growth during the Great Rebellion, [14]; ren- dered baptism of Adults necessary, 236. Anabaptist heresy protested against, 220.
ANAPHORA, the most solemn portion of the Eastern Liturgy, beginning with the Sursum Corda, and including the Conse- cration, 148.
Ancient Customs in Baptism, 217. 221.
Ancient English Collects, 38. 64. 113. 115. 133. 141.
Ancient English Exhortation at Communion, 178; at Baptism, 229.
Ancient English Questions and Exhortations in Communion of Dying, 292.
Ancient English version of Nicene Creed, 169.
Ancient English versions of Lord's Prayer, 31; of Apostles' Creed, 36.
Ancient Form of Confession, Misereatur, and Absolution, 5. Ancient Offices for Churching of Women, 304.
Ancient precedent for the Thanksgiving after Baptism, 228. Andrew, St., affecting words at his crucifixion, 129; his Festival, his History, 129; his labours and martyrdom, 129; patron of the Scotch and Russian Churches, 129. Andrewes, Bishop, on catechizing, 243; on Churching of Women, 305; on Eucharistic Commemoration of Departed, 192, 193; on the Absolution, 4; suggestion as to the sentences, 1; on meaning of KaTnxéw, 241, n. 1; on Offerings at Churchings, 306; quotation, 51; used Wafer Bread, 198. Angel, primitive name for Bishops, 531. Angelical Hymn, 194.
Angels, why commemorated, 141; their names, 141; their pre- sence at Holy Eucharist, 184.
Anglican Communion, aspect of, towards the rest of Christendom, lxxx.
Anne, St., mother of Blessed Virgin Mary, [51]. Annotine Easter, 107.
Annunciation, The, mentioned by many of the earliest writers, 133. ANOINTING OF THE SICK, an Apostolic practice of which Extreme Unction is declared in the Articles to be a "corrupt following." [See Visitation of the Sick.]
Anointing at Baptism in Sarum rite, 227, Orig.; P. B. of 1549, 227, n.; Office of 1549 for, 287; Oil, 378. Anselm, St., "I put Thy precious passion," &c., 292. "Answer" of all the people, 8.
ANTHEM, a musical composition sung after the Third Collect at Mattins and Evensong. The term used to be applied to the Canticles. [Rubr. before Venite exultemus.]
Anthem, Form of the word, in various languages, lxii. Anthem or Hymn, valuable Auxiliaries, lxiv; how they may popularize Church doctrine, lxiv; should respond to the ser- vice of the day, lxiv.
Anthem, in Bur. Office, 297; in Vis. of Sick, 277; its proper place in the Service, lxiii; not rubrically recognized till 1661, lxiv; Synonym for Antiphonal, or Responsive Music, lxii; to what we owe the modern ones, lxii.
Anthems, in the injunctions of Edward VI., xxvi. Anthymn, mistake of Barrow and Johnson, lxii. Antichrist, instrument of the Evil One, 514; City of, 382; Church of, 400; final contest with him, 420, 421; ten kingdoms of, 435; Antichrist prefigured by Sehon, Og, &c., 509; subjuga- tion of, 328. 447. 449; types of, 387. Antichristianism, a compromise, 331.
Antioch, a great intellectual and theological Centre, lvi; its early Church Singing and Music, lvi.
Antiphon of the Litany, 422; at burials in Medieval Ch. 297; Salvator mundi in Vis. of Sick, 286; Ne reminiscaris in Vis. of Sick, 277.
Antiphonal Singing, its early introduction, Ivi; structure of Psalms, 506.
Antiphons as examples of the use of Holy Scripture in Acts of Adoration, 76; for third and fourth weeks in Advent, 76. Anti-ritual party, 1564-65, Remonstrance of the Queen, lxvii. Apostles and Evangelists, Sarum Psalms, 339. 359. 377. 380. 397. 400. 453. 455. 476. 479. 483. 500. 511.
