A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq. on His Notice of the "Practical and Internal Evidence Against Catholicism:"Murray, Albemarle Street, 1826 - 131 |
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Strona 4
... of your being which is under the absolute control of your Church . I wish you particularly to notice the word spiritual , because I never have urged , I never will urge , the temporal claims of your Church against 4 MENTAL ALLEGIANCE OF.
... of your being which is under the absolute control of your Church . I wish you particularly to notice the word spiritual , because I never have urged , I never will urge , the temporal claims of your Church against 4 MENTAL ALLEGIANCE OF.
Strona 5
... word spiritual has any meaning , spiritual obedience must mean obedience of the mind ; and those who profess it , as they hope for salvation , to the Pope and his church , must renounce , by that act , every right to use the powers of ...
... word spiritual has any meaning , spiritual obedience must mean obedience of the mind ; and those who profess it , as they hope for salvation , to the Pope and his church , must renounce , by that act , every right to use the powers of ...
Strona 6
... word of individual mem- bers of this mental or spiritual nation - of men whose minds , in matters relating to religion , are as much under a definite constitution , and a visible authority , as men in their civil capacity are under the ...
... word of individual mem- bers of this mental or spiritual nation - of men whose minds , in matters relating to religion , are as much under a definite constitution , and a visible authority , as men in their civil capacity are under the ...
Strona 8
... words of both passages will be found in another part of this Letter . a hardship , that Protestants will not be satisfied with 8 MENTAL ALLEGIANCE OF kingdom VII The Protestant Churches, especially that of England, defended from the ...
... words of both passages will be found in another part of this Letter . a hardship , that Protestants will not be satisfied with 8 MENTAL ALLEGIANCE OF kingdom VII The Protestant Churches, especially that of England, defended from the ...
Strona 11
... words of Antoninus , Bishop of Florence , the ori- ginal historian , from whom Paulus Æmilius took the fact of the adoration which the Pope , Martin IV , received from the Parnomitan legates , under the appellation of the Lamb of God ...
... words of Antoninus , Bishop of Florence , the ori- ginal historian , from whom Paulus Æmilius took the fact of the adoration which the Pope , Martin IV , received from the Parnomitan legates , under the appellation of the Lamb of God ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq. On His Notice of the "Practical and ... Joseph Blanco White Podgląd niedostępny - 2018 |
A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq.: On His Notice of the "Practical and ... Joseph Blanco White Podgląd niedostępny - 2018 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Agnus Dei allegiance allowed answer believe Blanco White blishment Butler candour Canons Catechism Catholic Prelates Challoner character charge Christ Christian Church of England Church of Rome clarations clause concealed Council of Florence Council of Trent creed declaration decrees divine doctrine of Exclusive duty edition English Roman error Evidence Exclusive Salvation fact feel friends give heresy heretics Holy honourable infallible Inquisition intolerance Irish bishops Joseph Blanco White judgment Lamb of God Letter means mental mind never nobis notice oath is tendered obliged omission omitted opinion oracle Parliament passage Paulus Æmilius persecution Pius Pius IV political Pope Popery Prelates priests Profession of Faith Protestant published quam question reader relating religion religious Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic doctrine Romanist Seville solemn Spain Spanish spiritual sufficiently proposed tion tollis peccata translation true Church truth unquestionable authority V. S. Illma Vindication words
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 17 - This true catholic faith, out of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess, and truly hold, I, N. promise, vow and swear most constantly to hold and profess the same whole and entire, with God's assistance, to the end of my life...
Strona 131 - man of sin," " the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped ; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God;
Strona 131 - Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
Strona 17 - ... spiritum, constantissime (Deo adjuvante) retinere et confiteri, atque a meis subditis, vel illis quorum cura ad me in munere meo spectabit, teneri, doceri, et prsedicari, quantum in me erit, curaturum. Ego idem N. spondeo, voveo, ac juro.
Strona 89 - ... certain proof of the Christian religion, unless we took it from the authority of the church as infallible. This was such a delivering up of the cause to them, that it raised in all good men a very high indignation at popery ; that party shewing, that they chose to make men who would not turn papists become atheists, rather than believe Christianity upon any other ground than infallibility.
Strona 88 - Hobbs and his followers, the papists acted upon this a very strange part. They went in so far even into the argument for atheism, as to publish many books, in which they affirmed, that there was no certain proof of the Christian religion, unless we took it from the authority of the church as infallible.
Strona 59 - Fiet enim subito sus horridus atraque tigris „ Squamosusque draco et fulva cervice leaena, „Aut acrem flammae sonitum dabit atque ita vinclis „Excidet, aut in aquas tenues dilapsus abibit.
Strona 37 - I most firmly admit and embrace apostolical and ecclesiastical traditions, and all other constitutions and observances of the same church. " I also admit the sacred scriptures, according to the sense which the holy mother church has held, and does hold, to whom it belongs to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy scriptures; nor will I ever take or interpret them otherwise than according to the unanimous consent of the fathers.
Strona 17 - Hanc veram Catholicam fidem extra quam nemo salvus esse potest quam in praesenti sponte profiteor et veraciter teneo eandem integram et inviolatam usque ad extremum vitae spiritum constantissime (Deo adjuvante) retinere, et confiteri atque a meis subditis, vel illis quorum cura ad me in munere meo spectabit, teneri, doceri et praedicari quantum in me erit curaturum, ego Idem Sasboldus Vosmerus Vicarius apostolicus spondeo, voveo ac juro, sic me Deus adjuvet et haec Sancta Dei Evangelia.
Strona 108 - BD in the University of Seville ; Licentiate of Divinity in the University of Osuna; formerly Chaplain Magistral (Preacher) to the King of Spain, in the Royal Chapel at Seville ; Fellow, and once Rector, of the College of St. Mary a Jesu of the same Town ; Synodal Examiner of the Diocess of Cadiz ; Member of the Royal Academy of Belles-Lettres, of Seville, &c. &c. ; now a Clergyman of the Church of England ; Author of " Doblado's Letters from Spain.