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ART. 16. Fashionable Infidelity; or, The Triumph of Patience. 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. fewed. Hookham. London, 1789.

The bufinefs of thefe volumes is uncommonly deep and complicated. The author feems intimately acquainted with the vices and foibles of fashionable life, and copies them with correctnefs. His characters have great variety, are touched by the hand of a master, and, in fome inftances, perhaps betray too palpably the particular features they were meant to exhibit. The obvious intention of the performance is to expofe that profufion of indifcriminate flander which malignity invents and propagates, and which itupidity believes, and has rendered mischievous in this country. Here fuch wickedness is properly expofed. The language of the work is elegant and sprightly, the obfervations are juft and moral, and the story is fo well told that few novels will, upon the whole, better repay the reader's perufal. ART. 17. The Relapfe, or Myrtle Bank; a Novel. 12mo. 2 vols. 55. fewed. Stalker. London, 1789.

The profligacy which, under the fairest disguise, is delineated as practifed in thefe volumes, we regard, as we truft every honest mind will, with real abhorrence. Our only confolation in the perufal was, that the tale is totally improbable, and that the whole of this monftrous and impure fabrication has no existence but in the polluted imagination of the author.

ART. 18. The Mental Triumph; a fentimental Novel. 12mo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d. fewed. Walter. London, 1789.

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Thefe volumes are written by a lady who, in her own opinion, as we learn from the title page,. is the plaineft of her fex.' And they are intended to fhew the triumph of a well-cultivated understanding, under an exterior thus unfashionable, over the most finished beauty deftitute of fuch accomplishments. There is fomething new in the idea; and the moral is certainly praiseworthy. However plain in 'perfon our authorefs may think herself, fhe has her share of goodfenfe, and can write well. May thefe qualifications render her more lovely in the eyes of fome worthy young man than she seems to be in her own!

ART. 19. The Fair Hibernian.

12mo. 2 vols. 6s. fewed. Robinfons. London, 1789.

Thefe volumes are by no means deftitute of business or intereft. They contain more plots than one, and exhibit a great variety of characters. Thofe of Mrs. Wentworth and Mifs O'Bryen are well fupported. These ladies are often in fituations peculiarly affecting. They are formed perhaps with too much fenfibility for real life. And yet that dash of Romance which colours all their actions is the chief circumstance which heightens our concern in whatever affects them.

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ART. 20. Norman Tales. Tranflated from the French of Mr. Le Grand. 12mo. 35. fewed. Egertons. London, 1789.

These are interefting tales, and well tranflated. They have beauty, brevity, and fimplicity, in their favour; and we know few books of light reading calculated to produce more real entertainment. They border, however, upon the dark ages, and are a counterpart in profe to Chaucer's Tales in verse.

ART. 21, Lines on a late Refignation at the Royal Academy. 4to. 6d. Robfon. London, 1790.

A well-meant compliment to Sir Joshua Reynolds, whofe merits as an artist and a man every one, who is capable of appreciating his worth, is ready to acknowledge. The caufe which produced the Lines' is now removed, the prefident has refumed the chair, and we hope that the late fracas will be entirely forgotten. Brother, brother,

we were both in the wrong.'

As to the lines themselves, they fall under Horace's well-known condemnation, for they do not rise above mediocrity.

ART. 22.
The Abbey of Ambrefbury; a Poem. Part II. By Samuel
Birch, Author of Con-vilia, &c. 4to. 23. Cadell. London, 1789.

The first part of the Abbey of Ambrefbury appeared in our Review for September 1788. To that we could not give our approbation; and we find nothing in the second part to induce us to give a more favourable decifion. Amidit the languid uniformity of the whole, a happy expreffion fometimes appears; but it is only a momentary gleam, which is foon loft in the general obscurity.

ART. 23.

Le Paradis reconquis; Poem imité de Milton. Par L. R. Lafaye, gradué en l'Univerfité de Paris, et Maitre de Langue Françoise. 12mo. 3s. J. Bell. Londres, 1789.

ART. 23. Paradife Regained, imitated from Milton, &c.

