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observing the days of fasting and abstinence to oppose himself against the consent and appointed by the Church.

practice of the Catholic Church, which all It was during these hours of thoughtful churches every where received.”] Such privacy that he wrote his many valuable were among the subjects of this pious preworks. Of these his ninety-six sermons, late's devotions; and it has well been said, and a “ Manual of Private Devotions and Me- || “ Pray with Bishop Andrewes for one week, ditations for every Day in the Week,” and and he will be thy companion for the residue a “Manual of Directions of the Visitation of thy years; he will be pleasant in thy life, of the Sick, together with Meditations on and at the hour of death he will not forsake the Holy Communion,” are best known to thee." It is also gratifying to be able to the general reader. These manuals, writ. | adduce a witness to its value like Bishop ten in Greek and Latin, were compiled out Horne, who in disposition and character of the holy Scriptures and ancient liturgies ; |was in many points not unlike Andrewes. and being compiled for the bishop's own “He shewed to me,” writes his friend and use, they open to us the inmost recesses || biographer, Jones of Nayland, “ as we were of his soul, and prove how truly his life upon a walk one summer's evening in the was said to be a life of prayer. In them, || country, when he was a very young man, that too, may be seen the source and strength of precious composition of Bishop Andrewes, all his virtues. It was the Holy Spirit, | the first copy of which occurred to him in whose gracious influences he so earnestly the library of Magdalene College, on which supplicated, that inspired his heart and ani- || he set so great a value during the rest of mated his actions. But he prayed not for his life, that while he was dean of Canterhimself alone, but “for all whom I have | bury he published, after the example of the educated, for all whom I have ordained, for excellent Dean Stanhope, a handsome Eng. my college, my parish, Southwell, St. Paul's, lish edition of it. And it happened some Westminster, dioceses of Chichester, Ely, || time after Mr. Horne had first brought the and my present, the deanery in the chapel work into request, that a great number of royal, the almonry, the colleges committed copies of the Greek and Latin edition were to me”) [as visitor). Nor were the living discovered in a warehouse at Oxford, where only the objects of his intercession. He in- | they had lain undisturbed in sheets for many tercedes also “ for all our forefathers, and years. In the copy published after Dean our brethren departed.”2 He was also ac- || Stanhope's form, the Manual for the Sick, customed to supplicate God in private in be- || though the best thing extant on its subject, half of the Catholic Church, “its establish- | is wholly omitted ; but in the posthumous ment and increase; for the eastern, its deli- | manuscript I speak of, the whole is put togeverance and union; for the western, its adjust- \| ther, with improvements by the compiler ; ment and peace; for the British, the supply and I wish,” continues Jones, “ all the paof what is wanting in it, the strengthening | rochial clergy in the nation were possessed of what remains.” He told his friend Dull of it.”'2 Moulin that he daily begged humbly of God || The sermons of Bishop Andrewes which that the reformed Churches might be united have been published to the world are ninety“ in the same form of Church polity, by the || six in number, seventeen of which are upon bond of ecclesiastical government; but that the nativity, 3 eight upon repentance and same which derives its pedigree from the fasting preached upon Ash-Wednesday, six very infancy of the Church, from the reve- || on the same subject preached in Lent, three rend antiquity of the first ages, which who. upon the Passion, eighteen upon the Resursoever opposes, opposes himself to all anti rection, fifteen upon the sending of the quity; which St. James the apostle began || Holy Ghost, eight preached in commemoin the Church of Jerusalem, from whom the ration of the king's preservation from the succession of bishops in a long course de conspiracy of the Gowries,4 ten on the fifth scended; which condemned Arius for daring

I See Wordsworth's Christian Institutes, iii. 265. I See translation, in Tracts for the Times, v. 35, 67.

