Thomas KuhnThomas Nickles Cambridge University Press, 2003 - 298 Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996), the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed our thinking about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life and work and considers the implications of his work for philosophy, cognitive psychology, social studies of science and feminism. More than a retrospective on Kuhn, the book explores future developments of cognitive and information services along Kuhnian lines. Outside of philosophy the volume is of interest to professionals and students in cognitive science, history of science, science studies and cultural studies. Thomas Nickles is Professor of Philosophy and Chair at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is editor of Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality and Scientific Discovery: Case Studies (both Reidel, 1980). Nickles is co-editor of PSA 1982 (The Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings). |
Spis treści
Kuhn and Logical Empiricism | 19 |
Thomas Kuhn and French Philosophy of Science | 45 |
Kuhn | 65 |
Kuhns Philosophy of Scientific Practice | 101 |
Thomas Kuhn and the Problem of Social Order in Science | 122 |
From Logic to CaseBased and ModelBased | 142 |
Kuhn Conceptual Change and Cognitive Science | 178 |
Kuhn on Concepts and Categorization | 212 |
Kuhns World Changes | 246 |
Does The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Permit a Feminist | 261 |
Selected References in English | 280 |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Andersen anomalies articulated Bachelard bird Brunschvicg Canguilhem Carnap case-based case-based reasoning Cassirer central theory Chicago Press claims cognitive science concepts conceptual change conceptual structure constituted constraints context critical discussion Einstein empirical empiricist epistemological essay example exemplars experience explicitly family resemblance feminist frame framework history of science human ideas incommensurability individual interpretation Kantian kind Koyré Kuhn's Kuhn's account Kuhn's theory Kuhnian Lakatos language learning logical empiricism logical positivism Marburg School mathematical mental models Meyerson model-based reasoning motion nature neo-Kantian Nersessian Newtonian normal science norms objects observation paradigm perceptual phenomena Philosophy of Science physics Popper problem solving prototype psychology puzzles question rational relations representation result revolutionary role rules scientific change scientific community scientific knowledge scientific practice Scientific Revolutions scientists sense similarity social solution specific Structure of Scientific studies superordinate taxonomy theoretical system Thomas Kuhn tion tradition understanding University of Chicago Wittgenstein
Odniesienia do tej książki
Smart World: Breakthrough Creativity and the New Science of Ideas Richard Ogle Podgląd niedostępny - 2007 |