The tranflation of poetry is always a work of the utmost difficulty, which many men of genius have tried without fuccefs. It is therefore far from furprising that Mr. Lafaye fhould have failed in his tranflation or imitation of Milton, whofe extraordinary or fublime ideas feem to forbid their being expreffed in any language but his own. We cannot think that the tranflator, or rather imitator, has fucceeded in giving dignity to his blank verfe. The Marotic style he has adopted feems the oppofite to dignity. It was a hardy attempt too of Mr. Lafaye to mix so much of his own with the original ore of our British Homer; we cannot flatter him with being fuccefsful in this attempt.

Too much cannot be faid in favour of the paper and letter-prefs; both do great justice to the publisher.

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ART. 24. Thoughts, in the Form of Maxims, addressed to young Ladies on their first Eftablishment in the World. By the Countess Dowager of Carlisle. 8vo. 2s. 6d. fewed. Cornell. London, 1789.

We have perufed thefe maxims with much pleasure; they are the production of a well-informed and benevolent mind, and are well fuited to the purpose for which they were intended. Without that epigrammatic point which most writers of maxims are so fond of, the author has with plainnefs and perfpicuity given directions to young ladies for their conduct in every fituation of life. We have only to add, that we hope our young countrywomen will profit by the good fense and experience of their amiable teacher.

ART. 25. Strictures on Duelling, felected from the most authentic Authors; with Additions by a Gentleman, late of the University of Oxford. 8vo. Is. 6d. Walter. London, 1789.

Every day affords fresh inftances of the melancholy effects refulting to fociety from the crime which is the subject of this pamphlet. The author expofes, with much force of argument, the false pretences of honour on which this barbarous practice is founded; and makes many juft obfervations, both on its political and moral criminality. We wish that his well-meant and laudable endeavours for restraining fo flagrant an outrage may not prove entirely abortive.

ART. 26. The Life of the late John Elwes, Efq. Member in three fucceffive Parliaments for Berkshire. By Edward Topham, Esq. 8vo. 3s. Ridgeway. London, 1790.

Mr. Elwes, whofe life is republished in this pamphlet, was, we may fafely fay, without exception, the moft extraordinary character of the age. With a fortune of upwards of half a million fterling, he rigorously denied himself the comforts, and almost even the neceffaries, of life. A frequenter of the most fashionable reforts of gaming, he punctually paid all his loffes at play; but of thofe from whom he gained any fum, however confiderable, if they did not of themselves make him payment, he religiously abstained from demanding it. In fhort, he appears to have been fuch a compound of penurioufnefs and generofity, of honour and avarice, as almost exceeds credibility. His life is written by Mr. Topham, from perfonal knowledge, as well as much information; and, on account of the curious anecdotes it contains, cannot fail to prove interesting.


ART. 27. A Review of the Medical Department in the British Navy, with a Method of Reform propofed. In a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Chatham. By Thomas Trotter, M. D. 8vo. is. 6d. Bew. London, 1790.

The author of this pamphlet offers feveral objections to the mode in which the business relative to the furgical department in the navy is at prefent conducted. In the first place, he difapproves of navy furgeons being examined by a board of the furgeons corporation in London. Among the rules which have been adopted by this board,


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there is, it feems, one which compels every perfon to officiate for fix months as a mate, before he can become a candidate for a furgeon's qualification. This reftriction, the author obferves, is a fevere check on every young man afpiring at promotion. He admits may be proper to give candidates an opportunity of learning forms of fervice; but to fuppofe that, in the time abovementioned, and fituated in the cockpit of a man of war, they can much increase their profeffional knowledge, is, he thinks, ridiculous to an extreme. After painting, in ftrong colours, the bad effects of this inftitution, he proposes that mates fhould be allowed to pafs at once for furgeons, if found duly qualified; and fix months of actual fervice may then be impofed before they can be promoted. Many other objections, and thofe too, it must be acknowledged, of great weight, are made by the author against the present mode of examination; but we cannot afford room for detailing them.