Apostles, succession of Ministry from, 531; Bishops ordained by, 531; institution of the Order by our Lord, 530; power and authority of, 530; the three chosen ones pillars of the Church,
80; mystically signified by stars, 508; their office as rulers foretold, 407; their tribes, 407; care for the faith of their con verts, 18.
Apostolate, in substance an Episcopate, 530.
Apostolic Christianity, how it reached Britain, xvii; "hours of prayer," constitutions quoted, 62; usages in H. Eucharist, 145; practice of Confirmation, 251.
Apostolical Constitutions on Benediction of Water, 224; forbade single immersion, 211; on Gloria in Excelsis, 194; on Lord's Prayer after Baptism, 228.
Apostolical Succession, Scriptural authority for, 531; Patristic authority for, 531.
Appendix to Burial Office, 301; to Communion Office, 200; of four Prayers to Visitation of the Sick, 275. 287. Archbishop of Canterbury, legatus natus, 262. Archdeacon, duties of, in connexion with Ordination, 545. 554. Arian Form of Baptism, 211; heretics, their alteration of the Gloria Patri, 7.
Arius, Heresy of, 42.
Arles, Council of, on Lay Baptism, 212.
Armenian Church, their time of observing Christmas, 83. Arnold's "Christian Life" quoted, 55.
Article XXV., on Marriage, 273; on Sacraments, 249; XXVL and XXXI. on Eucharistic Sacrifice, 188; XXVII. on Infant Baptism, 215; XXVIII., explanatory of "Black" Rubric, 199. Articles accessory to Divine Service not expressly mentioned, not forbidden, lxxi; of the Christian Faith, 245; "to stablish Christian quietness," 1536, 230, Orig., and n. Asaph and his brethren choristers, liii.
Ascension Day noticeable, Ritual provision for it, 111; Sunday after, significant name of, 111; Psalms, 332. 341. 316. 380. 473. Ascension-tide, Sarum Psalms, 339. 341. Ash-Wednesday, Commination Service on, 307; Psalms, 322. 358. 367. 385. 457. 503. 516; its name ancient and popular, 91. Ashes, Benediction of, 92. 307.
Assent and Consent of the Clergy, [7].
Athanasian Creed, its reputed Authorship, 41. Athanasius, St., baptized some boys when himself a boy, 212; discouraged much musical inflexion in saying the Divine Offices, lviii; on Gloria in Excelsis, 194. Atheism, more subtle than open, 331. Athelstan's Psalter, Gloria in Excelsis in, 196. Augustine, St., and Te Deum, [53]; on burials, 295, 296; on catechizing, 241; on "children of God," 245; on Cross in Baptism, 209, n. 6; on Cross in Benediction of Water, 225, n. 1; effect on him of Church Music, lvii; regarding ceremonies, [21]; on Christianity in Britain, 453; on "the Lord is King," 453; on Infant Baptism, 215; on Lay Baptism, 212; on Manichæan rejection of Water, 210; on Marriage, 261; note from his Confessions, 10; on the early use of Psalm xxii., 342; on obligations of Sponsors, 248; prayed for his deceased mother, 301; Sermon on St. Stephen's Day, 78; on Sursum Corda, 183; visited the sick, 275.
Augustine, St., of Canterbury, his Mission from St. Gregory, [47]; false impressions of, xvii; his difficulties with the British Church, xvii; Archbp. of Canterbury, [47]; revision of English Liturgy, 147. 149.
Augustinian Canons, [53].
Auricular Confession, 283; use of, 177. Authority, who in place of, [11]. Average age of mankind, 445.
Babylon, the Mystical, 381. 418. 510.
Bacon, Lord, his saying respecting Nonconformists, xxxix. Baker, Sir Richard, on the Lord's Prayer, 6. Bancroft, Bishop, his collection of Canons, lxviii. BANNS, the publication in Church of intended marriages, 171. 261. Banns, rubric on, incorrectly printed in modern Prayer Books, 262 BAPTISM, the initiatory Sacrament, wherein we are born again of water and of the Holy Ghost.
