The Gentleman's Magazine, Tom 33F. Jefferies, 1763 The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs. |
Spis treści
Monicor | 49 |
VIILAccounts of an earthquake at Lisbon | 67 |
With a curious Reprefentation of the Southern Hemifphere in which the Countries | 310 |
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addrefs affiftance alfo alſo anfwer appears Bajazet becauſe befides cafe Capt caufe cife coaft confequence confiderable confifts court cyder defign defired difcovered Eaft Earl fafe faid fame fays fecond fecurity feems feen fenfe fent fervants ferved fervice feven feveral fhall fhips fhould fide filk fince fire firft fmall fome foon fpirit ftand ftate ftill ftone fubject fuch fuffered fufficient fuppofed fupport fure GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE gentlemen Hiftory himſelf honour houfe houſe intereft John king Lady laft land late lefs letter liberty Lord mafter majefty majefty's meaſure Mifs minifter moft moſt muft Murcot neceffary neral North Briton obfervations occafion officers paffed parliament peace perfons poffeffion prefent preferved prifoner Prince propofed purpoſe reafon refpect ſhall ST JOHN'S GATE ſtate Subah thefe themſelves ther theſe thofe thoſe tion treaty uſed Weft whofe