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maner is / than take thy salte seller in thy lefte hande, in your right the and take the ende of y towell in your ryght hande to Set the saltcellar

on your lord's

right, and
left of it.

trenchers on the

spoons, napkins,

and cover 'em up.

[1 sic: a for n]

Lord's stately.

Square the loaves:

bere in spones and knyues / than set your salt on the ryght syde where your souerayne shall sytte, and on y lefte syde the salte set your trenchours / than laye your knyues, & set your brede, one lofe by an other / your Lay knives, bread, spones, and your napkyns fayre folden besyde your brede / than couer your brede and trenchoures, spones and knyues / & at euery ende of y table set a salte seller with two treachour1 loues / and yf ye wyll wrappe your soueraynes brede stately, ye muste square and Tonerap your proporcyon your brede, and se that no lofe be more than an other / and than shall ye make your wrapper man[er]ly / than take a towell of reynes of two yerdes take a Reynes and an halfe, and take the towell by y endes double, longe by tardands: and laye it on the table / than take the ende of y bought a handfull in your hande, and wrappe it harde, handful of one and laye the ende so wrapped bytwene two towelles; and lay it between vpon that ende so wrapped, lay your brede, botom to lay your botom, syxe or seuen loues / than set your brede loaves bottom to manerly in fourme / and whan your soueraynes table is Put salt, cups, &c., thus arayed, couer all other bordes with salte, tren



put it on the table, pinch up a


2 towels, and on it 6 or 7

on the other


[2 for se, see.]

see that your

Ewery is properly


and your ale-pots

kept clean.

[3 Fol. A 4.] To arrange the


Put a cloth under

a double towel, together,

choures, & cuppes. Also so2 thyn ewery be arayed with basyns & ewers, & water hote & colde / and se' ye haue napkyns, cuppes, & spones / & se your pottes for wyne and ale be made clene, and to y surnape make ye curtesy with a clothe vnder a fayre double napry / than take be towelles ende nexte you / & the vtter ende of the clothe on the vtter syde of the table, & holde these thre endes atones, & folde them atones, that a plyte passe not a fote brode / than laye it euen there it and lay it smooth. sholde lye. And after mete wasshe with that that is After washing, at y ryghte ende of the table / ye muste guyde it out, and the marshall must conuey it / and loke the Marshal must on eche clothe the ryght syde be outwarde, & drawe out. it streyght / than must ye reyse the vpper parte

hold 3 ends

fold them in a foot-broad pleat,

carry the surnape 1. Brawn, &c.

Leave out half a yard to make


When your lord has washed, remove the Surnape.


of y towell, & laye it with-out ony gronynge / and at euery ende of y towell ye must conuey halfe a yerde that y sewer may make estate reuerently, and let it be. And whan your souerayne hath wasshen, drawe y surnape euen / than bere the surnape to the myddes of the borde & take it vp before your souerayne, & bere it And whan your souerayne it'

When he is seated, in to y ewery agayne.

[ for is]

salute him, uncover your bread,

kneel on your knee till 8 loaves

set, loke your towell be aboute your necke / than make your souerayne curtesy / than vncouer your brede & set it by the salte & laye your napkyn, knyfe, & spone, afore

hym / than knele on your knee tyll the purpayne passe are served out (?) eyght loues / & loke ye set at y endes of y table foure

loues at a messe / and se that euery persone haue napkyn and spone / & wayte well to y sewer how many Provide as many dysshes be couered; y so many cuppes couer ye / than serue ye forth the table manerly y euery man may speke your curtesy.

cups as dishes.

Sewynge of Flesshe.

[Fol. A 4 b.] The Sewer or arranger of dishes

must ascertain what dishes and fruits are prepared daily for dinner; and he must have people ready to carry up the dishes.

[2 for be]

The Succession of Dishes.

2. Pheasant, &c.

Here endeth of the Butler and Panter, yoman of the seller and ewery. And here foloweth sewynge of flesshe.