Baptism, the actual administration, 226; of Adults, 236; ad-
ministration of, in 6th century, 209; administration of, in Primitive Church, 209; allowed in private houses to royal children by a mediæval rubric, 215; ancient customs in, 217. 221; answers on, in Catechism, 244–246. 249, 250; by father of child, why not seemly, 216; clinic, 211; conditional, 235; earliest office for, 209; its effect, 213; essentials of, 210; evidence on, from Acts of Apostles, 209; "Form" in, 210; variation of, 211; history of, 208; how long after birth, 231; how typified in the beginning of Miracles, 85; of Infants, 208; Introduction to Offices for, 208; iteration of, 217; Jewish, 208; of St. John Baptist, 208; "Matter" in, 210; the Minister of, 212. 239; not to be delayed, 215. 231; of the world by the Deluge, 218; of our Lord, consecrated water, 84; of our Lord, anciently commemorated, 83; Private, 231; Public, Office for, 215; in Riper Years, 236; by sprinkling, 211; by surgeons, 212; by women, 212; time for, 217; uses of word in N. T., 208; Verbal and typical foreshadowings of, 208; Vows, 222. Βάπτισμα, Βαπτίζω, Βάπτω, 208.
Baptismal Office-its former Preface, 102.
Barnabas, St., Festival, Epistle, and traditions respecting him, 136; on duration of world, 445.
Bartholomew, St., identified by some with Nathanael, 139; tra- ditions respecting him, 140.
Barwick, Dean, first to restore the Choral service in 1660, xxxvii. Basil, St., on daily offices of the Primitive Church, 62; on Bap- tismal Renunciation, 222; his Epistle to Neocæsarea, 46; Liturgy of, 146; on Marriage, 261; on trine immersion, 211. Battle cry of" St. George for England," its probable origin, 45. Baxter, his obj. to prayer after marriage service, 272; Prayer Book of, xxxix. [12].
"Beating the bounds," 48.
Beauvais, Bapt. Office of, 220.
Bede, The Venerable, 49; on the "Baptism of John," 208; on St. Cuthbert's Confirmations, 252; his Calendar, [36]; his Martyrology, [37]; his Shrine, [47].
Bees swarming on lips of St. Ambrose, 45.
"Before the people" in Commun. rubric explained, 186. Beheading of St. John Baptist, 53.
Beleth, his authority for St. Jerome's Lectionary, 70. Belief, vow of, in Baptism, 222.
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Bell at Pittington, near Durham, its legend, 51. Bellarmine on the Episcopate as an Order jure divino, 566. Bells on Maundy Thursday, and Easter Eve, 103.
Benedicite, its proper Doxology, 15; of Jewish origin, 13; when to be substituted for the Te Deum, 11. 15.
Benedict, St., Life of, 6; his Rule, [43]; his Rule for the daily offices, [63]; his Rule, the earliest direct mention of the Te Deum, 10; his Rule on the Gloria Patri, 7.
Benedict and Gregory, SS., their practice, on what based, [63]. Benedictio Fontis, 224, 225, Orig.
Benedictio Sacramentalis, after Marriage, 272.
BENEDICTION, the priestly act whereby the blessing of God is conveyed to the faithful.
Benediction in Confirmation, 260; in Communion Office, 195; of Elements, the nucleus of the Liturgy, 145; on Easter Even in Early English Church, 103; of Font, 209, 210. 584; of primitive antiquity in Liturgical use, 28; of the water, 224; of water, its spiritual import, 225; of water, separate from adm. of Baptism, 224; of water, in P. B. of 1549, 225; of water quite distinct from that of Eucharistic Elements, 226; of Palms, 96; final, after Marriage, 273; in Vis. of Sick, 286; Levitical, in Vis. of Sick, 287; Apostolic, in Bur. Office, 300. Benedictus, the proper Canticle after 2nd Lesson, 16; its position and Ritual meaning, 16; in Communion Office, 184. Bernard, St., his saying on the death of the Innocents, 81; on the Candlemas Festival, 131.
Bethell, Bp., on Baptismal Regeneration, 230.
a name for the Epiphany, 83.
