Obrazy na stronie

and to by souereynes trenchoure / with pe knyfe / slices off with

[blocks in formation]

380 pare pe fatt þer-from/ be ware of hide & heere.

Than whan ye haue it so y-leid / oñ þy lordes tren-

looke ye haue good mustarde per-to and good


your knife;

serve it with mustard.

Fatt venesoun with frumenty / hit is a gay Venison with


384 youre souerayne to serue with in sesoun to his


Towche not pe venisoun with no bare hand but withe þy knyfe; pis wise shalle ye be doande, withe pe fore part of þe knyfe looke ye be hit parand, 388 xij. draughtes with pe egge of pe knyfe pe venison


Thañ whañ ye þat venesoun so haue chekkid hit,

[blocks in formation]

with þe fore parte of youre knyfe / pat ye hit owt cut a piece out, kytt,

In þe frumenty potage honestly ye convey hit,

392 in þe same forme with pesyñ & bakeñ whañ sesoun

per-to dothe sitt.

and put it in the furmity soup.

Withe youre lift hand touche beeff / Chyne1 / Touch beef with

motoun, as is a-fore said,

your left hand,

& pare hit clene or þat ye kerve / or hit to your pare it clean,

lord be layd;

and as it is showed afore / beware of vpbrayde;

396 alle fumosite, salt / senow / Raw / a-side be hit put away the


sinews, &c.

In sirippe / partriche / stokdove / & chekyns, in Partridges, &c. :


take up

with your lifft hand take pem by þe pynoñ of þe by the pinion,

[blocks in formation]

and mince them

small in the


Larger roast birds,

as the Osprey, &c.,

raise up [? cut off]

the legs, then the wings,

lay the body in the middle,

with the wings

and legs round it.

& pat same with pe fore parte of þe knyfe be


ye vp

400 Mynse hem smalle in þe siruppe: of fumosite algate
be ye feerynge.

Good son, of alle fowles rosted y telle yow as y Сañ,
Every goos teele / Mallard / Ospray / & also


reyse vp po leggis of alle pese furst, y sey the thañ, 404 afftur þat, pe whynges large & rownd / þañ dare blame pe no man ;

Lay the body in myddes of pe dische /or in a-nodur chargere,

of vche of pese with whynges in myddes, pe legges so aftir there.

of alle pese in .vj. lees/ if þat ye2 wille, ye may

vppe arere,

in the same dish. 408 & ley þem betwene pe legges, & pe whynges in þe


take off the wings and legs;

pour on ale or


same platere.

Capon, & hen of hawt grees 3, pus wold þey he


Furst, vn-lace be whynges, pe legges pan in sight,

Cast ale or wyne on рem, as per-to belongeth of


mince them into 412 & mynse þem þañ in to þe sawce with powdurs

the flavoured


Give your lord the left wing,

and if he want it,

kene of myght.

Take capoun or heñ so enlased, & devide;

take pe lift whynge; in þe sawce mynce hit eueñ


and yf youre souerayne ete sauerly / & haue perto appetide,

the right one too. 416 þañ mynce þat opur whynge per-to to satisfye hym

pat tyde.

1 slices, strips.

2 MS. may be yo.

3 De haute graisse, Full, plumpe, goodlie, fat, well-fed, in good liking.' Cotgrave.

Feysaunt, partriche, plouer, & lapewynk, y yow Pheasants, &c. :


areyse be whynges furst / do as y yow pray;

In pe dische forthe-withe, bope pat ye ham lay, 420 þañ aftur þat / pe leggus / without lengur delay.

take off the wings,

put them in the dish,

then the legs.

wodcok/Betowre2 / Egret3 / Snyte / and Curlew, Woodcocks, heyrounsew5 / resteratiff þey ar / & so is the brewe; Heronshaws, þese .vij. fowles / must be vnlaced, y telle yow


Brew, &c.:

424 breke pe pynons / nek, & beek, pus ye must þem break the pinions,


Thus ye must þem vnlace / & in thus manere:

neck, and beak.

[Fol. 177.]

areyse pe leggis suffire þeire feete stille to be on Cut off the legs,


þañ þe whynges in pe dische / ye may not þem then the wings, forbere,

1 Fr. arracher. To root vp. . pull away by violence. Cotgrave.

2 The Bittern or Bittour, Ardea Stellaris.

3 Egrette, as Aigrette; A foule that resembles a Heron. Aigrette (A foule verie like a Heron, but white); a criell Heron, or dwarfe Heron. Cot. Ardea alba, A crielle or dwarfe heron. Cooper.

