Obrazy na stronie
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Und ich aus dem Befehl unsers thee. And I, by command of our

HERRN Jesu Christi vergebe dir deine Sünden, im Namen des Va ters und des Sohnes und-des heiligen Geistes. Amen.

Gehe hin im Frieden.

[Welche aber großze Beschwerung des Ge

Lord Jesus Christ, forgive thee thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Depart in peace.

[Those, however, who are much troubled

wissens haben, oder betrübt und angefochten in conscience, or who are in distress or temptafind, die wird ein Beichtvater wohl wissen mit|tion, a father confessor will know how to commehr Sprüchen zu trösten und zum Glauben fort with Scripture passages, and stir up to reizen. Das soll allein eine gemeine Weise faith. This is only a general method of conder Beichte sein für die Einfältigen.] fession for the unlearned.]

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In the 'Book of Concord,' and in many editions of the Catechism, this section is numbered as Part VI., and the preceding insertion, or appendix, as Part V.

Wo steht das geschrieben? Antwort:
So schreiben die heiligen Evange
listen, Matthäus, Markus, Lukas—und
S. Paulus :

Unser HERR Jesus Christus,

Where is it so written? Answer:


The holy Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, together with St. Paul, write thus:

'Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same

in der Nacht, da er verrathen night in which he was betrayed, ward, nahm er das Brot, dankte took bread; and when he had given und brach's, und gab's seinen thanks, he brake it, and gave it to Jüngern, und sprach: Nehmet the disciples, and said, Take, eat; hin, esset; das ist mein Leib, der this is my body, which is given for für euch gegeben wird; solches you; this do, in remembrance of thut zu meinem Gedächtniß.


'After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it: this cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you, for

Desselbigen gleichen nahm er auch den Kelch nach dem Abend mahl, dankte und gab ihnen den, und sprach: Nehmet hin und trin ket alle daraus; dieser Kelch ist das neue Testament in meinem Blute, das für euch vergossen the remission of sins: this do ye, wird zur Vergebung der Sün as oft as ye drink it, in rememden; solches thut, so oft ihr's brance of me?' trinket, zu meinem Gedächtniß.

Was nüßet denn solch Essen und Trinken? Antwort:

Das zeigen uns diese Worte: Für euch gegeben und vergossen zur Vergebung der Sünden; nämlich, daß uns im Sacrament Vergebung der Sünden, Leben und Seligkeit durch solche Worte gegeben wird; denn wo Vergebung der Sünden ist, da ist auch Leben und Seligkeit.

Wie kann leiblich Essen und Trinken solche große Dinge thun? Antwort:

Essen und Trinken thut's freilich nicht, sondern die Worte, so da stehen:

What is the use, then, of such eating and drinking? Answer:

It is pointed out to us in the words: Given, and shed for you, for the remission of sins.' Namely, through these words, the remission of sins, life and salvation are given us in the Sacrament: for where there is remission of sins, there are also life and salvation.

How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things? Answer:

Eating and drinking, indeed, do not do them, but the words which

Für euch gegeben und vergossen stand here: 'Given, and shed for zur Vergebung der Sünden. you, for the remission of sins. Welche Worte sind neben dem leib Which words, besides the bodily lichen Essen und Trinken als das eating and drinking, are the main Hauptstück im Sacrament; und wer point in the sacrament; and he denselbigen Worten glaubt, der hat, who believes these words has that was sie sagen, und wie sie lauten, nämlich Vergebung der Sünden.

Wer empfähet denn solch Sacrament würdiglich? Antwort:

Fasten und leiblich sich bereiten ist

which they declare and mean, namely, forgiveness of sins.

Who, then, receives this Sacrament worthily? Answer:

Fasting and bodily preparation wohl eine feine äußerliche Zucht; aber are, indeed, a good external disder ist recht würdig und wohl ge- cipline; but he is truly worthy schickt, wer den Glauben hat an diefe and well prepared who has faith Worte: Für euch gegeben und in these words: Given, and shed vergossen zur Vergebung der for you, for the remission of Sünden. Wer aber diesen Worten sins. But he who does not benicht glaubt, oder zweifelt, der ist un lieve these words, or who doubts, würdig und ungeschickt; denn das is unworthy and unfit, for the Wort: Für euch fordert eitel gläu- words 'for you' require truly bebige Herzen. lieving hearts.


(Die Concordien-Formel.)