Beverley, St. Mary's, register on prohibited seasons for Marriage,
Bezaleel, his inspired wisdom given for ceremonial worship, xlvii.
Bible, delivery of, to Bishops, 538. 575; delivery of, to Priests, 538. 564; imposition of, on Bishop elect's neck, 575; the Great, title of, xxvii.
Bidding of Holydays, 171.
Bidding Prayer, a proclamation of persons commended to the prayers of the faithful, made by preachers before sermons (Can. 55).
Bidding Prayer, 172; in Ireland, 586.
Bidding Prayers; petition for giver of holy bread, 198. Bill, King's printer, royal mandate to him A.D. 1661, xxxvii. BISHOP, a Church officer of the highest order, having spiritual capacity to ordain and confirm in addition to the spiritual capacities belonging to the priesthood.
Bishop and Priest, Names of, not at first distinguished, 531. Bishop or Priest, the proper Minister of Adult Baptism, 239. Bishops, a distinct Order from Priests, 566; superiority of, "jure divino" asserted by Bancroft, 566; inherit the ordinary parts of the Apostolic office, 530; ordained by the Apostles, 531; Order of, essential, 531; no Church without, 543; succession of, 542; Fathers in God, 546; Election of, 568; to be consecrated by their Metropolitan, 567; three, required at a consecration of one, 567; consecrated in their own Cathedral, 567; Conse. cration of, held on Sundays or Holydays, 567; elect, habit of, at Consecration, 568; vestments of, as represented on Brasses, 574; vestments of, by 2nd Prayer Book of Edward VI., 574; Summary of ancient Offices for Consecration of, 534, 535; Delivery of Bible to, 538; five consecrated according to the Ordinal of 1549, 536; one consecrated according to the Ordi- nal of 1552, 536; of the same Province to assist at Consecra- tions, 567; deposed if only consecrated by two others, 567; Senior, consecrator in absence of the Archbishop, 567; Service for Consecration of, 1662, 537; special powers of, 543; only to ordain in their own diocese, 541; sanction required for Adult Baptism, 238.
"Black Rubric," 199.
Blasius, St., B. and M., [41].
Blessing in Communion Office, 195; in Marr. Service, 270. Blood-thirsty, application of term, 395.
Blow on cheek in Confirmation, 252. 259.
Boanerges, meaning of, 80.
Bodleian Library Psalters, 314; MS., 292.
Body of the Church, why permitted for Celebration of H. C., 16; the place for Marriage, 263.
"Body prepared," LXX and Vulg., 370.
Bona, on Collects, 68; on Gloria in Excelsis, 194. Boniface, St., 49; on Conditional Baptism, 235. "Bonour" and "buxum," meaning of, 267, n. 6.
Book of Common Prayer, 1661, Preface of-its moderation-writ- ten by Sanderson, Bp. of Lincoln, 11; its chief Illustrators, and Commentators, v; National Versions of it, xliv; materials used in its composition, xxvii.
Book of the Gospels, reverence anciently shown to it, xlix. Books of Hours, xxiv.
Books of Reference to Lessons, Gospels, and Epistles, xxiv. Borromeo, Carlo, a Musical Commissioner, by appointment of the Council of Trent, lix.
Bouchier, his Commentary and early Calendar, 36. Boughen, Edw., on Sign of Cross in Confirmation, 258. Boughton Monchelsea, Espousals in register, 267. Bowing at the Holy Name elsewhere than in the Creed, 20. "Boy-Bishop," [61].
Boys, Dean, on the Prayer Book, v.
Bracara or Braga, Council of, on burial of suicides, 294. "Bread," and "mingled wine," of Wisdom's Table, 152; break- ing of, in Consecration, 187; fermented or leavened in Eastern Church, 198; for Sacramental use, 198.
Breastplate of Aaron, 407.
Breviary, Daily Services of, xxviii; its complex character, [63]; Hymns, unsuccessful attempts to translate them, lxii; Roman, Reformation of, xx; services, never familiar to the laity, xx. Bride and Bridegroom in 45th Psalm, 378. Bride, The voice of the, 330.
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