domus alia per te noverit. Hippocrates adjurat difcipulos fuos, antequam doceat ; & in verba fua jurare compellit: extorquet facramento filentium; fermonem, inceffum, habitum, morefque præfcribit. Quanto magis nos, quibus animarum medicina commiffa eft, omnium Chriftianorum domos debemus amare quafi proprias? Confolatores potius nos in mororibus fuis, quam convivas in profperis noverint. Facile contemnitur Clericus, qui fæpe vocatus ad prandium ire non recufat. neratur. Numquam petentes, raro accipiamus rogati. Beatius enim eft magis dare quam accipere. Nefcio enim quo modo etiam ipfe qui deprecatur ut tribuat, quum acceperis, viliorem te judicat : & mirum in modum, fi eum rogantem contemferis, plus te pofterius vePrædicator continentiæ nuptias ne conciliet. Qui Apoftolum legit, fupereft, ut qui babent uxores, fic fint, quafi non habeant ; cur virginem cogit ut nubat? Qui de monogamia Sacerdos eft, quare viduam hortatur ut digama fit? Procuratores & difpenfatores domorum alienarum atque villarum, quomodo poffunt effe Clerici, qui proprias jubentur contemnere facultates? Amico quippiam rapere, furtum eft: Ecclefiam fraudare, facrilegium eft. Accepiffe quod pauperibus erogandum eft, & efurientibus plurimis; vel cautum effe velle, vel timidum, aut (quod apertiffimi fceleris eft) aliquid inde fubtrahere, omnium prædonum crudelitatem fuperat. Ego fame torqueor, & tu judicas quantum ventri meo fatis fit? Aut divide ftatim quod acceperis: aut fi timidus difpenfator es, dimitte largitorem, ut fua ipfa diftribuat. Nolo fub occafione mea facculus tuus plenus fit. Nemo me melius mea fervare poteft. Optimus difpenfator eft, qui fibi nihil refervat. Coegifti Y Coegifti me, Nepotiane chariffime,_lapidato jam virginitatis libello, quem fanctæ Euftochio Romæ fcripferam, poft annos decem rurfus Bethleem ora referare, & confodiendum me linguis omnium prodere. Aut enim nihil fcribendum fuit, ne hominum judicium fubiremus, quod tu facere prohibuisti: aut fcribentes noffe cunctorum adverfum nos maledicorum tela torquenda. Quos obfecro ut quiefcant, & definant maledicere. Non enim ut adverfariis, fed ut amicis scripfimus. Nec invecti fumus in eos qui peccant, fed ne peccent monuimus. Neque in illos tantum, fed & in nofmetipfos feveri judices fuimus. Volentefque feftucam de oculo alterius tollere, noftram prius trabem ejecimus. Nullum læfi; nullius nomen faltem defcriptione fignatum eft. Neminem fpecialiter meus fermo pulfavit. Generalis de vitiis difputatio eft. Qui mihi irasci voluerit, ipfe de fe quod talis fit, confitebitur. AN ( 190 ) AN ACCOUNT OF THE BOOKS Referr❜d to in the foregoing DIRECTIONS. I Shall divide them into Three Claffes, for a 1. Those that relate to the Duty of the Clergy, D. Gregorii Nazianzeni Apologetica Oratio. These two Pieces may be found amongst their respective Works, in Greek and Latin. But there is a Greek and Latin Edition of them both together, printed at Cambridge in Octavo in 1712. with preliminary Differtations by Mr. Hughes, and alfo with the Notes of Mr. Hugbes on St. Chryfoftom, and Mr. Thirlby on St. Gregory Nazianzen. D. D. Hieronymi Epiftola ad Nepotianum. It is printed in these Papers. Gregorius Magnus, P. de Cura Paftorali. 'Tis printed amongst his Works. But it has been alfo printed alone feveral times. Editions, that I know of, 1629. Bishop Burnet's Paftoral Care. three times. In the laft The best of those is in Octavo, Lond. It has been printed Edition there are fome Additions. It may be convenient for the Student to forbear reading the late Preface, as being foreign to his prefent Design. Mr. Herbert's Country Parfon. ferve. Any Edition will That Gentle. Any Edition Mr. Dodwell's first Letter of Advice. man publifhed Two of them: But I propose the reading of only the Firft. will ferve. I take it for granted, that the Student is furnished with our Church's Offices of Ordination. 2. Those that contain pofitive, dogmatical and controverfial Divinity, and are recommended and referred to from p. 9. to p. 22. are Dr. Clarke's Demonftration of the Being and Attributes of God. --his Difcourfe concerning the unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Chriftian Revelation. Thefe Two Books are commonly called Dr. Clarke's Boyle's Lectures. Each of them has been fixe times printed. In the Third Edition they are joined together in One Volume. There are fome Alterations made in the Third Edition, and it has been reduced to a fmaller Bulk Bulk and Price: But yet I fhould rather prefer the First or Second Edition. Mr. Hoadly's Reasonableness of Conformity. ---------of Epifcopal Ordination, with a Reply to Dr. Calamy's Introduction. Any Edition will ferve. The Third, in which all of them are printed together, is the cheapest. Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion. The beft Edition is in Two Volumes in Octavo, Lond. 1708. Mr. Nelfon's Companion for the Festivals and Fafts of the Church. This Book has often received new Additions. There is little or no Alteration in feveral of the late ones. The Eighth was publish'd a few Months fince. Bishop Pearfon on the Creed. I believe the Au thor never made any Additions or Alterations fince the Third Edition, which was printed in 1669. The Ninth Edition has a Table of the Texts explained, and an Alphabetical Index of the most material Heads. Mr. Plaifere's Appello Evangelium for the true DoEtrine of the Divine Predeftination, concorded with the Orthodox Doctrin of God's Free Grace, and Man's Free Will, in Octavo, Lond, 1652. I know of no other Edition. Bishop Wake's Commentary on the Church Catechifm. The Third Edition is improved. Dr. Whitby's Paraphrafe with Annotations on the New Teftament, in Two Volumes. The Third Edition is the most improved. The Two general Systems, written by Foreiners, and pretty often quoted, are Fr. |