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" Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the present time : With Additions and Corrections from the most authentic Writers ; including the Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Exode to the Temple. "
Horace: with notes by C. Girdlestone and W.A. Osborne - Strona 8
autor: Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1848 - Liczba stron: 12
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Tom 76

1843 - Liczba stron: 632
...BLACKWOOD'S Standard Novels, Vol. 9— Pen Owen. Foolscap 8vo. pp. 470, with Frontispiece, cloth, 6s. 27 BLAIR'S Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the present time. New edition, carefully corrected, enlarged, and brought down to the present time. Royal 8vo. In the...
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A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - Liczba stron: 286 R. Branston, from Drawings by Alken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. 1 thick vol. 8vo. j£2. 10s. cloth. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, From...the Period from the Exode to the Temple. Under the revision of Sir HENRY ELLIS, KH, Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Imperial 8vo. 31s. 6d....
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A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ...

1856 - Liczba stron: 1156
...19th century. With a supplement to the present time. By Robert Baird. New York, 1855. Blair, 11226, 0. Blair's chronological and historical tables from the...the present time, with additions and corrections. London, 1844. Cannon, 11007, 0. 5. Lectures on history and chronology. By JS Cannon, DDN Brunswick,...
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The Statesman

Sir Henry Taylor - 1836 - Liczba stron: 326
...Alken.T. Landsecr, Dickes, etc. Svo. 50s. cloth. BLAIIt'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, I'rom the Creation to the present Time; with Additions and Corrections from the most anthentic Writers ; inclnding the Computation of St. 1'nul, as connecting the Period from the Kxode...
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Lacon: Or, Many Things in Few Words : Addressed to Those who Think

Charles Caleb Colton - 1837 - Liczba stron: 496 Alken, T. Landseer, Dickea, &c. 1 thick vol. 8vo. pp. 1256, ^2. 10s. cloth. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, From the Creation to the present time : with...Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from tlie Exode to the Temple. Under the revision of Sir HENRY ELLIs, KH, Principal Librarian of the British...
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The Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth: Or, The Study of the Inductive ...

Baden Powell - 1838 - Liczba stron: 376 R. Branston, from Drawings by Alken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. 1 thick vol. 8vo. aH'2, 10s. cloth. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, From...Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Exude to the Temple. Under the revision of Sir HENKY ELLIS, KH, Principal Librarian of the British...
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A Treatise on Roads: Wherein the Principles on which Roads Should be Made ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1838 - Liczba stron: 542 R. Branston, from Drawings by Alken, T. Landseer, Dickcs, &c. 1 thick vol. Svo. *2. 10s. cloth. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, From...most authentic Writers ; including the Computation pf St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Exode to the Temple. Under the revision of Sir HENRY...
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The Doctor, &c. ...

Robert Southey - 1838 - Liczba stron: 456
...Alken, T. Landscer, Dickes, ete Svo. "21. l0s. cloth. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, tic Writers ; including the Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Exode to the Templc. Under the revision of Sir Heury Ellis, KH, Principal Lihrarian of the British Museum. Imperial...
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On the Education of the People of India

Charles Edward Trevelyan - 1838 - Liczba stron: 270
...Fishing hy Epht mera ; and Coursing hr Mr. A. Graham. With upwards of 6UO Woodcuts. Svo.aOs. half -hound. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL TABLES, From the Creation to the present Time: with Addition* and Cocreetiorrs f ram the most anthentic Writers; including the Computation of St. Panl,...
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Progressive Education: Observations on the first four years of childhood

Albertine Adrienne de Saussure Necker - 1839 - Liczba stron: 354
...Illustrations. Svo. pries 50*. hy HARRY HIEOVER, EPHEMERA, and Mr. Blair's Chronological and Historical Tnhlfs, from the Creation to the present Time: with Additions...Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Esode to the Temple. Under the revision of SIR HENRY ! ii.i;. KH New Edition, with corrections. imperial...
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