4 Snype, or snyte, byrde, Ibex. P.P. A snipe or snite a bird lesse than a woodcocke. Gallinago minor, &c. Baret.

5 A small Heron or kind of Heron; Shakspere's editors' handsaw. The spelling heronshaw misled Cotgrave, &c.; he has Haironniere. A herons neast, or ayrie; a herne-shaw, or shaw of wood, wherein herons breed. 'An Hearne. Ardea. A hearnsew, Ardeola Baret, 1580. Fr. heronceau, a young heron, gives E. heronshaw,' Wedgwood. I cannot find heronceau, only heronneau. A yong herensew is lyghter of dygestyon than a crane. A. Borde. Regyment, fol. F i, ed. 1567. In actual application a heronshaw, hernshaw or hernsew, is simply a Common Heron (Ardea Vulgaris) with no distinction as to age, &c.' Atkinson.

The Brewe is mentioned three times, and each time in connection with the Curlew. I believe it to be the Whimbrel (Numenius Phæopus) or Half Curlew. I have a recollection (or what seems like it) of having seen the name with a French form like Whimbreau. [Pennant's British Zoology, ii. 347, gives Le petit Courly, ou le Courlieu, as the French synonym of the Whimbrel.] Morris (Orpen) says the numbers of the Whimbrel are lessening from their being sought as food. Atkinson.

[blocks in formation]

428 pe body pañ in pe middes laid / like as y yow


The Crane is a fowle / pat stronge is with to fare; be whynges ye areyse / fulle large evyn thare; of hyre trompe in pe brest / loke pat ye beware. 432 towche not hir trompe / euermore þat ye spare. Pecok / Stork / Bustarde / & Shovellewre, ye must vnlace þem in pe plite 2 / of pe crane prest & pure,

so þat vche of pem haue peyre feete aftur my cure, 436 and euer of a sharpe knyff wayte þat ye be sure.

Of quayle / sparow / larke / & litelle / mertinet, pygeoun/swalow / thrusche / osulle / ye not for


pe legges to ley to your souereyne ye ne lett, 440 and afturward þe whyngus if his lust be to ete. Off Fowen/kid / lambe, / pe kydney furst it lay, pan lifft vp the shuldur, do as y yow say, 3iff he wille perof ete / a rybbe to hym convay; 444 but in pe nek pe fyxfax3 pat pow do away.

venesoun rost / in pe dische if youre souerayne hit chese,

þe shuldir of a pigge furst / þañ a rybbe, yf hit wille hym plese;

"The singular structure of the windpipe and its convolutions lodged between the two plates of bone forming the sides of the keel of the sternum of this bird (the Crane) have long been known. The trachea or windpipe, quitting the neck of the bird, passes downwards and backwards between the branches of the merrythought towards the inferior edge of the keel, which is hollowed out to receive it. Into this groove the trachea passes, . . . and after making three turns passes again forwards and upwards and ultimately backwards to be attached to the two lobes of the lungs." Yarrell, Brit. Birds ii. 441. Atkinson.

2 Way, manner. Plyte or state (plight, P.). Status. P. Parv. 3 A sort of gristle, the tendon of the neck. Germ. Aachse, Brockett. And see Wheatley's Dict. of Reduplicated Words.

pe cony, ley hym oñ pe bak in pe disch, if he haue Rabbit: lay him


on his back;

448 while ye par awey þe skyň on vche side / & þañ pare off his skin; breke hym or y[e] sece


betwene pe hyndur leggis breke pe canelle booñ,
pañ with youre knyfe areyse pe sides alonge pe
chyne Alone;

so lay your cony wombelonge vche side to pe
chyne/ by craft as y conne,

452 betwene pe bulke, chyne, pe sides to-gedure lat pem

be doon;

break his haunch

bone, cut him

down each side of

the back, lay him on his belly,

from the chine,

The .ij. sides departe from pe chyne, pus is my separate the sides loore,

þen ley bulke, chyne, & sides, to-gedire / as þey put them together

were yore.


Furst kit owte pe nape in pe nek / pe shuldurs cutting out the


nape of the neck;

456 with pe sides serve youre souerayne / hit state to give your lord



the sides.

Rabettes sowkers, pe furper parte from pe hyndur, Sucking rabbits:

ye devide;

þañ þe hyndur part at tweyn ye kut þat tyde,
pare pe skyn away / & let it not pere abide,

cut in two, then

the hind part

in two; pare the

skin off,

bit from the side.

460 þañ serue youre souerayne of þe same / pe deynteist serve the daintiest of pe side.

[Fol. 177 b.]

The maner & forme of kervynge of metes pat byñ Such is the way


afftur my symplenes y haue shewed, as y suppose:

yet, good son, amonge oper estates euer as pow goose,

1 The canelle boon' between the hind legs must be the pelvis, or pelvic arch, or else the ilium or haunch-bone: and in cutting up the rabbit many good carvers customarily disjoint the haunch-bones before helping any one to the rump. Atkinson.

The Conie beareth

2 Rabet, yonge conye, Cunicellus. P. Parv. her Rabettes xxx dayes, and then kindeleth, and then she must be bucked againe, for els she will eate vp hir Rabets. 1575. Geo. Turbervile, The Booke of Venerie, p. 178, ch. 63.-H. H. Gibbs.

of carving gross meats.

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