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pours water gently over it. When the Bishop has washed it, the cleric with the dish raises the foot so that the Bishop may dry and kiss it. The first Deacon gives the towel to the Bishop, and the cleric with the dish pours the water away. The Bishop gives the poor man the towel he has used, also an alms from the hands of the first Deacon; the poor man kisses the Bishop's hand while receiving it. The other twelve are treated in the same manner, and their shoes put on with the help of the


37. The Bishop now returns to his throne, washes his hands (using bread and lemon if necessary), all meanwhile kneeling, canons excepted. The Acolytes with candles stand at the foot of the throne, and the book and bugia are brought to the Bishop. The first Deacon, having removed the gremial, puts on the cope, and the second takes off the Mitre. The Bishop rises and sings the Pater noster, &c., with the prayer. He finally makes the sign of the cross while all kneel. The Acolytes retire, and a servant approaches with the cappa. The Bishop is unvested by the Deacon and Subdeacon, who then salute him and retire to unvest themselves. The Assistant Deacons, and servant help to put on the cappa, the latter fastening up the train. The Bishop departs accompanied by the canons. He will afterwards receive the thirteen to dine at his house, and serve them himself, assisted by the clergymen of his household. Meanwhile, all retire for rest and refreshment; the sacristan, however, will make the necessary preparations for the Tenebræ offices, and occasionally inspect the Altar of Repose.


ARTICLE I.-Preparations.

1. At the Altar of Repose :-An uncovered genuflexorium with two purple cushions, a white humeral veil, eight torches of white wax, a black silk cushion on the

lowest step of the Altar, a black stole, and the key of the urn on the Altar. Near at hand, the portable steps, and outside the chapel, the white canopy.

2. At the Chapel where the Bishop is to rest, the Altar will be unvested and bare, with the exception of veiled cross and six candles of yellow wax in candelabræ, not of silver or bright metal. Upon the Altar the black vestments for the Bishop, unadorned with embroidery or other ornamentation, in the following order; chasuble, maniple, dalmatic, tunic, stole, pectoral cross, girdle, alb, and amice: the whole covered with a black veil. On the Gospel side the simple Mitre. On the credence (the surface only being covered with a white cloth), two black folded chasubles and maniples, a breviary for the prayer Respice, &c., the Pontifical, a silver jug and basin, a silver salver with two towels, a plain purple humeral veil if required, for the lay dignitary, and two Acolytes' candles (unbleached), if the officiant be an Archbishop. Before the Altar a faldstool with two purple cushions of woollen material, a similar cushion will be placed on the chair of the uncovered throne, and a stool on each side for the Deacons. On the Epistle side, an uncovered bench for the Deacon and Subdeacon, and conveniently, benches for the Canons and rest of the clergy, also uncovered, and without ornaments.

3. In the adjacent sacristy:-Amices, and black vestments for the Canons, viz., copes for the dignitaries, chasubles for the Canon Priests, and folded chasubles for the Canon Deacons and Subdeacons. Two amices, albs and girdles, and a black stole for the Sacred Ministers, and an amice and cope for the Assistant Priest, who for this Function shall be the highest Canon Priest but one. Two black Copes, where customary, for the Clerks of the Book and Mitre. If the Celebrant be an Archbishop, a folded chasuble, &c., for the Subdeacon of his Cross. All the vestments should be without embroidery or festive adornments.

4. The High Altar, without antependium or cloths, should have only the Cross and six candlesticks of plain metal-not silver or gilt. The Cross to be veiled in black silk, fastened conveniently for the unveiling, and the candles of unbleached wax. On the predella a cornu

Epistolæ, a faldstool, and a parte Evangelii in plano, the Processional Cross (veiled with purple) in its stand. If the Celebrant is an Archbishop, the stand only is prepared. Before the Altar, two cushions of purple woollen material. 5. On the credence (the surface only being covered), the Acolytes' candles of unbleached wax, unless prepared in the secretarium for the case of an Archbishop, a silver jug and basin, two towels on a silver salver, a plain humeral veil of purple if required for the lay dignitary to wash the Bishop's hands, the wine and water cruets, &c., a silver chalice with purificator, paten, pall, a corporal in a black burse, a covered vessel of water and purificator in case of need, Missal, with black cover and markers on its stand,, book of Epistles, &c., also in black, an Altar Cloth of the size of the table of the Altar, black gremial for the Bishop, two silver thuribles, and a silver incense-boat, a black stolone for the Deacon, a silver alms' dish, the form of indulgence, and a large breviary.

