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Years of the Julian Period.



4727. AUGUST 19th.-Augustus dies, and the Baotλela or 'Apxn, or reign, or sole Empire of Tiberius begins. NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER.-The 15th year


of the 'Hyepovía or Government of Tiberius begins.

4739. JANUARY TO MAY.- Pontius Pilate became Governor of Judea before the Jewish Pass






MAY TO OCTOBER.-The Word of God came

to John the Baptist, and he began to baptize. NOVEMBER. JESUS BAPTIZED by John. NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER.-The 15th year of the 'Hyeμovía or Government of Tiberius ends.

MARCH, APRIL.-The first Passover in our
Saviour's Ministry.

MARCH, APRIL.-The second Passover in our
Saviour's Ministry.

AUGUST 19th. The 15th year of the reign or
sole empire of Tiberius begins.
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST
was CRUCIFIED at Jerusalem by the Jews,
at the third Passover in his Ministry, which
lasted on the whole about two years and a
half, viz. from November J. P. 4739 to
March or April J. P. 4742.


AUGUST 19th. The fifteenth year of the reign or sole empire of Tiberius ends.

JANUARY TO MAY.- Pontius Pilate removed from the Government of Judea, having held it for ten years, viz. from the beginning of J.P. 4739.

Vitellius, President of Syria, went up to Jerusalem, at the time of the Passover, and there deposed the High Priest Joseph, &c.

MAY AND JUNE.Tiberius sends letters to

Years of the Julian Period.



Vitellius, commanding him to form a friendly
alliance with Artabanus king of the Parthians.
JUNE AND JULY.-Vitellius enters into a Treaty
with Artabanus, and sends dispatches to Tibe-
rius announcing the fact and the terms.
SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER.-Tiberius in answering
the dispatches of Vitellius informs him that he
had previously been made acquainted with all
the circumstances.

Herod sends to Tiberius an account of a dispute
between himself and Aretas king of Arabia

NOVEMBER, DECEMBER.-Vitellius receives
orders from Tiberius to make war upon

MARCH 16th.-The Emperor Tiberius dies.
APRIL TO JULY.-Vitellius, on his March

against Aretas, goes up to Jerusalem, "a
feast of the Jews being at hand," and there
on the fourth day after his arrival receives
intelligence of the death of Tiberius.


A List of the principal Works and Editions of Works

quoted or referred to in the preceding pages.

Allix de Christi anno et mense natali. 8vo. 1707.

Clementis Alexandrini Opera. edit. Potteri. fol. Oxon. 1715.
Casauboni Exercitationes in Baronium, 4to.

Cotelerii Patres Apostolici. Antverp. 1700.
Cypriani Opera, 1 vol. folio. Amstelod. 1691.
Chrysostomi Opera, 7 Vols. fol.

Epiphanii Opera. edit. Petavii Parisiis, 1622.
Irenæus. edit. Grabe. Oxon. 1702.

Justini Martyris Apologiæ et Dial, cum Tryphone. edit. Thirlbüi.

Lond. 1722.

Josephi Opera. fol. Geneva 1635.

Lamy Commentarius et Apparatus in Harmon. Paris. 4to. 1699. Lardner's Works, 8vo. edition by Kippis.

Maimonides de Consecratione Calendarum Latinè. Lond. 4to.


Mann. de veris annis D. N. Jesus Christi natali et mortuali Dissertationes. 8vo. Lond. 1742.

Origenis contra Celsum Libri 8. &c. edit. Spenceri Cantab. 1677.

Petavius de Doctrinâ Temporum, 2 Vols. fol. Paris, 1627.

Pagi. Appar. et Critic. ad Baronium. 5 Vols. fol.

Surenhusii Mischna.

Scaliger de Emendatione Temporum.

Tertulliani Opera, 1 Vol. folio. Paris, 1616.

Vossius de Mense, dieque natali Christi et de Tempor. Domin.

Passionis. fol. in the 5th Vol. of his Works.

Whiston's Chronology and Harmony, 4to. Camb. 17^~


Page 3 line 26, for contrarities read contrarieties. 10, for these read those.











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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

15, instead of a comma place a period after "Syria." 30, for Rodm read Proæm.

27, for Elul read Schebat.

26. for term read tense.
- 21, for it her read in her.
7, dele and scrupulosity.
16, for shewed read shewn.
2, after connected insert with.
5, for Narva read Nerva.

22, for contrarities read contrarieties.
10, dele Tatian and.

-246-29, for agreed read argued.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

26, for ensusing read ensuing.
10, dele he.

6, for defeat read defect.
5, for axactly read exactly.
14, for probable read probably.
28, for Syker's read Sykes's.
3, for ground read grounds.
24, for remove read obviate.
7, dele therefore.

13, for have read has.

13, for videlicit read videlicet.

7 and 8. for beginning read conclusion.


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