A MIDNIGHT HYMN, TO DEITY. HOW grand and awful is this midnight hour! The world is still....and not a sound disturbs Almighty Power in his eternal counsels, The sun roll'd burning from the hand of God. 31 The Brutes that roam'd its haunts. The gates of Paradise were closed against him, Affords a subject gloomy to the soul. Thus on the morning of man's towering hopes, 60 By Adam's disobedence earth was curs'd. In Nature's garden thorns and thistles grew: Chill o'er the vallies swept the howling blast, The thunders roar'd....the earthquake shook the globe; The mountains pour'd their streams of liquid fire, And blew o'er earth his pestilential breath. A train of evils followed on his steps; : There came Misfortune with his iron scythe 70 Dropping with human blood; there Envy stalk'd 80 There came Remorse absorb'd in gloomy thought: A straw, and told the kingdoms which he rul'd. |