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Associate Reform

At the late meeting Synod of the A Church, the Rev. I that in consequence determined to resi vost in Columbia ( tending to take a he should be prov ing any longer a ological Semina pressed their d of the services .tuitously rende voted him 50 their disposi more liberal'

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"Bodical Trea


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"the Jews to their own landed in her own place, even in Jer inium; being a brief an-I would here ask every reader, difficulties suggested in a it be not evident, that the Holy a by the late Dr. Edwards, designed to guard us in this shed in the U. C. Mag. Vol. against a typical interpretation c salem. 3. This passage must lo De remarked, that the return ward to a re-peopling of Jerusa to their own land in the Mil-the Jews. The city was inhabite ot in itself a contradiction.| Zechariah prophesied ; and it ha fficult it may appear, it is not inhabited ever since. But the y. its own proper inhabitants, ha As an event which it is possible since been driven from it. The Re place, then it must be pos- now considered as stripped of its God to foretel it. There is itants, and is trodden down by th urative language in the Bible, tiles. But when the Jews shal! i as not made it impossible for tored to their own land, then Je peak plainly, and without a fig-will, in the language of scripture. he Bible is full of typical lan-habited again. That the Jews but this has not made it impos-people who are to repossess Jar r God to speak in literal language.is evident from the context. is a spiritual Jerusalem, it is nexion with the passage which d: but it will not be denied that considering is that eminent predic is also a literal Jerusalem. There God's pouring out his spirit on the eavenly Canaan; but there is also which will lead them to look or naan on earth. Now then, it can-whom they pierced, and mourn. be denied but that it is possible for as this undoubtedly refers to thei to speak of the Canaan which lies version to christianity in the Miller the Mediterranean sea, and of the it is natural to suppose, that their Jerusalem; and so speak, as to make inhabiting Jerusalem, is then to vident that this is the Canaan, and place. Jerusalem which he intends. As this ll not be disputed, we are prepared, 3. To examine some passages of scripare which seem to relate to this subject. Let us first examine Zech. xii. 6. "And Jerusalem shall be inhabited again, in her own place, even in Jerusalem. On population. To this it may be re this passage we note, 1. It is a prediction that by comparing Hag. i. 1, with


Perhaps it may be thought by that the inhabiting of Jerusalem which is spoken of in this passage, no more than to predict a great ind of its inhabitants by others soon r ing from Babylou, and also by n

of what was then future; and it was de-i. 1. it appears, that these two pro livered a number of years after the close began to prophesy about the same of the Babylonish captivity. Jerusalem It is evident from the prophecy of had then begun to be inhabited again, in gai, that the Jews had been restored her own place by some of the Jewish the captivity long enough to build nation. 2. This prediction must un-selves dieled houses, when he beg doubtedly refer to the re-peopling of the prophesy to them. Therefore J

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Niles' Ser. on Divine Perfection 253 215 Thorp Rev. Dr.

Northest, Earl of

Norwich, Bishop of

Nott, Rev. Mr. Letter from

98 Thoughts on Sea-Shore


138 Universalism indeed

[blocks in formation]






24 28

Utility not the foundation of Morality 87

288 19 23

52 War, Thoughts on National
188 Western Dist. Miss. Society
52Waste Places, Sermon on building 161

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Of the return of the Jews to their own landed in her own place, even in Jerusalem.

in the Millennium; being a brief an- I would here ask every reader, whether swer to the difficulties suggested in a it be not evident, that the Holy Spirit piece written by the late Dr. Edwards, designed to guard us in this passage and republished in the U. C. Mag. Vol. against a typical interpretation of Jeru II. No. 10. salem. 3. This passage must look for. 1. Let it be remarked, that the return ward to a re-peopling of Jerusalem by of the Jews to their own land in the Mil-the Jews. The city was inhabited when lenium, is not in itself a contradiction. || Zechariah prophesied ; and it has been However difficult it may appear, it is not an absurdity.


inhabited ever since. But the Jews, its own proper inhabitants, have long since been driven from it. The city is now considered as stripped of its inhabitants, and is trodden down by the Gentiles. But when the Jews shall be res

2. If it is an event which it is possible should take place, then it must be possible for God to foretel it. There is much figurative language in the Bible, but it has not made it impossible for tored to their own land, then Jerusalem God to speak plainly, and without a fig-will, in the language of scripture, be inThe Bible is full of typical lan-habited again. That the Jews are the guage; but this has not made it impos-people who are to repossess Jerusalem sible for God to speak in literal language.is evident from the context. 4. In conThere is a spiritual Jerusalem, it is nexion with the passage which we are granted but it will not be denied that considering is that eminent prediction of there is also a literal Jerusalem. There God's pouring out his spirit on the Jews, is a heavenly Canaan; but there is also which will lead them to look on Him a Canaan on earth. Now then, it can-whom they pierced, and mourn. not be denied but that it is possible for as this undoubtedly refers to their conGod to speak of the Canaan which lies version to christianity in the Millennium, on the Mediterranean sea, and of the it is natural to suppose, that their again city Jerusalem; and so speak, as to make inhabiting Jerusalem, is then to take it evident that this is the Canaan, and place. the Jerusalem which he intends. As this will not be disputed, we are prepared,


