The Tragedies of SophoclesM. Bliss and R. Bliss, 1808 - 406 |
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Ægisthus Æschylus Ajax ANTIGONE Argive arms art thou Atreus aught bear behold beneath blood CDIP CEDIP CHOR CHORUS CHRY CLYT Creon daring daughters dead death deed DEIA DEIANIRA didst dost thou dreadful e'en EDIP Edipus ELEC Electra Euripides Eurytus eyes fate fear fix'd friends glory gods Grecian grief hallow'd hand hast thou hated hath hear heart hence HERC hither honour HYLL ills illustrious ISMENE Jocasta Jove king know'st Laius LICH lord midst mind mortal mournful ne'er NEOP NEOPTOLEMUS never o'er ŒDIP Orestes PHIL Philoctetes pity Polybus Polynices pow'r rage realms reverence Sophocles soul speak stranger STRO TECM TECMESSA TEUC Teucer Thebes thee Theseus thine things thou art thou hast thou may'st thou shalt thou wilt thought thy father thy words Tiresias toils tomb Troy ULYS Ulysses unhappy vengeance virgin voice wilt thou wish woes wou'dst thou wretched
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 39 - Of law there can be no less acknowledged, than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world ; all things in heaven and earth do her homage, the very least as feeling her care, and the greatest as not exempted from her power...
Strona 190 - Life's but a walking shadow ; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more : it is a tale Told by an ideot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Strona 92 - Well, stranger, to these rural seats Thou comest, this region's blest retreats, Where white Colonus lifts his head, And glories in the bounding steed. Where sadly sweet the frequent nightingale Impassion'd pours her evening song, And charms with varied notes each verdant vale, The ivy's dark-green boughs among ; Or shelter'd 'midst the cluster'd vine, Which high above, to form a bow'r Safe from the sun or stormy show'r, Loves its thick branches to entwine ; Where frolic Bacchus always roves, And...
Strona 392 - A wandering exile, from thy sister far. Nor in the cleansing lavers did I bathe With these fond hands thy corse, nor, as became A sister, bear from the consuming flames The mournful burden. By a stranger's hands These duties paid, thou comest a little dust Closed in a little urn.
Strona vi - Castle situated on a rock, whose martial grandeur awes the beholder, its battlements defended by heroes in arms, and its gates proudly hung with trophies. Sophocles appears with splendid dignity, like some imperial palace of richest architecture, the symmetry of whose parts, and the chaste magnificence of the whole delight the eye, and command the approbation of the judgment. The pathetic and moral Euripides hath the...
Strona vi - ... architecture, the symmetry of whose parts, and the chaste magnificence of the whole delight the eye, and command the approbation of the judgment. The pathetic and moral Euripides hath the solemnity of a Gothic Temple, whose storied windows admit a dim religious light, enough to show...
Strona 92 - Here restless fountains ever murm'ring glide, And as their crisped streamlets stray To feed, Cephisus, thy unfailing tide, Fresh verdure marks their winding way ; And as their pure streams roll along O'er the rich bosom of the ground, Quick spring the plants, the flow'rs around Here oft to raise the tuneful song The virgin band of Muses deigns ; And car-borne Venus guides her golden reins Strophe 2.
Strona 54 - He from her vestments snatch'd, then, dreadful deed ! Raised high his hand, and plunged their piercing points Deep in his orbs of sight, exclaiming thus, That her no more they should behold, his woes, His horrid deeds no more ; but henceforth dark Nor see whom it beseem'd him not to see, Nor those, with whom* he should have converse, know. Thus oft exclaiming he his eyelids raised, And rent the orbs of sight ; the bleeding balls Imbath'd his cheeks, nor ceased the gushing drops, But rain'da show'r...
Strona 52 - Witness he hat sent for. For what, ah ! what your happiest fate, More than light fancy's high-wrought dream? How soon those baseless dreams decay, And all the glittering visions melt away! Whilst thy example, hapless King, Thy life, thy fortune I bewail, Happy no man of mortal birth I hail. Thine was no vulgar fate: its tow'ring wing To wealth, and empire's splendid summit soar'd: When, silenc'd her mysterious lore, The harpy-talon'd monster scream'd no more, Our bulwark thou against that pest abhorr'd,...
Strona 251 - Raging against the flocks, he srouiged as men. At length he issued from the tent, and held Long converse with some shadow ; of the sons Of Atreus much, and of Ulysses much He spoke, and laugh'd aloud, how their base deeds He in this sally amply had revenged.