6. Near the credence:-A black kneeling cushion, a large purple woollen carpet, a purple silk velvet cushion with gold embroidery and a long white silk veil, embroidered with purple for the adoration of the Cross. The white veil and the cushion should have strings with which to secure the Cross if necessary. In convenient places, an extinguisher and taper for the Altar-candles, and the portable steps. The benches of the Canons and the three Lecterns for the Passio, should be uncovered.

7. In the Sacristy, eight black Copes for the bearers of the canopy, three amices, albs, girdles, black maniples and stoles for the Cantors of the Passio; the books of the Passio with black covers and markers; if necessary for an Archbishop, a black folded chasuble, girdle, alb, and amice for the Subdeacon of his Cross; finally the holywater and aspersory, if customary to retain holy-water in the stoups.

ARTICLE II.-The Mass of the Pre-sanctified.

8. Prime, Tierce, and Sext are recited at the usual hour, the candles not being lighted. The rattle is then sounded for the Canons to accompany the Bishop. If the Celebrant be an Archbishop, his Cross is carried before him. The

Bishop will receive holy water, and asperse the bystanders if it be customary to retain holy water in the stoups of the Cathedral. Entering the church he puts on the hood of his cappa, and omits to bless the people. Having arrived at the Altar of Repose he makes his visit as usual, but with genuflections utroque genu, and then proceeds to the secretarium to be vested. Here the Bishop makes a short prayer, while the Canons and all others take their respective places, the three who are to assist at the throne excepted, as they retire to vest, in order to be ready at the end of None. In the case of an Archbishop, his Cross-bearer should retire to vest also.

9. The Bishop takes his place at the throne, and None is commenced as yesterday. After the intonation of the psalm, the Bishop sits and covers with his hood. The book-bearer places himself with the Pontificale so that the Bishop may conveniently (passing over the accustomed psalms and prayers) recite only the prayers for the vestments, omitting those for the buskins and gloves, which are not used on this occasion. This over, the book-bearer places the Pontificale on the credence, and together with the mitre-bearer goes to the adjacent sacristy to vest in Cope: another cleric in cotta may take his place for the prayer Respice. The Bishop goes to the faldstool, for the Christus factus est, &c., and the Miserere: the choir will also kneel. After the prayer Respice, the Bishop salutes the Cross and goes to the throne, followed by the Assistant Deacons. Two servers remove the faldstool and cushions. The book and mitre-bearers in Copes, the Assistant Priest, Deacon, and Subdeacon vested, now enter; the Ministers go to their bench on the Epistle side, and the Assistant Priest to the right of the throne. A servant will take his position near the second Deacon.

10. The Bishop is divested of his cappa, and the servant unlaces his train. He then sits, and his ring being taken off by the Assistant Priest, washes his hands more solito. The Assistant Priest returns to his place, and the Canons retire to vest and return also to their places. The Deacon and Subdeacon go to the throne with the clerics of the vestments. The Assistant Deacons retire to vest, and

return immediately, the Ministers, having vested the Bishop, go to the credence to assume their maniples. The Assistant Priest puts on the Bishop's ring, and places himself at his right hand, while the sacred Ministers are at his left. They proceed processionally to the High Altar as at other Pontifical Masses, except that the Subdeacon does not carry the book, and the Bishop does not bless the people.

11. The Bishop prays longer than usual at the faldstool before the High Altar. Two Acolytes spread a cloth on the table only of the Altar, and fold it back towards the candlesticks: another places the book-stand on the Epistle corner. The Bishop rises, the faldstool and cushions are removed, he kisses the Altar, between the Deacon and Subdeacon, and goes to sit upon the faldstool at the Epistle end of the Predella, so as to have the Altar on his right and the choir on his left hand. The Deacon puts on his Mitre and gremial veil. The Assistant Priest goes to the right in front of the steps, near the Bishop; the Assistant Deacons to the left, leaving room in the middle for the Sacred Ministers who descend from the predella: they all bow to the Altar and to the Bishop, and sit on the highest step next below the predella. The Clerks of the book and Mitre sit on the side steps, behind the Bishop. A cleric then sings the lesson with the same rite as an Epistle, and having genuflected to the Altar, replaces the book on the credence, meanwhile the Deacons of the Passio will be vesting.

12. The Ministers and Assistants rise, salute the Altar and the Bishop and take their places thus: the Assistant Priest to the left of the Bishop, the Deacon and Subdeacon to the right and left somewhat behind him, and the Assistant Deacons, in plano, behind them. The bookbearer kneels in front of the Bishop with the Missal which he places on the stand at the Altar, when he shall have read the Prophecy and Tract. The Deacon then takes off the gremial and Mitre, and stands behind the Bishop, the Subdeacon behind him, and the Assistant Priest at the Bishop's right, for the singing of the prayer with Flectamus genua, the faldstool being moved, if necessary. The Sub

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