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Academical Education, the present state

of, briefly noticed, 275.
Adelung Mr.), his work, called, " Mi-
thridates; or a General History of
Languages," considered, 476-its ob-
ject described, 477-his enquiry into,
and opinion on, the origin of speech,
with remarks, 478-482-the like
as to the original seat of the human
race, and the seat of paradise, 482,
483-table showing his arrangement
of languages, 485 his opinion on
the Chinese language considered,
490 his opinion respecting the an-
cient Getæ, 502-the like as to the
Illyrians, 503-his attack on the
Welsh resented, 507-his account of
the German dialects, 510-of the
English, ibid.-of the Sclavonian, ibid.

of the languages of the various
nations of the north of Asia, 515-of
the Caucasian nations, 517-of the
natives of the South Sea Islands and
the Negro races, 520.
Eschylus, passage from, quoted, 165—

Prometheus Vinctus considered, 306
-remark on his high character as a
dramatic writer, 310—the various in-
terpretations of different editors of
his works considered, 311-323.
Africa, a brief remark on an expedi-
tion now preparing for the interior
of Africa, 447.

Africans, remarkable instances of des-
perate resolution in, when in capti-
vity, 136, 139-their natural capa-
city equal to that of Europeans, 137
-their unhappiness in the European
Colonies proved, with instances, 138.
Albania described, 158-the appear-
ance of the troops there remarked on,
Alfieri, his reputation as a tragic writer
in Italy described, 325-his claim to
the name of a tragic poet considered
at some length, 328, 329-the general

character of his tragedies examined,
329-336-his play of "Saul” con-
sidered, with quotations, 337-346
-quotations from some other of his
tragedies, 348-350.

Ali Pasha, the Albanian chief, descrip-
tion of his life and character, &c.
159 his military force, 160-his re-
venues and government, ibid.-his
political intelligence and manner of
receiving strangers, 161-summary of
his character, 162.

Alluvial Remains, interesting remarks
on, in various parts of the world, 47
-important observations on those de-
posits, 48.

Armenian Language, some account of,

Arts, their great improvement in the
United States observed on, 413.
Athens, elegant description of, 167..
Augustin (St.), his method of interpret-
ing the Psalms described, 3.
Austria, her great importance in the
present state of Europe considered,
225, 226.

Author, the first business of one, accord-
ing to Dr. Johnson, 275.


Bacon (Lord, his philosophical pages
recommended to the perusal of the
academical student, 200.

Bakewell (Mr.), interesting passage from
his Evidence before the Committee of
the House of Commons on the state
of the mad-houses in England, 529.
Balance of Power, remarks on the mo-
dern signification of, 218-the prin
cipal obstacle in the way of, in
Europe, removed, 220-the slow pro-
gress which has for many years been
made in effecting it in Europe ex-
plained, 224.

Bali, an Eastern language so called,
history of, 499.

Berkeley (Bishop), his doctrine on the

subject of the philosophy of the hu-
man mind, 170.

Best (Dr.), his appointment to the of-
fice of physician to the York Lunatic
Asylum considered, 541-his reten-
tion in his office after the dismissal of
the other officers, and his vindication
of himself, considered, 548-550-
his resignation, 550.

Bethlem Hospital, extracts from the ex-
amination before the Committee of
the House of Commons on mad-houses,
as applicable to it, 550-interesting
answers of Mr. Wakefield on the
subject, showing the various abuses
and cruelties existing there, ibid.-
553-the want of regular inspection
complained of, 555.

Bible, extensive and beneficial effects

of its circulation on the minds of the
vulgar described, 255-its extensive
circulation, 265.

Bible Society, its character, and the ten-
dency of its labours defended against
the objections of Mr. Norris, 257-
263-sketch of the progress and re-
sult of its operations, 265–267.
Bishops, an increase of vigilance in
their dioceses recommended, and the
present want of it regretted, 270-
certain of them exempted from the
charge of indifference, ibid.-the ne-
cessity of a frequent intercouse be-
tween them and their clergy insisted
on, 272.

Blomfield (Mr.), his editions of the
"Prometheus Vinctus," "Septem
contra Thebas," and "Perse," of
Eschylus considered, 306-his cha-
racter as a scholar remarked on,
309-the difficulties with which he
had to contend in Eschylus noticed,
ibid the three plays considered, with
his interpretations, and the various
readings of different editors, 310-
323-Note quoted illustrative of his
judicious criticism, 322-the merits
of his labours finally considered, with
an observation on his Latin style, 324.
Book Trade, the flourishing state of, in
the United States of America noticed,
412, 413

Boston (in New England), its principal

manufactures described, 392.
Bridges, the state of, in the United
States, considered, and two remark-
able ones described, 405, 406.
Brighton, the want of church accomme-
dation there, shewn, 280.
Britain, its various strata described,

Buonaparte, his decree for abolishing
the slave trade after his landing in
France from Elba, 126-144-his
opinion on the subject as expressed
during his residence on that island,
127-his recent usurpatiou of power
considered, 209—the prediction of a
certain Noble Marquis of that event,
ibid-his utter contempt of treaties
remarked on, 214-the mode of dis-
posing of him and his traiterous fol-
lowers considered, 235-his atrocity
described, 236, 237-madness of his
Russian expedition, 442.
Burke (Mr.), philosophical and just
remark by him quoted, 199-his sen-
timents on the fate of religion in jaco-
bin France, 220.

Byron (Lord), remark on the ten-
dency of his poetry, 156—his Hebrew
melodies considered, 200-their poe-
tical merit, 201-serious hints to his
Lordship, 203-extracts from his me-
lodies, 204-206-the remainder of
them descanted on, 207.


Calmucks, description of the, 451-433
-their religion, called Lamism, de-
scribed, and their temples, 453, 454
-remarkably large drum used in
their temples described, 454-im-
mense number of their sacred books
noticed, 455-particulars descriptive
of the excellence of their moral cha
racters, 456.

Canada, the present bad state of the
roads and bridges there complained

of, 407.

Canals in the United States, the present

state of, described, with remarks on
an important projected one, 404.
Cantabrian, or Iberian Language, its
grammatical construction, &c. consi-
dered, 513-shown to be an original
tongue, ibid.

Carolina, South, the state of agriculture
there, tenure of the lands, incomes of
farmers, mode of living, produce, &c,
described, 384-386-great propor
tion of slaves in that province no-
ticed, 387-its agriculture and com
merce at different periods, 402-the
planters there described, 410.
Castlereagh (Lord), his activity and abi-
lity in the negotiations at Vienna for
the abolition of the slave trade con-
sidered, 142-his letter to Earl Ba
thurst describing his interview with
the Emperor of Russia on the sub-
ject, 153-his luminous speech on

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