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The Occafion

of this Let


INTENDED to have given you this Trouble much fooner; but my late Rambles, my Bufiand diverfe Accidents (not to mention that Indifpofition of Body which I have labor'd under) have hindred me. And there

fore I muft in the beginning of it beg Pardon for the Delay, as perhaps I fhall have reafon before the Conclufion of it, for the Length of my Letter

to you.

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I fhall not waft either Time or Paper in Apologies. No Man knows better than my felf, that there are numberless Perfons, whofe Age and Experience have rendred them abundantly more able to direct you, than I can pretend to be; and perhaps, after the perufal of what follows, you'll be forc'd to feek a more skilful Guide, and receive better Advice from another Hand. But, fince you were pleas'd to create me an Opportunity of difcourfing with you upon that Head; and fince the hurry I was then in, drew upon me this Imployment: I hope, you'll accept and excufe what I now offer to you, as a Proof (tho' of my own Infufficiency, yet) of a moft unfeigned and hearty AffeЄtion for you.

What you expect, Sir,is, thatIfhould lay before you fuch a Method of beginning the Study of Divinity, as I would recommend to a Person who defigns for Holy Orders. This therefore I fhall endevor to do.

And First, I muft intreat you to read Books relating fome of thofe Treatifes, which will into the Duty of the Clergy. ftruct you in the Duty of the Clergy; fuch as St. Chryfoftom of the Priesthood, St. Gregory Nazianzen's Apologetical Oration, St. Jerom to Nepotianus, the Paftoral of Gregory the Great, Bishop Burnet's Paftoral Care, Mr. Herbert's Country Parfon, Mr. Dodwell's firft Letter of Advice, and the like. I prefume, 'twill be no difficult Matter for you to procure the Ufe of all these Books; and 'tis hardly poffible for you to perufe too many of them. However, let me perfuade you not to omit the reading of St. Chryfoftom's and Bishop Burnet's Pieces, and our Church's Offices of Ordination, especially the Exhortation to those who are to be ordain'd Priests. But above all, let me prevail upon you seriously to confider that Collection of Scriptures,

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