Exploring and Proclaiming the Apostles'Roger Van Harn Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 14 wrz 2004 - 297 Foreword by Geoffrey Wainwright Doctrinal preaching has fallen on hard times in recent years. Exploring and Proclaiming the Apostles' Creed seeks to stimulate renewed interest in -- and provide useful models of -- Christian proclamation that is truly rooted in the central tenets of the faith. Using the Apostles' Creed as a template for doctrinal, confessional preaching, this book draws together an ecumenical cast of respected biblical scholars and preachers who explain the creed and demonstrate its preaching possibilities. Each of the book's fifteen chapters consists of an essay that explores and illuminates one of the creed's articles of faith, followed by a scintillating sermon that models how that article can be preached as good news today. Contributors: Walter R. Bouman Richard A. Burridge Philip W. Butin Gabriel Fackre David F. Ford Colin Gunton Richard B. Hays Craig C. Hill Scott E. Hoezee Leslie J. Hoppe George Hunsinger Scott Black Johnston James F. Kay Richard A. Lischer Thomas G. Long Lois Malcolm Daniel L. Migliore Richard A. Norris Jr. Steven D. Paulson Cornelius Plantinga Cynthia L. Rigby Fleming Rutledge William M. Shand III Marguerite Shuster Wm. C. Turner Robert Louis Wilken Ralph C. Wood Susan K. Wood Frances M. Young Robin Darling Young |
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Spis treści
The Triune God Credo in deum patrem in lesum Christum et in Spiritum sanctum | 1 |
The Triune God Who Seeks and Finds Us | 13 |
I Believe in God the Father Almighty Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem | 20 |
The Almighty God | 33 |
Creator of Heaven and Earth Creatorem coeli et terrae | 38 |
The End in the Beginning | 49 |
And in Jesus Christ His Only Son Our Lord Et in lesum Christum filium eius unicum dominum nostrum | 55 |
I Believe in Jesus Christ Gods Only Son Our Lord | 73 |
He Ascended into Heaven and Is Seated at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty Ascendit ad coelos sedet ad dexteram dei patris omnipotentis | 161 |
God Has Gone Up with a Shout | 173 |
From There He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead Inde venturus est iudicare vivus et mortuos | 178 |
From There He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead | 191 |
I Believe in the Holy Spirit Credo in Spiritum sanctum | 197 |
I Believe in the Holy Spirit | 212 |
The Holy Catholic Church the Communion of Saints Sanctam ecclesiam catholicam sanctorum communionem | 219 |
The Dream Church | 233 |
Conceived by the Holy Spirit Born of the Virgin Mary Qui conceptus est de Spiritu sancto natus ex Maria virgine | 79 |
A Christmas Eve Sermon | 93 |
He Suffered under Pontius Pilate Was Crucified Died and Was Buried Passus sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus mortuus et sepultus | 99 |
The Call of the Crucified | 111 |
He Descended into Hell Descendit ad inferna | 117 |
Harrowing | 130 |
The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead Tertia die resurrexit a mortuis | 136 |
The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead | 154 |
The Forgiveness of Sins Remissionem peccatorum | 240 |
Reviving Forgiveness | 254 |
The Resurrection of the Body Carnis resurrectionem | 260 |
The Resurrection of the Body | 273 |
The Life Everlasting Et vitam aeternam | 279 |
The Life Everlasting | 292 |
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Acts affirmation Almighty Apostles ascension baptism baptized Barth beginning believe biblical birth body Bultmann called Calvin Catholic century Christ's resurrection Christology church coming communion of saints confession Corinthians created creation Creator Creed cross crucified crucifixion dead death descent into hell disciples divine doctrine early Christian earth eschatological eternal event everlasting evil faith Father final flesh forgiveness of sins Genesis glory God's Gospel Gospel of John grace heaven historical Holy Spirit hope human incarnation interpretation Irenaeus Israel Jesus Christ Jewish John judge judgment Jürgen Moltmann Karl Barth living Lord Lord's Luke Mary Matt means mercy Messiah Moltmann N. T. Wright Old Testament Pannenberg Paul Paul's Pentecost person phrase Pilate Pontius Pilate prayer preaching prophets resurrection of Jesus risen Roman salvation Scripture Sermon Sheol soul story suffering teaching theologians Theology things tion tradition trinitarian Trinity triune universe virgin words worship