Where Peace descending bids her olives spring, 430 ) DEfcend, 2 Escend, ye Nine! descend and fing; Wake into voice each filent string, F4 5 While Ode for Music.] 'This is one of the most artful as well as fublime of our Poet's smaller compositions. The first stanza is a description of the various tones and measures in music. The Second relates their power over the several paffions in general. The third, their use in infpiring the Heroic paffions in particular. The fourth, fifth, and fixth, their power over all nature in the fable of Orpheus's expedition to hell; which fubject of illuftration arose naturally out of the preceding mention of the Argonautic expedition, where Orpheus gives an example of the use of Music to inspire the heroic passions. The seventh and last concludes in praise of Mufic, and the advantages of the facred above the prophane. While in more lengthen'd notes and flow, And fill with spreading sounds the skies; By Music, minds an equal temper know, Melancholy lifts her head, III. But when our Country's cause provokes to Arms, 10 15 20 25 30 35 So 1 |