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Bestiis sensum et motum natura dedit; homini hoc amplius, quod addidit rationem. Qui reipublicae est hostis, is civis esse nullo modo potest. Non dubitat agricola, quamvis senex, quaerenti cui serat, respondere: Diis immortalibus, qui me non accipere modo haec a majoribus voluerunt, sed etiam posteris prodere. Docto homini atque erudito cogitare est vivere. Ut gubernatori cursus secundus, medico salus, imperatori victoria, sic moderatori reipublicae beata civium vita proposita est. Majores nostri in legibus scribendis nihil sibi aliud nisi salutem atque utilitatem reipublicae proposuerunt. Praemia proposita sunt virtutibus et supplicia vitiis. Agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum pro qua multa majores vestri et gravia bella gesserunt. Perniciosis etiam rebus non modo nomen deorum tributum est, sed etiam sacra constituta. In hanc exercitationem (huic exercitationi) studiose operam dedimus. Quis taetrior hostis Catilina civitati fuit? Rempublicam vigilanti homini, non timido, diligenti, non ignavo, commisistis.



(Exercises, p. 18.)



I rejoice that this case has been put into my hands. I have said has neither deprived Lucullus of just praise, nor conferred on him unjust praise. Alexander sealed the letter with his ring, and placed it under the pillow on which he was reclining.2 Character is not formed in men so much by the race from which they spring, as from those circumstances which are supplied by the nature of the place and the habits of life, in the midst of which we are brought up and live. The ruinous walls of Corinth, which I suddenly beheld, had moved me more than the Corinthians themselves, whose minds had been rendered insensible by long familiarity.3 I exhort all who can (do it), to snatch from Greece, which is now inactive, and to carry to this city, the glory of philosophy also.5 Nature has implanted in man, without instruction, slight ideas of the most important matters. You miss the most distinguished citizens: Antony has deprived you of them. It is not unjust for each

1 Neither just praise has been withdrawn from Lucullus by my speech, nor unjust added to him.- Alexander placed under the pillow, &c. the letter, impressed with the seal of his ring.-3 Over whose minds long thought had drawn the callum vetustatis. Callum is properly thick skin; hence, insensibility. Callum vetustatis is insensibility arising from length of time. That they snatch. Also; that is, as well as glory in other provinces.

one to seek for himself in life that which is necessary for his use; to take it from his neighbour is not lawful. I was able to snatch their firebrands and wrest their swords from their hands.


Bellum periculosum vestris vectigalibus atque sociis a duobus potentissimis regibus infertur. Equitibus Romanis, honestissimis viris, afferuntur ex Asia quotidie litterae. Alexander querebatur tantam victoriam eripi sibi e manibus. Hoc modo agmen pervenit ad urbem Tarson, cui tum Persae subjiciebant ignem, ne opulentum oppidum hostis invaderet. Natura cupiditatem veri inveniendi homini ingenuit. Quaecunque rebus iis, de quibus hic sermo est, nomina imponis, memoriae trado. Multi veterum nihil percipi, nihil sciri posse dixerunt; angustos sensus, imbecillos animos, brevia curricula vitae; in profundo veritatem esse demersam, omnia tenebris esse circumfusa. Insidiatori et latroni quae potest afferri injusta nex? Vos in tantis tenebris erroris et inscitiae clarissimum lumen praetulistis menti meae.


The earth is surrounded on all sides by that substance, necessary for life and breath, which is called air. Thou, Brutus, hadst joined every honour of virtue to the highest glory of eloquence. Nature itself has impressed an idea of the gods on the minds of all. It would be your duty to yield something even more important, to one with whom either inclination had associated you, or fortune had united you. Let frequent practice, which excels the precepts of all masters, be joined to that learning which each one has acquired by his own study.Cicero de Orat. i. 4. Aristotle, incited 2 by the glory of the rhetorician Isocrates, began to speak 3 also, to teach the youth, and to unite wisdom with eloquence. Epicurus thought that the wise man would always enjoy uninterrupted pleasures,* when to the expectation of pleasures hoped for was joined the memory of pleasures (already) enjoyed. I have attained a certain pre-eminent and immortal glory, coupled with odium and the enmity of many. If all of every age who have had a knowledge of law in this city, were brought into one place, they are not worthy to be compared with Sulpicius.

1 Animabilis, vivifying. Spirabilis, which can be breathed.-2 When he had been moved.-3 As an orator.-4 That perpetual pleasures would be in the wise



Nec continentia nęc

Animo vincula injici nulla possunt. pietate nec ullo genere virtutis quemquam ejusdem aetatis cum Pisone conferendum puto. Hominum duo sunt genera: alterum indoctum et agreste, quod antefert semper utilitatem honestati; alterum expolitum, quod rebus omnibus dignitatem anteponit. Mihi quod potuit vis et injuria et sceleratorum hominum furor detrahere, ereptum est; quod viro forti adimi non potest, manet et permanebit. Natura insculpsit in mentibus ut deos aeternos et beatos haberemus. Sunt multi qui eripiunt ab aliis, quod aliis largiantur. Se alii ad philosophiam, alii ad jus civile, alii ad eloquentiam applicant. Quidam ad eas laudes, quas a patribus acceperunt, addunt aliquam suam, ut Africanus eloquentia cumulavit bellicam gloriam. Quod idem fecit Timotheus, Cononis filius, qui quum belli laude non inferior fuisset quam pater, ad eam laudem doctrinae et ingenii gloriam adjecit.


(Exercises, p. 20.)