2 Life of Horne, p. 80. Works, vi. 2 Nov. 9, 1616. Chamberlain, in a letter to Carleton, says, 3 The sermon preached on one of these occasions from " on Tuesday I heard the bishop of Ely preaching at court, Galatians iii. 4, 5, produced a great sensation. “The king," pray solemnly for Prince Henry, without recalling himself.” says Chainberlain in a letter to Sir Ralph Winwood, " with This was no doubt intentional, though it is here noticed as a much importunity, had the copy delivered to him on Tueslapse of memory. Prayers for the dead were used in the first day last before his going to Royston, and says he will lay it reformed Prayer-book, but were erased from the second. See still under his pillow."-Nichols' Progress of James I., ii. 284. Cardwell's Liturgies compared,

II 4 The diabolical attack made upon the king's life by the

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of November, and eleven upon various other tion, and is generally clear, logical, decopublic occasions. As Andrewes was onerous, and grave, though not without the of the most popular court-preachers of his quaintnesses of the time. To charge, as time, the sermons were mostly delivered some presume to do, Bishop Andrewes, before Elizabeth and James, at Whitehall, ll one of the greatest scholars in the AuHampton Court, and other royal residences. I gustan age of our literature, the contemThere is also remaining one of his spital porary of Shakspere, Sidney, Spenser, Rasermons preached at St. Mary's Hospital, leigh, Bacon, and the friend of Hooker, founded in the year 1197, and in the yard | with having introduced a vicious taste' into of which was a pulpit-cross of equal cele- || the English pulpit, is an accusation as ridibrity with that of St. Paul's, and with which culous as it is false, and happily needs no it was long connected. It was customary, ll other refutation than a perusal of the serStrype tells us, for the bishop of London to mons themselves; or, as Fuller observes, “as summon up from the Universities, or else. || for such who causelessly have charged his where, persons of best abilities to preach sermons as affected, and surcharged with public sermons at St. Paul's cross, whither verbal allusions :' when they themselves the prince and court, and the magistrates of have set forth the like, it will then be time the city, besides a vast conflux of people, enough to make this bishop's first defence used to resort. Thus on Good Fridays a || against their calumniations.”? A play upon sermon was preached there on the passion || words, as in the translation of the sacred of Christ; and on three days in Easter Scriptures themselves, and in some of the week, sermons were preached at St. Mary's fathers, may occasionally be detected, but it Hospital on the resurrection. It was usual | will always be found to increase the se. for a bishop to preach on the Monday in | riousness, rather than excite the levity, of Easter-week, a dean on Tuesday, and a doc- || the thoughtful reader. tor of divinity on Wednesday ; and in con But, whatever reverence these may claim formity with this rule, it was that Andrewes from the reader in respect of their orthopreached on the Wednesday in Easter-week, doxy, learning, and eloquence, there was a A.D. 1583. After the fire of London the charm in the preacher's delivery of them spital sermons were preached at St. Bride's which irresistibly captivated every hearer. in Fleet-street, and the Good Friday sermon Like most other qualifications of the kind, it in the choir of St. Paul's.

cannot be explained wherein the charm conIt need scarcely be said that these sermons sisted. It was, however, felt and acknowthoroughly exhaust the subjects they treat | ledged to be inimitable. Fuller, with his upon,-subjects involving the cardinal doc- || usual quaintness, observes, “ Such plagiaries trines of the faith, and the most primitive who have stolen his sermons could never customs of the Church. All these points, || steal his preaching, and could make nothing and other topics of a kindred nature, it has of that whereof he made all things he could been truly said, are treated in a manner the desire pious and pleasant.” Bishop Felton, most forcible and satisfactory that can well his contemporary and colleague, endeavoured be imagined; and there is a Catholic spirit in vain to assimilate his style, and therewhich pervades the whole, and vividly re- || fore said merrily of himself, “I had almost cals to the imagination the productions of marred my own natural trot by endeavourthe first and purest ages of the faith. The l'ing to imitate his artificial amble.” 4 Be. style in which they are written bears evi- | tween Bishop Felton and Andrewes there was dent marks of great carefulness of composi- |a striking conformity, “both being sons of

seafaring men, who, by God's blessing upon earl of Gowry and his brother, at Perth, on August the 5th, 1600, is detailed by Archbishop Spotswood in his History of the Church of Scotland. And“in acknowledgement of the favours and grace they had all received of God, by the miraculous and extraordinary preservation from that treasonable attempt, the estates did ordain that in all times and ages to

that in all times and ages to ll preachers in London for many years, with come, the fifth of August should be solemnly kept with

ll no less profit to others than credit to themprayers, preachings, and thanksgivings for that benefit." Hence the origin of the sermons preached by Andrewes on selves ; both successively bishops of Ely.”5 the conspiracy of the Gowries.