He sewer muste sewe, & from the borde conuey all maner of potages, metes, & sauces / & euery daye comon with the coke, and vnderstande & wyte how many dysshes shall be, and speke with the panter and offycers of y spycery for fruytes that shall be eten fastynge. Than goo to the borde of sewynge, and se ye haue offycers redy to conuey, & seruauntes for to bere, your dysshes. Also yf marshall, squyers, and seruauntes of armes, bo2 there, than serue forth your souerayne withouten blame.


Fyrste sette ye forthe mustarde and brawne, potage, befe, motton stewed. Fesande / swanne /

capon / pygge, venyson bake / custarde / and leche 3. Meat Fritters, lombarde. Fruyter vaunte, with a subtylte, two pot- 4. For a standard,

ages, blaunche manger, and gelly.




For standarde, venyson roste, kydde, fawne & cony / bustarde, storke, crane, pecocke with his tayle, heronsewe, bytture, wood- a peacock with hig cocke, partryche, plouer, rabettes, grete byrdes, larkes / doucettes, paynpuffe, whyte leche, ambre / gelly, creme 5. Doucettes, of almondes, curlewe, brewe, snytes, quayle, sparowes, Brew, Snipe, martynet, perche in gelly / petyperuys', quynces bake / Petyperuys and leche dewgarde, fruyter fayge, blandrelles or pepyns Fayge, with carawaye in confettes, wafers and ypocras, they be Caraways, &c. a-greable. Now this feest is done, voyde ye the table. Clear the table.

[1?u for n]


Here endeth the sewynge of flesshe. And begyn- Keruinge of neth the keruynge of flesshe.


[2 Fol. A 5.]'

be clean:
only two fingers

and a thumb your knife,

should be put on

[3 for with]

He keruer must knowe the keruynge and the fayre handlynge of a knyfe, and how ye shall seche al maner of fowle / your knyfe muste be fayre and 2 your your hands must handes muste be clene; & passe not two fyngers & a thombe vpon your knyfe. In y myddes of your hande set the halfe sure, vnlassynge y mynsynge wich 3 two fyngers & a thombe; keruynge of brede, layenge, & voydynge of crommes, with two fyngers and a thombe / loke ye haue y cure / set neuer on fysshe / flesshe / beest / ne fowle, more than two fyngers and a thombe / than take your lofe in your lefte hande, & holde your knyfe surely; enbrewe not the table clothe / but wype Wipe your knife

or on fish, flesh,

or fowl.

on your napkin.

vpon your napkyn / than take your trenchouer lofe in

Lay 4 trenchers with 2 or 4 on

your lefte hande, and with the edge of your table knyfe take vp your trenchours as nye the poynt as ye may / than laye foure trenchours to your soferayne, one by an other / and laye theron other foure trenchours or elles twayne / than take a lofe in your lyfte hande, & pare and the upper ý lofe rounde aboute / than cut the ouer cruste to loaf. your souerayne, and cut the nether cruste, & voyde

for your lord,


crust of a fine

[1 sic: c for e] Give heed to what is indigestible,

the parynge, & touche the lofe no more after it is so serued / than clense the table that the sewer may serue youre souerayne. Also ye muste knowe the fumosytces1 of fysshe, flesshe, and foules, & all maner of sauces accordynge to theyr appetytes / these ben the fumosytes/

as resty, fat things, salte, soure, resty, fatte, fryed, senewes, skynnes, hony, croupes, yonge feders, heddes, pygous bones, all maner of legges of bestees & fowles the vtter syde; for these ben fumosytees; laye them neuer to your souerayne.

feathers, heads, [2 sic: u for n] legs, &c.

Keruynge of

How to carve


[3 Fol. A 5 b.] (cut it in 12 bits and slice it into the furmity.)


into the syrup.)

