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" For the use of Schools and Young Persons. Comprising the Principles of Classification interspersed with amusing and instructive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LEE. "
Horace: with notes by C. Girdlestone and W.A. Osborne - Strona 12
autor: Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1848 - Liczba stron: 12
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th]

1845 - Liczba stron: 786
...continuation of the Autobiography of the author. Longman & Co. 1844. 12mo., pp. cxlii. 186. 2. Elements of Natural History, for the use of schools and young...persons comprising the principles of Classification, etc. By Mrs. R. Lee (formerly Mrs. JE Bowdich) : author of the ' Memoirs of Cuvier/ &c. Illustrated...
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A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - Liczba stron: 286
...Mr. Waterton's method of Preserving Animals. Fcp. 8vo. with Wood Engravings, 7s. cloth. LEE.-ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the use of Schools and Young...original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LEE (formerly Mrs. TE BOWDICH), Author of "Taxidermy," "Memoirs of Cuvier," &c. 12mo. with Fifty-five...
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The Statesman

Sir Henry Taylor - 1836 - Liczba stron: 326
...Hall, and Mr. Waterton's method of Preserving Animals. Feap. Svo. with Woodcuts, It. LEE— ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the Use of Schools and Young...Persons: comprising the Principles of Classification, By Mrs. R- Lee anthor of "Taxidermy," etr. l2mo. with 55 Woodcuts, 7s. 6d. hound. LEMPRIERE.— A CLASSICAL...
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Lacon: Or, Many Things in Few Words : Addressed to Those who Think

Charles Caleb Colton - 1837 - Liczba stron: 496
...Mr. \Vaterton's method of Preserving Animals. Fcp. 8vo. with Wood Engravings, 7s. cloth. LEE-ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the use of Schools and Young Persons: comprising the Principles of CUsaitication, interspersed with amusing and instructive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals....
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The Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth: Or, The Study of the Inductive ...

Baden Powell - 1838 - Liczba stron: 376
...Mr. Waterton's method of Preserving Animals. Fcp. 8vo. with Wood Engravings, 7s. cloth. LEE -ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the use of Schools and Young...original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LEE (formerly Mrs. TE BOWDICH), Author of "Taxidermy," "Memoirs of Cuvier," &c. 12mo. with Fifty-five...
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On the Education of the People of India

Charles Edward Trevelyan - 1838 - Liczba stron: 270
...Edition. 2vols.12uo.16i. cloth. LEE.— ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY; OR, FIRST PRINCIPLES OP ZOOLOGY. For the Use of Schools and Young Persons: comprising...Classification, interspersed with amusing and instructive Accounts of the most remarkahle Animals. Bv Mrs. R. Lee. New Edition, revised and eularged; with numerous...
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An Introduction to Botany

John Lindley - 1839 - Liczba stron: 662
...For the use of Schools and Young Persons: comprising1 the Principles of Classification, intersjwrsed with amusing; and instructive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LEE (formerly Mrs. TE BOWDICH), Author of "Taxidermy," "Memoirs of Cuvier,*' &c. 12mo. with Fifty-five...
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The Theory of Horticulture; Or, An Attempt to Explain the Principal ...

John Lindley - 1840 - Liczba stron: 448
...Mr. Waterton's method of Preserving Animals. Fcp. Svo. with Wood Engravings, 7s. cloth. LEE-ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the use of Schools and Young...Principles of Classification, interspersed with amusing and instnictive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LKB (formerly Mrs. TE BOWDICH),...
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A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands: With ...

William Turton - 1840 - Liczba stron: 408
...Waterloo's method of Preserving Animals. Fcap. Svo. with Wood Engravings, 7t. cloth. LEE.—ELEMENTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For the Use of Schools and Young...Principles of Classification, interspersed with amusing ami instructive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. Lee (formerly Mrs. TE...
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Medical Notes and Reflections

Sir Henry Holland - 1840 - Liczba stron: 800
...Principles of Zoology. For the use of Sohools and Young Persons. Comprising the Principles of Classitication interspersed with amusing and instructive original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. I,EE. New Edition, revised and enlarged, with numerous additional Woodcuts. Fcp. Svo. 7s. 6d. cloth....
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