Perhaps it may be thought by some, that the inhabiting of Jerusalem again, 3. To examine some passages of scrip- which is spoken of in this passage, ineans ture which seem to relate to this subject. no more than to predict a great increase Let us first examine Zech. xii. 6. "And of its inhabitants by others soon returnJerusalem shall be inhabited again, in ing from Babylon, and also by natural her own place, even in Jerusalem. On population. To this it may be replied, this passage we note, 1. It is a prediction that by comparing Hag. i. 1, with Zech. of what was then future; and it was dei. 1, it appears, that these two prophets livered a number of years after the close began to prophesy about the same time. of the Babylonish captivity. Jerusalem It is evident from the prophecy of Haghad then begun to be inhabited again, in gai, that the Jews had been restored from her own place by some of the Jewish the captivity long enough to build themnation. 2. This prediction must un-selves dieled houses, when he began to doubtedly refer to the re-peopling of the prophesy to them. Therefore Jerusa

lem must have been inhabited in part,
when Zechariah delivered the prediction
now under consideration. If the proph-
et had referred to a mere increase of the
inhabitants who had then begun to re-
settle in the holy city, is it not strange
that he should make use of this phraseol-
ogy; "Jerusalem shall be inhabited
again, in her own place, even in Jerusa-
There was the place in which
they were then beginning to inhabit it.
But the prophet appears to speak of
something which, to an eye of sense,
would appear almost incredible. There
fore he doubles the expression, which
determines the very spot where Jerusa-
lem shall be inhabited. It shall be in
her own place. But where is this? It
is even in Jerusalem. A more concise,
and, at the same time, definite answer
could not be given.

The passage in' Luke xxi.. 24, which is noticed by Dr. Edwards, appears to afford some proof in favor of a literal return of the Jews to, their own land in the Millennium. The passage is this: "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword,|| and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."


threatened, that the literal Jerusalem, from which they were expelled for their unbelief, shall be trodden down by their enemies until a certain time, it seems naturally to follow; that it is to be in the hands of their enemies no longer, but is then to revert back to its original inhabitants.

In this short essay it is not proposed to collect all the proof which the scripture will furnish in favor of a literal restoration of the Jews to the land of Canaan: But in addition to the proof already adduced, I would refer my readers to the 37th, 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel. I would recommend that these chapters be carefully read, with a view to obtain light on this subject.

In the 37th chapter we read of the reanimation of a valley of dry bones, which had become very dry. The dry bones will apply more pertinently to the present state of the Jews, than to that state they were in just before the return from Babylon. And immediately after the account of the resurrection of the dry bones, there is an account of the re-union of Israel and Judah under David, (i. e. Messiah,) their king; represented by the stick of Ephraim and the stick of Judah becoming one in the hand of the prophHere it may be remarked, 1. That et. This must be a representation of a there can be no reasonable doubt but||union between them, which has not yet that the people who were to be led taken place, but which will take place in away captive into ali nations, were, in the Millennium. In connexion with the most iiteral sense, Jews. They were their re-union we hear this divine decnot the Jews who were so inwardly. laration : “Behold I will take the chilThat part of the nation who had the in- dren of Israel from among the heathen ward circumcision, were counted wor- whither they be gone, and will gather thy to escape this evil. Those who them on every side, and bring them inwere taken in Jerusalem by the Romans] to their own land. And I will make them were mere Jews. 2. The Jerusalem one nation ir. the land upon the mounwhere they were taken, was evidently tains of Israel. And they shall dwell in the literal, and not the spiritual Jerusa- the land that I have given unto Jacob my lera. And this is the Jerusalem which servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt, was to be trodden down of the Gentiles. and they shall dwell therein, even they How unnatural it would be to suppose and their children, and their children's that in this passage it meant the church children forever." Here it is foretold, of Christ. 3. The prediction which is that in the millennial state, when Ephraim now before us, fixes a limit to the evil and Judah shall have become one peowhich was to be brought on that wicked ple, they shall be brought to their own people. They were to be afflicted in the land-even the mountains of Israelmanner stated, until the times of the the same land which God gave to JaGeutiles should be fulfilled. If their discob his servant-and the land wherein persion was literal, the ending of it may || their fathers dwelt. Now let it be seriexpected to be literal. If they are ously considered, in what more explicit

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