1 Strype's Life of Aylmer, p. 201. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. lxix, 590,- quoted in vol. v. of the Anglo-Catholic

1 Birch's Life of Tillotson, p. 21. Library. A print of St. Paul's cross may be seen in Blunt's

2 Church History, iii. 319. 3 James i. 6. History of the Reformation.

4 Fuller's Worthies, p. 206. (London), % See preface of first vol. of the Anglo-Catholic Library.

5 Church History, iii. 359.

They also died within a few days of each New Testament, he denies that they are of other.

the same order, since bishops have power to In enumerating the works of Bishop An- || a special act,—that is, to ordain ; or that drewes it should not be forgotten, that the episcopacy is merely an ecclesiastical, and English Church is indebted to him for the not a divine, institution. “We very well first reformed service of consecration of a | know,” he writes, “that the apostles and church or chapel, and of the place of Chris the seventy-two disciples were two orders, tian burial. He appears to have made use and those distinct. And this likewise we of it in consecrating a chapel and cemetery || know, that bishops and presbyters are taken built and endowed at the sole charge of || to be after this example; that bishops suca Captain Smith, who lived at Peer-Tree, || ceeded the apostles, and presbyters the sein the parish of St. Mary's, near Southamp. || venty-two. ... Hence,” he concludes, “ that ton (Sept. 17, 1620). The bishop also drew the order of bishops and presbyters has the up some valuable notes on the Liturgy, which | strength and sinews thereof, not only from will be found in the appendix of Dr. Nicholl's || the apostles, but even from the Saviour Commentary on the Prayer-book. . himself. Nay further," he here maintains,

His replies, said to be answerless and the || as he has also done in a treatise on “ The most learned of his writings, against the Form of Church Government before and attacks of Bellarmine and Perron, upon the after Christ, as it is expressed in the Old writings of King James, as well as the two || and New Testament,”] “ that what Aaron speeches which he delivered in the star- and his sons and the Levites were in the chamber-one against Thraske, a principal || Temple, that do bishops, priests, and deabroacher of Judaism, who, among other opi. || cons challenge to themselves in the Church nions, maintained the Lord's day was to be —the opinion also, it need not be added, of observed with the same strictness as the most of the early fathers, St. Clement of Jewish sabbath; the other concerning a rash || Rome, St. Cyprian, and even Jerome. ... vow made by the Countess of Shrewsbury,– And yet,” he adds, in his second letter, in appear among his posthumous publications. || reply to Du Moulin's inference from this His correspondence, before alluded to, with judgment, “though our government be by Du Moulin, besides containing the clearest, | divine right, it follows not either that there and yet the most compendious defence of is 'no salvation,' or that a church cannot episcopacy in our theology, discloses a good stand without it. He must needs be stone deal of the writer's character and manner

| blind that sees not churches standing with. of handling his subjects. The correspond- | out it; he must needs be made of iron and ence appears to have arisen from the French | hard-hearted that denies them salvation. divine having written a work against the || We are not made of that metal; we are Romanists on the “ Calling of Pastors,” in none of those ironsides; we put a wide difwhich he had maintained that the names ference betwixt them. Somewhat may be of bishop and presbyter are promiscuously I wanting that is of divine right (at least in taken for one and the same ; that there is the external government), and yet salvation but one and the same order of presbyter and may be had. .... This is not to damn anybishop, and that episcopacy is not of divine thing, to prefer a better thing before it; this institution. These propositions having been | is not to damn your church, to recal it to excepted against by King James, Du Moulin | another form, that all antiquity was better wrote to Andrewes, desiring him to pacify || pleased with—i. e. to ours; and this when the king's anger against him, and to have God shall grant the opportunity, and your his opinion on the subject, at the same time estate may bear it.” expressing his willingness to be guided by i It was published by Dr. Bernard, chaplain to Archbishop it. Such was the origin of the correspond

Usher, in his Clavi Trabales, or nails fastened by some

great masters of assemblies, confirming the king's supreence ;2 and in the course of it, while An macy, and church government under bishops. "Whatever

defects it may have," the editor observes, "for want of the drewes admits that the name bishop and

author's last hand thereunto, the publisher, in order to the presbyter are used indiscriminately in the public good, thought fit to join it with the rest in this edi.

tion especially, the learned primate [Usher] having had it

under his file, as by the notes and other additions written i Fuller's Church Hist. iii. 274. A.D. 1618.

with the primate's own hand (which I have seen and can' 2 The letters of Andrewes, three in number, were origin- | testify) doth plainly appear." Keble's Hooker, p. 96. note. ally written in Latin, and are printed among his Opuscula Posthuma. An English translation appeared in 1647, by an

[To be continued.] anonymous hand, and which Dr. Wordsworth observes is executed with a very creditable degree of care and fidelity.

