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with the utmost respect, inquired what were his commands? Godson," said the lord Von Moos, "I saw you going along there with Balz, and I wanted to know what concerns you could have with him." Oswald, in some embarrassment, cast a side-glance at his father, and answered thus:-"If it please you, my lord and godfather, it seemed to me that I ought to see something more of the world than can be learnt up in the mountains; and, moreover, that I ought to go out a little into the wars, where my father before me gained so much honour. I have now a good opportunity for doing so, and Balz has engaged me to serve under Beeli, and we are going over to Milan, to help to set Duke Maximilian on his father's throne, which the French drove him away from, and then he will give the Valteline to the confederates. Such a noble prince as he is deserves that something should be risked for his sake." Come, come, godson, this is all nonsense; Balz has been making a fool of you," said the knight. "What is Sforza to you ? It would be much better for you to settle and take a wife, than be wandering about the world in search of adventures." Oswald looked again at his

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father, and answered, in a bitter tone, "If you mean that I should take the miller's daughter, noble lord, I humbly thank you for your kindness; but I would rather be left at Milan among the slain, than marry that girl." "No, Oswald," said the knight; "I would never advise you to have any thing to do with her; but I know

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another who I think would suit you better." "Oh, Sir! do not talk to me of marrying," replied Oswald, in a melancholy voice. My father and I are of two minds on this subject. It is better for me to go out to the wars. "Well, tell me, at least," said the knight, smiling, "how you would like to have Elly Halder ?" A deep flush came over Oswald's cheeks, his dark eyes flashed fire, he bit his lips, and hastily exclaimed, "Sir knight, you are my godfather, and I owe you respect and duty; but you have no right to make game of me." "Do not be so hasty, godson," said the knight; "but just tell me whether you would still insist upon going with Beeli, if your father were really to let you marry Elly?" Peter, in an impetuous tone, now interfered, 'Boy," said he, " things have changed greatly within the last hour; not because you ran away from me in defiance, but for very different reasons; I am now determined that you shall marry Elly, whether you like it or not; for if it had not been for her father Uli, I should not now be alive." Oswald felt as if he had fallen from the clouds. He was lost in a tumult of joy, and could not find words to express his gratitude to his father and the knight Von Moos. He then longed to know all the particulars, and how and where Uli had saved his father's life; and when he had heard the whole story, he exclaimed, in an ecstacy of delight, "Oh! Elly, Elly, I will reward you for all this." "And the good old Goutta; father, we will take her to live with us, will we


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not?” cried he; then suddenly recollecting himself, and taking a couple of dollars out of his pocket, "but how shall I contrive," he asked, "to give this money back to Balz, which he gave to me when I enlisted? and how shall I get back my father's halberd, which I left in the public-house." "Oh, I will take care of all that," said the knight; "only give me the dollars, and in a couple of days you shall find the halberd at my house. And another thing, Oswald; before you keep the wedding, you must come to me for a godfather's present. And now let us empty a flask of wine together, to drink the bride's health; and then you shall make haste to carry the good news to Stürvis, for it is getting late, and you have a long and a tedious way before you." While the wine was sent for, Oswald ran to tell his sister Verena, and her husband, what an unlooked for piece of good fortune had befallen him; and they were both delighted with the idea of having Elly for their sister-in-law; for all who knew the gentle maiden, could not help loving and respecting her.

The father and son chose the shortest road home; but a little beyond Rofels, Peter began to call out, "I am a stout, hearty man yet Oswald; but if you push on at this rate up the mountain, I can never keep up with you— you really run like a madman." "Dear father," answered Oswald, "It is joy that lends me wings; I feel as if I could not be with Elly soon enough, and as if every moment were lost till I have told her that you are

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willing to have her for a daughter. But I will try to check my impatience, and walk behind you.” Well, I think you had better," said Peter, "for we have a good many things to settle together."


Proceeding at a more moderate pace, they now began to talk about the wedding. The father wished it to be put off till spring, and celebrated, not at Sturvis, but in Mayenfeld, that the knight Von Moos might be present, and every thing arranged in a handsome manner. this plan was by no means approved of by Oswald. With his father's leave, he said, he should like it to take place at Stürvis, at the end of a fortnight; and when Peter reminded him that it would be difficult to persuade the chaplain to undertake such a perilous journey, just for the sake of indulging him in his whim of being married in the village chapel; Oswald declared that the good man might easily be tempted, by the promise of a double fee. The father being in a wonderfully complying humour, at length was prevailed upon to consent to this also; and it was settled, that all the inhabitants of Stürvis should be invited to the wedding-feast; because, as he said, this would be a good opportunity for the fathers of families to talk over the project of a change of residence -a project which the knight Von Moos, had spoken of as a thing by no means impracticable. Oswald was not inclined to dispute thepoint, though, for his own part he saw nothing so dreadful in being separated from the rest of the world, and would never have wished for greater happiness

than to pass his whole life in the free mountain-wilds, where his Elly was born and bred. After a three hours' walk, the father and son arrived at Stürvis, just as twilight was beginning to set in. "Greet my mother, for me," said Oswald; "dearly as I love her, my first care is now to fly to Elly, and to bring your new daughter to receive her parents' blessing." This evening, like the last, saw Oswald at Elly's cottage, tapping at the little window, and begging her to come out to him. But this time the mother was awake, and she opened the window and answered :—“ Oswald, Elly cannot come out to you, and you must not come after her any longer, and make her a talk amongst the neighbours. I do not believe that you mean any thing dishonourable, but as your father has refused his consent to your marrying her, you must not torment my poor child any more. God knows, you have made her heart heavy enough already." "Good evening, mother Goutta," said Oswald; "you need not be afraid of letting Elly come to speak to me, for I have something

you to tell her which is not to be a secret from


Is not she there?" "Yes, she is there, crying," an

swered the mother, "because you will do nothing that might help to make her forget you. But I have told her, once for all, that she is never to come out to you again." "Then let me come in, Goutta," said Oswald; there is nothing else for it, I must talk to




"Be quick then," said the mother, a little softened as she

opened the door.

When he entered the little low room,

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