INDEX OF FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. A charge to keep I have. Abba, Father, hear thy child....... Ah! whither should I go... .... All praise to Him who dwells in..... 550 182 979 922 574 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Put. 920 248 Awake, Jerusalem, awake.... 445 377 851 4 775 106 594 96 11 Awake, my soul, and with the sun... 73 173 962 Away, my unbelieving fear.......... 626 .... Am I a soldier of the cross. Amazing grace! how sweet the sound. 427 Before Jehovah's awful throne....... 9 And am I born to die. And am I only born to die..... 996 Before thy mercy-seat, O Lord....... 61 599 And are we yet alive.... And can I yet delay 401 Behold the Saviour of mankind... 215 And can it be that I should gain..... 422 Behold the servant of the Lord.... Bright and joyful is the morn.... 191 Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above.... 457 Bright was the guiding star that led.. 300 Brightest and best of the sons of the. 186 Brother, hast thou wandered far..... 906 But can it be that I should prove.... 541 By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored. 850 875 By thy birth, and by thy tears....... 417 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast.... Come, thou almighty King.... Come, thou Fount of every blessing.. 726 Come, thou soul-transforming Spirit.. Come to the land of peace Come unto me, when shadows darkly. 334 341 1052 652 359 226 340 1083 41 63 926 364 55 683 Christ, whose glory fills the skies.... 1047 257 778 22 Daughter of Zion, awake from thy... 1004 627 Day of judgment, day of wonders.... 1029 781 1096 Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songs... Come, let us join our cheerful songs.. 306 538 336 877 379 405 Depth of mercy! can there be....... 1073 Earth's transitory things decay...... 978 1033 Enthroned is Jesus now. 253 270 586 132 623 128 1108 921 70 260 Commit thou all thy griefs. 672 ..... 90 Eternal Power, whose high abode.... Fade, fade, each earthly joy... Faith of our fathers! living still..... Far from my thoughts, vain world... Far from the world, O Lord, I flee... Far from these scenes of night....... Father, hear the blood of Jesus...... Father, how wide thy glory shines. Father, I dare believe.. Father, I know that all my life..... Father, I stretch my hands to thee... Father, in whom we live.... Father of all, whose powerful voice.. Father of eternal grace.. Father of everlasting grace Father of heaven, whose love profound. Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord..... Father of love, our Guide and Friend. Father of mercies, bow thine ear..... Father of mercies, in thy word... Father of mercies, send thy grace.... Father, Son, and Holy Ghost... ... Father, to thee my soul I lift........ Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go..... ..... From all that dwell below the skies.. From Calvary a cry was heard....... From every stormy wind that blows.. From Greenland's icy mountains..... From lips divine, like healing balm.. From the cross uplifted high.. ... Full of trembling expectation........ Gently, Lord, O gently lead us....... ... 299 God of eternal truth and grace...... 523 God of Israel's faithful three 470 God of love, who hearest prayer.... 124 610 ....... 722 625 458 God of my life, through all my days. 692 God of my life, to thee I call. 569 God of my life, what just return..... 911 God of my life, whose gracious power. 1060 God of my salvation, hear 533 God, the All-Terrible, thou who..... 1050 God's holy law transgressed. 606 Grace! 'tis a charming sound. 1036 Gracious Redeemer, shake 564 Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd. 431 Gracious soul, to whom are given.... 1081 Gracious Spirit, Love divine. 1009 Grant me within thy courts a place.. 169 386 1092 314 321 He comes! He comes! the Judge..... He dies! the Friend of sinners dies.. He leadeth me! O blessed thought... He wills that I should holy be. 1018 1107 622 Head of the Church triumphant..... Head of the Church, whose Spirit fills. Hear, O sinner, mercy hails you Hear what God the Lord hath spoken. Hearts of stone, relent, relent....... Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord.... Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly.. Help us, O Lord, thy yoke to wear... Here I can firmly rest Here on earth, where foes surround us. High in yonder realms of light...... High on his everlasting throne...... Ho! every one that thirsts draw nigh. Holy, and true, and righteous Lord.. Holy as thou, O Lord, is none... Holy Father, send thy blessing...... Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness...... Holy Ghost, with light divine Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts.. Holy Lamb, who thee receive..... Holy Spirit, Fount of blessing...... Holy Spirit, Truth divine 58 234 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight. How vain are all things here below.. .... 780 980 316 328 747 177 662 960 826 573 426 755 512 529 I am baptized into thy name 680 I and my house will serve the Lord.. 924 I ask the gift of righteousness...... 535 343 I heard the voice of Jesus say. 777 I know no life divided 339 I know that my Redeemer lives, And. 20 I know that my Redeemer lives; What. 543 I lay my sins on Jesus... 904 I long to behold Him arrayed 436 I love the Lord: he heard my cries... 621 727 I love thy kingdom, Lord. 1067 I love to hear the story. 811 I love to steal awhile away.... 131 I thank thee, uncreated Sun 265 I think, when I read that sweet story. 242 754 1064 770 886 709 756 |