Not only did his countrymen assent to the wishes of Pompey, not only did the allies comply with them and enemies obey them, but even the winds and tempests conformed to them. Men do most good and injury to men. It is for the advantage of our country itself to have citizens dutiful to their parents. Punishment can befall none but the guilty. Quintus Servilius Ahala slew with (his own) hand Spurius Maelius, who was aiming at a revolution. I should think myself wicked, if I had failed my friend; cruel, if I had failed the unhappy; haughty, if I had failed the consul. Neither was the cause of Publius Sulla contrary to my nature, nor was the man (himself), nor the matter, repugnant to my compassion. The accuser threatens to put the slaves to the torture.1 When King Lysimachus was threatening Theodorus with the cross, he replied: Threaten,2 I pray, these courtiers of yours with such terrible matters. We must see to it, that we are liberal in such a way as to benefit our friends and injure nobody. Those who injure some that they may be liberal to others, are guilty of the same injustice

1 The accuser threatens us with examinations and tortures of the slaves.2 Threatens, says he.-3 That we use that liberality, which may. Are in.



as if they should convert the property of others to their own Those who bestow on any one any favour, such as 5 may injure him whom they appear desirous of benefiting, are not to be counted kind or liberal, but pernicious flatterers. This had happened to me beyond my expectation.

5 Which.-6 To wish to benefit.


Majores nostri semper in pace consuetudini, in bello utilitati paruerunt. Odia, invidiae, despicationes adversantur voluptatibus. Homo, naturae obediens, homini nocere non potest. Aequitas tollitur omnis, si habere suum cuique non licet. Ego pietate erga te ceteris satisfacio omnibus, mihi ipse nunquam satisfacio. Multi dubitabant quid optimum esset, multi quid sibi expediret, nonnulli etiam quid liceret. Animus corpori dicitur imperare, ut rex civibus suis aut parens liberis. Imperator tum incipiat aliis imperare, quum dedecori et turpitudini parere desierit. Dum his obediet, ne liber quidem habendus est. Homines hominum causa generati sunt, ut alii aliis prodessent. Magnitudine animi facile potest resisti fortunae. Si iis, qui imprudentes laeserunt, ignosci convenit, iis, qui necessario profuerunt, haberi gratiam non oportet. Iis, a quibus accusatus sum aut a quibus condemnatus, non succenseo, nisi quod mihi nocere se crediderunt. De Deiotaro laboro et de multis amplissimis viris, quibus semel esse ignotum a te oportet.


Converse with thyself, take thyself to counsel, listen to thyself, obey thyself. What citizen would not be well disposed to al king, whose whole life, he remembered, had been spent in the wars of the Roman people? Men envy an illustrious and flourishing fortune. Who could endure this-that indolent men should plot against the most active; the most foolish against the wisest? Demosthenes had such a defect in his speech, that he could not pronounce the first letter of that very art which he studied. Mithridates, in his flight, came upon Tigranes, the king of the Armenians, who revived his failing confidence.2 In such a cause, no one can be at a loss for words.3 You might perhaps have been able to remedy these misfortunes. There is a tradition, that Homer was blind. But we do not suppose that either Homer or any cultivated man at any time

1 That king. For the subjunctive meminisset, see Gram., § 360, 3.-2 Tigranes received Mithridates in his flight, and confirmed him, despairing of his affairs.. -3 Speech can be wanting to no one -4 It has been handed down.

was destitute of intellectual delight and pleasure. Those to whom orders had been given, slay Charidemus in the midst of these exclamations.7 The Stoics say, that envy is grief felt on account of the prosperity of another, which (prosperity) does not at all injure the person envying. Even for those who are not yet born,10 we must, for their own sakes, have regard. We shall call those just indeed, who strive to injure themselves that they may benefit others; but still we must necessarily 11 consider them foolish. How was it possible 12 that men should learn to exercise good faith, and to hold by justice, and should become accustomed of their own will to obey others, unless men had been able to enforce by eloquence what they had invented by reason? The world is governed by the providence of the gods, who likewise 13 have regard to human affairs, and not only in general, but also in particular. Not only the race of men in general, but individuals also, are wont to be taken care of and provided for by the immortal gods. All these things have been managed by me in such a way that they appear to have been both executed and designed by the will and counsel of the immortal gods.

5 That delight was wanting to Homer.-6 Delight of mind.-7 Exclaiming these things. Conceived.-9 Which in nothing injures. For the subj., see Gram., § 361.-10 Who are one day about to be.-11 It is necessary to.-12 How could it happen.-13 And the same (gods).


Non placuit majoribus nostris astus. Est hujus seculi labes quaedam et macula virtuti invidere. Sapiens solus liber est, nec dominationi cujusquam parens, nec obediens cupiditati. Invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus, quum se relictos sentiunt. Sed etiam superioribus invidetur saepe vehementer, et eo magis, si intolerantius se jactant. Regi, qui omnem aetatem in populi Romani bellis consumpsisset, ab omnibus civibus faveretur. Quam multi, quum a te nemini ignosci vellent, impedivissent clementiam tuam, quum etiam ii, quibus ignovisti, nolint te in alios esse misericordem? Vir bonus et sapiens et legibus parens utilitati omnium plus quam unius alicujus aut suae consulit. Thymodes impiger erat juvenis, cui praeceptum erat a rege, ut peregrinos milites a Pharnabazo acciperet. Nihil attinet repugnare naturae, nec quidquam sequi, quod assequi nequeas. Justitia, si alienis utilitatibus consulat, suas negligat, stultitia dicenda est. Fundamenta justitiae, primum ut ne cui noceatur, deinde ut communi utilitati serviatur. Stulti cruciantur, quum sero sentiunt, frustra se aut pecuniae studuisse aut imperiis aut gloriae. Aguntur bona multorum civium, quibus est a vobis et ipsorum et reipublicae

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