Veblen in Perspective: His Life and Thought

Przednia okładka
Routledge, 1 cze 2015 - 224
This work discusses the impact and contemporary relevance of the work of Thorstein Veblen, as well as the source of his ideas. It suggests that he was one of the first modern sociologists of consumption whose analysis of contemporary display and fashion anticipated later theories and research.

Spis treści

The Times Life and Works of Thorstein Veblen 18571929
The Mistaken Marginality of the Man from Mars
Ethnicity and Evolutionism
Back to the Future?
The Conspicuous Conservation of Leisure Class Culture
Predatory Institutions
Workmanship Institutions
Conclusions reference
Index About the Author

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Informacje o autorze (2015)

Stephen Edgell is Professor of Sociology at the University of Salford, Greater Manchester, England. He is the author of Middle Class Couples: A Study of Segregation, Domination and Inequality in Marriage (1980), and Class (1993); coauthor of A Measure of Thatcherism: A Sociology of Britain (1991); and joint editor of Debating the Future of the Public Sphere (1995) and Consumption Matters: The Production and Experience of Consumption (1996). He has published extensively in British, European, and American journals on Thorstein Veblen and on the sociology of the family, class, work, and politics. He is an elected director of the International Thorstein Veblen Association.

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