Notices of Books.

Although Mr. Heald's visitation-sermon on the

Duties of the Clergy, as defined in their OrdinationThose who are accustomed to object to the weekly Vows, preached at the archdeaconal visitation at use of the offertory may profitably read a dialogue, Leeds, is obviously intended chiefly for the perusal edited by the Rev. W. Palin, between Squire All

of the clergy, it may be studied with advantage by worthy and Farmer Blunt (Rivingtons). We should, || the laity of all classes. It is thoroughly excellent, however, have had a higher notion of the squire's || and represents the teaching of the Church in her worth had he not indulged in irreverent jesting

authorised formularies on certain points of priabout a memorial to the Bishop of London from

mary importance. The object which the author has "St. Luke's," p. 19,

in view will be seen from the following extract

from the preface :-"The more closely the Book of Many of our readers will be glad to know that Common Prayer is studied, the stronger, he is conseveral of the shorter biographies which have, from fident, will be the conviction which every soundtime to time, appeared in our Magazine, are now minded man will have of its entire consistency

published in three little volumes, under the title of with Holy Writ, and of its containing that Divine * Instructive Biography. They appear to be well system of worship, instruction, and discipline which --- adapted for lending-libraries, and for general cir. | is suited to the needs and calculated to promote culation among all classes.

the spiritual goud of mankind : and the greater

will be the progress made towards that unity of We have before alluded to the efforts now being ll opinion, feeling, and action among Christians, on made by the papists to seduce English Churchmen || true and solid grounds, which all rightly disposed into their ranks. And a tract has just been sent to men must ever long and pray for." us which, while it confirms our suspicions, also shews how the popish efforts are most likely to be

The Tales of the Town, by the Rev. H. W. Bellairs frustrated. A gentleman near Birmingham being || (Burns), convey a great deal of sound principle and on the very point of declaring himself a Romanist,

instruction, which may readily be brought to bear wisely sought the advice of his vicar before he finally

upon the ordinary pursuits of daily life.' If we took the fatal step. The reverend gentleman soon

mistake not, Henry Howard and Ambrose Elion will supplied his parishioner with a string of questions,

have many admiring readers. which he advised him to shew to the Romish priest, and demand an answer to them. Mr. Marsh (the

Dr. Hook's sermon on Mutual Forbearance recomsaid priest), however, well knew that they could

mended in Things indifferent (Rivingtons) requires no not be answered, and referred his inquirer to

notice of ours. It is already in every body's hands, Dr. Milner's End of Controversy. On stating the and will, no doubt, be universally read with interest result of his conference to the vicar, he was shewn and advantage. May this olive-branch be the foreby him the answers which might fairly be drawn

runner of peace! from Milner's sophistical work; with which he was fully satisfied of the errors of Romanism, and We are glad to find that Selections from the Wrigladly remained in his own Church of England. || tings of Bishop Wilson are being published by Burns. It is to this circumstance that we owe the tract in Two tracts on Confirmation and the Lord's Supper question: A short and popular Reply to Dr. Milner's

have already appeared, which should be distributed. End of Controversy, in a Letter to the Roman Catholic Laity (Painter).

The Holy Portion of the Land, a sermon preached

| in the parish church of Brotherton, Yorkshire, on Since our last, Mr. Burns has published several the day on which it was reopened for divine service excellent and attractive works for children; among after the rebuilding, by Mr. Churton, is worthy of at3 which we would especially recommend The History tention on account of the able manner in which the

of our Blessed Lord, in verse, with pictures; Lillian subject on which it treats is handled. But the readers Es Arundel, Popular Tales and Legends, and Elements of| of this Magazine will read it with additional interest, Knowledge.

