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AND ND now, O Lord Jesus Christ, in full faith and trust in thy lifegiving passion, salutary cross, death, burial, and resurrection from the dead on the third day, thy ascension into Heaven, and sitting at the right hand of the Father, and looking for thy second glorious and terrible Advent, when thou shalt come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead, and shall render to every one according to his works, we wretched and miserable sinners do beseech thee, that thou wouldest


not deal with us after our sins, nor reward us after our iniquities; but according to thy clemency and ineffable love to mankind, overlooking and blotting out the hand-writing that is against us thy servants, wouldest grant us thy heavenly and eternal good things; for thy people and thine inheritance make their supplications unto thee; have mercy upon us, O Lord God, Almighty Father, have mercy upon us, according to thy great mercy, and send down thy holy Spirit upon us all, through the appointed means and channels of grace in thy Church, for the sanctification of soul and body, for bringing forth the fruit of good works, for remission of sins, and for life everlasting.

We supplicate and intreat thee, O Lord, for thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout the whole world: Do thou now also, O Lord, plentifully furnish her with the rich gifts of thy Holy Spirit. Look down upon her in her captivity; O visit her once more with thy salvation; and bring her out to serve thee in the beauty of holiness.

Remember, O Lord, the holy Bishops in thy Church, (especially thy servant our Bishop) endow them with wisdom, and fill them with the Holy Ghost, that they may rightly divide and uprightly walk in the word of truth.

Remember, O Lord, according to the multitude of thy mercies and compassions, all the Presbyters and



Deacons who compass thy holy Altar; grant to those an unblameable Presbyterate, and preserve these unspotted in their Ministry, and purchase for them good Degrees.

Remember, O Lord, all Kings and Princes, whom thou hast appointed to reign upon the earth, and especially thy servant our King, and all in authority; establish their kingdoms in peace, and incline their hearts to be favourable to thy Church, that in their tranquillity we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty.

Remember, O Lord, this city, diocese, parish, &c. and every city, and country, with all the faithful that dwell in them; preserve them in peace and safety.


Remember, O Lord, our Christian Brethren that travel by sea or by land, or are in foreign countries, that are in chains or imprisonment; that are in captivity or banishment, or in hard slavery.

Remember, O Lord, those that are sick, or diseased, and make haste to heal and deliver them.

Remember, O Lord, every Christian soul under affliction or calamity, and all who stand in need of thy divine mercy and help.

Remember also the conversion of them that be in error.

Remember all, O Lord, for good; have mercy upon all, O Lord; be reconciled to us all; settle the flocks of thy people in peace; remove all scandals; make wars to cease; put a stop

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