The Art of Poetry: The Poetical Treatises of Horace, Vida, and BoileauAlbert Stanburrough Cook Ginn, 1892 - 303 |
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Strona xvi
... fame , and restrained the too impetuous soarings of the Gallic Muse . Not till the French Romantic school of the first half of our century threw off the shackles of the Latin tradition was Ronsard rehabilitated in public esteem ...
... fame , and restrained the too impetuous soarings of the Gallic Muse . Not till the French Romantic school of the first half of our century threw off the shackles of the Latin tradition was Ronsard rehabilitated in public esteem ...
Strona xxviii
... fame , he says , alluding to these Hints , ' I wrote better then than now . ' This preference for their inferior writings has been not uncommon with poets ; so Milton preferred his Paradise Regained to Paradise Lost , and Petrarch his ...
... fame , he says , alluding to these Hints , ' I wrote better then than now . ' This preference for their inferior writings has been not uncommon with poets ; so Milton preferred his Paradise Regained to Paradise Lost , and Petrarch his ...
Strona xxix
... fame ! [ DRYDEN , Discourse on Satire . ] But in an epic poet , one who is worthy of that name , besides an universal genius is required universal learning , together with all those qualities and acquisitions which I have named above ...
... fame ! [ DRYDEN , Discourse on Satire . ] But in an epic poet , one who is worthy of that name , besides an universal genius is required universal learning , together with all those qualities and acquisitions which I have named above ...
Strona xxxi
... fame , certain it is that at his suggestion Vida began his Christiad , which he afterwards completed in six books , but which the pontiff was prevented , by his untimely death , from seeing brought to a termination . The future ...
... fame , certain it is that at his suggestion Vida began his Christiad , which he afterwards completed in six books , but which the pontiff was prevented , by his untimely death , from seeing brought to a termination . The future ...
Strona xxxvi
... fame of the Roman bard by the piety of his Italian pupil . The final lines are justly famous .. ... Vida's own intellect was clear , and his style perspicuous ; but his genius was mediocre . His power lay in the disposition of materials ...
... fame of the Roman bard by the piety of his Italian pupil . The final lines are justly famous .. ... Vida's own intellect was clear , and his style perspicuous ; but his genius was mediocre . His power lay in the disposition of materials ...
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
adeo Æneid ancient animis animo Apollo Aristotle Art of Poetry atque auteurs bard Boileau Byron C'est carmina Cicero cura discourse divine Dryden eclogue elegy English Ennius epic erit esprit Essay on Criticism etiam expression eyes fame French genius gods grace Greek hæc Haud hero hinc Hints from Horace Homer Iliad imitation immortal Ipse jamais labor Latin Latio Latium literature Lucretius madrigal mihi mind Molière multa Muse nature noble numbers numina nunc o'er olim omnes omnia Parnassus Pindar poem poet poet's Poetics Pope praise prose puer qu'il qu'un quæ Quam quid Quintilian rage rerum rime rise Roman rules sacred Sæpe satire Satyric semper sense sing song soul souvent style tamen tantum theme Thespis thought tibi toil tout tragedy translation ultro vates vatum verba verborum vers verse Vida Virgil words write youth
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 262 - Others for Language all their care express, And value books, as women men, for dress: Their praise is still, — The style is excellent; The sense, they humbly take upon content. Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.
Strona 245 - First follow Nature, and your judgment frame By her just standard, which is still the same: Unerring Nature, still divinely bright, One clear, unchang'd, and universal light, Life, force, and beauty, must to all impart, At once the source, and end, and test of Art. Art from that fund each just supply provides, Works without show, and without pomp presides: In some fair body thus th...
Strona 247 - In every work regard the writer's End, Since none can compass more than they intend ; And if the means be just, the conduct true, Applause, in spight of trivial faults, is due. As men of breeding, sometimes men of wit, T...
Strona 1 - HUMANO capiti cervicem pictor equinam Jungere si velit, et varias inducere plumas Undique collatis membris, ut turpiter atrum Desinat in piscem mulier formosa superne, Spectatum admissi risum teneatis, amici...
Strona 285 - Some beauties yet no precepts can declare, For there's a happiness as well as care. Music resembles poetry; in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach, And which a master-hand alone can reach. If, where the rules not far enough extend (Since rules were made but to promote their end), Some lucky Licence answer to the full Th' intent propos'd, that licence is a rule.
Strona 253 - Who haunt Parnassus but to please their ear, Not mend their minds; as some to church repair, Not for the doctrine, but the music there. These equal syllables alone require, Tho...
Strona 254 - the cooling western breeze," In the next line, it "whispers through the trees:" If crystal streams "with pleasing murmurs creep...
Strona 227 - Tis not a lip, or eye, we beauty call, But the joint force and full result of all. Thus when we view some well-proportion'd dome, (The world's just wonder, and ev'n thine, O Rome!) No single parts unequally surprise, All comes united to th' admiring eyes; No monstrous height, or breadth or length appear; The whole at once is bold and regular.
Strona 241 - Be Homer's works your study and delight; Read them by day, and meditate by night ; Thence form your judgment, thence your maxims bring, And trace the Muses upward to their spring.
Strona 166 - Enfin Malherbe vint, et, le premier en France, Fit sentir dans les vers une juste cadence. D'un mot mis en sa place enseigna le pouvoir. Et réduisit la muse aux règles du devoir.