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HERE is no Conftitution on Earth bath ever been established on fuck fure foundations, nor fo fully provided for its fubfiftance as the Church of God. It being built on the Prophets and Apostles, Jefus Chrift himself being the chief Corner Stone. Hence therefore it bath from its boly bill, bebeld the Ruines of the greatest States and most flourishing Empires, baving continued in fafety, free from the fatal Accidences of Time, and triumphed not. only over the Rage of men, but also the repeated Infults of the gates of Hell. And tho it bath been often ftraitned as to its extent, and leffened as to its number, yet hath remained firm on its own Bafts: yea, when most reduced, it hath forever made good that Motto, Depreffa Refurgo; and fo it fall continue to the end of the World But to the fame of its Offenders, the Church hath suffered most from the Wounds, which he bath received in the boufe of her Friends, from those Wolves, that have come to Her in Sheeps Cleathing. Damnable Errors and Herefies bave arifen from within her, wherby she kath sometimes been coft inte borrible fhades of Darkness, as Rev. 9. 2. When

When the bottomlefs pic was opened, the fmoke afcending darkned the Son and Air, Yet when thus grievovfly Blackned, a Comeliness remained ftill: Oberwbiles She is feen bleeding with theWounds of Schifm and Contention, Offenfive and burtful to Her Sacred Head and. Members, for theUndivided head rejoyceth in an Undivided Body is undefiled is but one, Cant.


As She becomes divided, She becomes defiled: And hereby alfo the mutual Offices of the refpesive Members of this und ficd one are Interrupted to the prejudice of the Whole. Whence follow great diferders, as when the Eye will not fee for the Hand nor the Hend take care of the Feet, nor our Union to Chrft be acknowledged a fufficient bond to establish a relation between Members in particular 1 Co


God's Providence forever bears the upper band in thefe Events, who fuffers the corrupt Minds of Men to run into Errors and Divifions,that the approved may be made manitelt, Cor. 11 19 Surb ill minded Perfons being threatned with a Wo,that are the Authors or Promoters of fach Offences. The Atheift endeavours to overthrow the whole Conftitution of Religion: The Deit to take away all that part of it, that promifeth finners any fafety from the Wrath to come, and retain no more than what is enough to condemn him, and to take away all excufe for his difobedience, Rom:

1. 20. The Church of Chrift bath also been à great fufferer from the Immoralities & diforderly walking of thofe that are related to Her, whofe Leaven hath fometimes hazarded the whole Jump. 1 Cor. 5. 6. Whose unfeemly Practifes have given advantage to Enemies to speak evil of the ways of God, and to question the Truth of our boly Religion, the fincerity of the Profeffors thereof. These must be acknowledged to be Spots and Blemishes, 2 Pet. 2. 13. The Wisdom of our Law giver King and Judge, who alone bath theOriginal Joveraignty of giving being to,and laying the Foundations of the burch, and whofe only is the Legiflative power therein, bath given fuch ample Rights and Priviledges to the Church and such Excellent Rules for its Government, as are Inviting to Strangers, like a City fet on a Hill, Mat. 5. 14. And bath lodged the Executive power in approved bands, that those who love the Church may be in peace, and Her Enemies may find Her Terrible as an Army with Banners, and that She might yield feafonable edification to thofe that walk Regularly within Her limits, and be able to Dif charge Her felf of Impenitent and Incorrigible Offenders. Many of the forementioned mifchiefs bave to our forrow afflicted the Churches within this Government, and by degrees we have fallen under much decay. Whereupon our dif culties have been of a long time troub?


for the bealing cur Wounds, a more Explicate alerting the Rules of Government fufficiently provided in the Holy Word bath been thought bighly expedient Wherefore,

The Honourable, the General Affembly of this Colony cut of a Tender regard to the welfare of the Churches within the limits of their Government, were pleased to appoint the feveral Elders of each County with Meflengers from their Churches to meet in Council, in which they bould endeavour to agree in fome General Rules Conformable to the Word of God for a method of Difcipline to be praɛlised in our Churches. These feveral Councils baving met and drawn up fome Rules of Church Government did by their Delegates meet and corstitute one General Aembly of the Churches of this' Colony at Say Brook, Sept. 9th. 17c8.. Who after a full Confent and Agreement unto the Confion of Faith Affented unto by the Synod of Bofton; Did being Studicus of keeping the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of peace, Eph. 4. 2. Agree that the Heads of Agreement Affented to by the United Brethren formerly called Prefbyterian and Congregational, in England, be observed by the Churches throughout this Colony, which are berewith Published,and after Confideration of the feveral draughts of the County Councils, did with a Chriftian Condefcention, and Fraternal Amicableness

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