(take off the legs and wings,)


Take your knyfe in your hande, and cut brawne in y dysshe as it lyeth, & laye it on your soueraynes trenchour, & se there be mustarde. Venyson with fourmenty is good for your souerayne: touche not the venyson with your hande, but with your knyfe cut it .xii. draugh3tes with the edge of your knyfe, and cut it out in to y fourmenty / doo in the same wyse with pesen & bacon, befe chyne and motton / pare the befe, cut the motton / & laye to your souerayne / beware of fumosytees / salte, senewe, fatte, resty & rawe. syrupe, fesande, partryche, stockdoue, & chekyns / in the


lefte hande take them by the pynyon, & with the fore

(mince the wings parte of your knyfe lyfte vp your wynges / than mynce it in to the syrupe / beware of skynne rawe & senowe. Goose, Teal, &c., Goos, tele, malarde, & swanne, reyse the legges, than the wynges / laye the body in y myddes or in a nother plater / the wynges in the myddes & the legges; after laye the brawne bytwene the legges / & the wynges in the plater. Capon or henne of grece, lyfte the legges, than the wynges, & caste on wyne or ale, than mynce the wynge & giue your souerayne. Fesande, partryche, Plover, Lapwing, plouer or lapwynge, reyse y wynges, & after the legges.


(mince the wing with wine or ale,)

• The top of the s is broken off, making the letter look like an I rubbed at the top.

How to carve a

Crane, (mind the


(day him on his cut-off sides, on

belly with his two

woodcocke, bytture, egryt, snyte, curlewe & heronsewe, Bittern, Egret. vnlace them, breke of the pynyons, necke & becke / than reyse the legges, & let the fete be on styll, than the wynges. A crane, reyse the wynges fyrst, & beware of the trumpe in his brest. Pecocke, storke, bustarde trump in his & shouyllarde, vnlace them as a crane, and let y fete shoveler, be on styll. Quayle, sparow, larke, martynet, pegyon, Quail, Martins, swalowe, & thrusshe, y legges fyrst, than y wynges. Swallow, Fawne, kyde, and lambe, laye the kydney to your Fawn, Kid, souerayne, than lyfe vp the sholder & gyue your souerayne a rybbe. Venyson roste, cut it in the dysshe, & Roast Venison, laye it to your souerayne. A cony, lay hym on the Cony, backe, cut away the ventes bytwene the hynder legges, breke the canell bone, than reyse the sydes, than lay the cony on y wombe, on eche syde the chyne y two sydes departed from the chyne, than laye the bulke, chyne, & sydes, in y dysshe. * Also ye must mynce foure lesses to one morcell of mete, that your soverayne may take it in the sauce. All bake metes that ben hote, open them a-boue the coffyn; & all that ben colde, open theym in the mydwaye. Custarde, cheke them inche square that your souerayne may ete therof. Dou cettes, pare awaye the sydes & the bottom: beware of bottom. fumosytes. Fruyter vaunte, fruyter say, be good; better Fritters hot are is fruyter pouche; apple fruyters ben good hote / and all colde fruters, touche not. Tansey is good / hote wortes, cold bad. or gruell of befe or of motton is good. Gelly, mortrus, Jelly, Blanche creme almondes, blaunche manger, Iussell, and charlet, &c., are good, and cabage, and nombles of a dere, ben good / & all other no other potages. potage beware of.

each side of him.)

[* Fol. A 6.] Cut 4 strips to

each bit of meat,

for your lord to pick it up by. Open hot Meat

Pies at the top:

cold in the middle.

Cut Custards in
Doucettes, pare

inch blocks.

off sides and


Tansey is good.

Manger, Charlet,

maner of Fowles.

Here endeth y keruynge of flesshe. And Sauces for all begynneth sauces for all maner of fowles.


Mustard for beef:
Verjuice for

Ustarde is good with brawne, befe, chyne, bacon,
& motton. Vergius is good to boyled chekyns boiled chickens;

Cawdrons for

and capon / swanne with cawdrons / rybbes of swans:

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