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I have been forc'd to add St. Jerom's Epifle to Nepotianus; because 'tis not to be met with, that I remember, otherwife than amongst his Works, or in Some Collection of his Epiftles, which all Perfons can't command the Ufe of.

The Nature of my Defign confin'd me to a very few Books; fuch as might plentifully instruct, and yet not difcourage or overburden, young Beginners. 'Twas therefore impoffible for me to mention many excellent ones, which every Body esteems, and for which none has a jufter Value than my felf. This made my Choice difficult. I hope, it has not proved in many Instances unhappy. The whole Number of them may be bought for about Twelve Pounds, as will appear to those who confider the Catalogue.dil

Jan. 16. 174. A




Whereas in the following Papers I have made

fome References to the Second Part of the Rights of the Clergy, which is now printing, but have omitted the Numbers of the Chapters, becaufe I have already found it neceffary to alter the Divifion of them during the Working of the Prefs: I do hereby promife, that when that Book is printed off, which fhall be as fast as my Circumftances will fuffer me to attend the doing of it, I will give fuch a Table at the End of it, as fhall direct the Reader how to make the Figures of Reference with his Pen, without prejudicing his Copy of this Book.


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