[The Formula of Concord was originally written in the German language, 1576, and published at Dresden, 1580. It was translated into Latin by Lucas Osiander, 1580; but the translation was very defective, and was revised by two of the authors-first by Selnecker for the German-Latin edition of the Book of Concord, 1582, then more fully by Chemnitz, 1583; and in this doubly improved form it became the authorized text, published in the first authentic Latin edition of the Book of Concord, Leipzig, 1584. We give this text, with a new English translation made for this work from the German and Latin compared, and adapted to the style of the age of composition. The EPITOME Contains, in clear and concise form, all that is necessary for this collection; and hence we omit the lengthy SOLID REPETITION and DeclaraTION, which merely repeats more fully the same articles, and fortifies them by ample quotations from the Scriptures, the fathers, the older Lutheran symbols, and the private writings of Luther, with an appendix of patristic testimonies for the doctrine of the communicatio idiomatum. See Vol. I. § 45, pp. 258 sqq.]




touching which


ortæ sunt inter Theologos Augu- have arisen among the divines of

stana Confessionis, qui in repetitione sequenti, secundum verbi Dei præscriptum, pie declarati sunt et conciliati.1

DE COMPENDIARIA REGULA ATQUE NORMA, ad quam omnia dogmata exigenda, et quæ inciderunt certamina, pie declaranda et componenda sunt.

the Augsburg Confession, which in the following restatement have been in godly wise, according to the express word of God, set forth and reconciled.

OF THE COMPENDIOUS RULE AND NORM, according to which all dogmas ought to be judged, and all controversies which have arisen ought to be piously set forth and settled.

I. Credimus, confitemur et doce- I. We believe, confess, and teach mus, unicam regulam et normam that the only rule and norm, ac[die einige Regel und Richtschnur], cording to which all dogmas and secundum quam omnia dogmata, all doctors ought to be esteemed

'The German title of the First Part: 'SUMMARISCHER BEGRIFF DER STREITIGEN ARTIKEL zwischen den Theologen Augsburgischer Confession in nachfolgender Wiederholung nach Anleitung Gottes Worts christlich erkläret und verglichen.' The Second Part has the title: 'Gründliche, lautere, richtige und endliche WIEDERHOLUNG und ERKLÄRUNG etlicher Artikel Augsburgischer Confession,' etc., or 'Solida, plana ac perspicua REPETITIO et DECLARATIO quorundam Articulorum Aug. Confessionis,' etc.

omnesque Doctores æstimari et ju- and judged, is no other whatever dicari oporteat, nullam omnino than the prophetic and apostolic aliam esse, quam Prophetica et writings both of the Old and of Apostolica scripta cum Veteris, the New Testament, as it is written tum Novi Testamenti, sicut scri- (Psalm cxix. 105): Thy word is a ptum est (Psa. cxix. 105): 'Lu- lamp unto my feet, and a light unto cerna pedibus meis verbum tuum, my path.' And St. Paul saith (Gal. et lumen semitis meis. Et Divus i. 8): 'Though an angel from heaven Paulus inquit (Gal. i. 8): Eti- preach any other gospel unto you, amsi Angelus de cœlo aliud præ- let him be accursed.' dicet Evangelium, anathema sit.


Reliqua vero sive Patrum sive

But other writings, whether of Neotericorum scripta, quocunque the fathers or of the moderns, with veniant nomine, sacris literis ne- whatever name they come, are in quaquam sunt æquiparanda, sed nowise to be equalled to the Holy universa illis ita subjicienda Scriptures, but are all to be essunt, ut alia ratione non recipi- teemed inferior to them, so that antur, nisi testium loco, qui do- they be not otherwise received than ceant, quod etiam post Aposto- in the rank of witnesses, to show lorum tempora, et in quibus par- what doctrine was taught after tibus orbis doctrina illa Prophe- the Apostles' times also, and in tarum et Apostolorum sincerior what parts of the world that more

conservata sit.1

sound doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles has been preserved.

II. And inasmuch as immediate

II. Et quia statim post Apostolorum tempora, imo etiam ly after the times of the Apostles, сит adhuc superstites essent, nay, even while they were yet alive, falsi doctores et hæretici exorti false teachers and heretics arose, sunt, contra quos in primitiva against whom in the primitive Ecclesia Symbola sunt compo- Church symbols were composed, sita, id est, breves et categorica that is to say, brief and explicit Confessiones, quæ unanimem Ca- confessions, which contained the tholicæ Christianæ fidei Consen- unanimous consent of the Catholic sum et Confessionem Orthodoxo- Christian faith, and the confession

'Als Zeugen, welcher Gestalt nach der Apostel Zeit und an welchen Orten solche Lehre der Propheten und Apostel erhalten worden.'

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