The next objection urged by the author relates to the fupply of medicines, which, according to the regulation at prefent in force, are furnished by the company of apothecaries hall in London. He affirms that the fupply of medicines from this quarter has been attended not only with inconvenience, but the most hazardous confequences, on diftant ftations. Surgeons, he obferves, mult be often ignorant, and unable to foresee the exigencies of service. A fhip ordered to prepare in a few hours for a foreign voyage, cannot expect the necessary fupplies from Apothecaries Hall on this fudden emergency; and muft therefore fail without them. When abroad it has often happened that orders from home have miscarried; and, to the lofs of furgeons, veffels bringing them out have fallen into the enemies hands, while the ships that wanted them were in the moft fickly fituations. The author, after endeavouring to fhew the abfurdity, as well as impolicy, of the present method of furnishing his majesty's fhips with medicines, proceeds to offer a plan for remedying thofe inconveniencies; and, as nearly as poffible, confiftent with the forms and conftitution of naval fervice.

Dr. Trotter afterwards confiders additional articles neceffary for the fick on board of ships, with the regulations relative to venereal patients, and fome other important objects of attention. On the whole, we think he fully evinces the expediency of a reform in the furgical department in the navy; and the observations which he suggefts have a very strong claim to attention.


ART. 28. A Vindication of the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England; in Anfwer to a Pamphlet entitled Hints to the New Affociation, &c. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Debrett. London, 1790.

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It often happens in controverfy that a caufe is benefited even by the violence of an opponent; and this remark feems to be likewife exemplified in the prefent difpute. The author of Hints to the New Affociation,' by endeavouring to expofe the doctrines and liturgy of the Church of England to reprehenfion, had afcribed to them very improbable effects on the general manners of the times.

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The writer now before us vindicates them from this injurious afperfion; and imputes the immorality of the age to very different, and certainly far more probable fources. On this principle he recommends to the legislature to promote a law for the complete fuppreffion of all public gaming-houses, and for the restriction of luxury in general. We doubt not, however, that by many he will be thought as violent in the reformation he proposes, as his antagonift is in the charge which he brings against the doctrines and liturgy of the church.

ART. 29. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. White, containing Remarks upon certain Paffages in the Notes fubjoined to bis Bampton Lectures. By Philalethes. Dedicated to the Uje of Dr. White's Admirers. 8vo. is. Johnfon. London, 1789.

In a note on a paffage of the Bampton lectures it is faid, The objections of both Mahometans and Socinians to the fublime mystery of the Trinity proceed on the fame prefumptions-an appeal to reafon.' Philalethes contends that this is not true with refpect to the Socinians, for that they appeal to fcripture explained by reason. Setting out from this point, the letter-writer endeavours to prove that the doctrines of the Trinity and of Christ's mediation and fatisfaction are not fcripture doctrines. The pamphlet is written with fufficient acutenefs, but contains nothing which has not been repeatedly urged upon the fubject. How long, forgetting the mild fpirit of the gofpel, will men combat with heat and acrimony about the metaphyfics of Chriftianity? Both the orthodox and their opponents agree that there is but one God, whom they worship; that he is juft, good, and merciful; and that he has promised happiness to those who fincerely endeavour to obey his commands. So far both agree; and if in all things they cannot think alike, why fhould this be a cause of bitter contention, and difturb the peace of fociety? True Chriftianity is not fhewn by the fubtlety of dialectics; our great Lawgiver has taught us better; By this fhall all men know that you are my difçiples, if you love one another.'

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ART. 30. Maxims of Piety and of Chriftianity. By the late Right Rev. Thomas Wilfon, D.D. Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Cruttwell, Bath; Dilly, London. 1789.

These maxims have been before printed in the quarto edition of Dr. Wilfon's works. With a view of extending their falutary influence they are now printed feparately, that being within the reach of readers of every defcription they may be more generally perused.

We need hardly obferve that they contain all that piety for which the writings of his lordship are fo eminently diftinguished. But maxims, though they ftrike the mind for a moment with much force, feem to do it rather by a correfpondence of fentiment between the reader and author than by their informing us of any thing not known before. Thus the impreffion is lively, but not lafting; for neither is the reafon convinced of any new propofition, nor are the paffions


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