when they know that the vicar of Brotherton was

a contributor to our pages. Hence the following · Mr. Paget's last work, The Pageant, or Pleasure || touching allusion to his exemplary life and premaand its Price (Walters, Rugeley), portrays in a very || ture death will not be unacceptable. Mr. Dixon instructive and affecting manner the hardship, cru- | of Brotherton is the second contributor who has

y, and moral degradation, to which young women | been called to his reward since this periodical was are subject who are apprentices to the fashionable started—the pious and accomplished Mr. Robert milliners of our metropolis, particularly at the west || Anderson of Brighton being the first. “ It has end. If fashionable frivolities do not harden the || pleased God,” says Mr. Churton, at the conclusion hearts even of the gentler sex beyond the power of of his sermon, “in his inscrutable wisdom, before sympathy, few women will read this work without | this work was fully accomplished, to shew you, in sorrow, and none who have in any way aided the | an affecting instance, how the foundation of all evil without shame. We understand that young earthly things is in the dust.' He whose voice was men, apprentices to haberdashers in the city, are lately heard among you, discharging the fitting still more barbarously used by many of their mas task of God's priest and prophet, encouraging the ters; and that youths from the country are daily building, and, may I not say, through whose encourupturing blood vessels, and otherwise mortally in ragement and exhortation the work has prospered, juring themselves, by the hard work and late hours -he who spared not of his own cost to adorn the to which they are subjected. Such is the freedom

1 The Rev. John Dixon, vicar of Brotherton, died April of the nineteenth century!

Il 30, 1843, aged thirty-one.

holy place,-he who lately fulfilled his office among ll at the time of morning or evening prayer. Let you in the full vigour of youthful manhood, and this be restored,' he writes, if possible;' speaking was prompt at every call of duty,—where is he? at once the earnestness of his wish, and as if he Let me borrow again the almost inspired language feared it might be attended with some difficulty. of St. Clement, ' Blessed are those priests who have | But now the venerable archbishop of this diocese finished their journey before the evil days come, has publicly signified his wish that this good order and who have obtained a fruitful and timely disso should be revived ; and I doubt not but that you lution. They are at rest, and fear not now, lest will the more readily co-operate with your future any enemy should disturb them from their secure minister in obeying a precept so accordant to the abode. Yes; for his words are founded upon the | desire of your departed friend. And what can I say promise of Christ, “In my Father's house are many more? I mourn for our common loss,- for one with mansions. There are different abodes, as the whom I have passed many happy hours, which now ancient Christians believed and taught, for those I only think of with the regret that I did not prize whose labour has been approved in the Lord's vine them more. He seemed to me (God only knows yard ; but each is a secure abode;' for every place the lieart) to be eminently graced with a generous, is visited by the light of God's presence, though unselfish spirit, actively devoted to good works. the brightness is unequal; for one star differeth || If not to live to ourselves' be a mark of high from another star in glory.' There is a remark Christian principle, this grace he seemed to seek. able instance in the history of our Church, near two And this grace shone forth in the frankness of his hundred years ago, of a good and zealous bishop? conversation, in the earnest way in which, in all who found his cathedral church in ruins, destroyed | his studies, he inquired after divine truth; and I in a disastrous siege during the cruel civil wars. think also in the influence which he seemed to have lle began immediately to clear the ruins, setting beyond his years, in gaining and retaining friends. his own horses to work, gave abundantly of his It is a disappointment to our earthly feelings and own, and procured large donations from other pious affections, when we see talents like these suddenly benefactors, who felt the burden of this public re withdrawn; when they have been, as we think, only proach. He lived to see the building restored, half shewn to the world ; and we had counted on after the labour of many years; and the great bell opportunities in years to come, in which they might having just been raised to its place in the western have shone forth in full. But are not such deaths tower, the first knell which it gave was for his de. the strongest confirmations of a well-grounded hope parting spirit, to whose efforts it was the crowning of immortality? The talent so removed is surely the work. Like to this has been, at an earlier date to find a worthier employment in a better world. of life, the lot of our departed friend. This funeral | The desire of goodness and truth, which this world service was the first service which was heard within could not satisfy, will be filled to the full at the these walls, where, from his natural age, it might || fountain of all perfection. This church preserves a have been hoped he would long ‘have spoken to I good memorial of him, which will meet your eyes, you the word of God;' but where now another must || and remind you of the care he took for the honour speak for him, bidding you to follow his faith, ll of God, when you worship, looking towards Jeruconsidering the end of his conversation. It was salem. May the thought awaken the remembrance his last wish, which God was pleased to accept, of the good land to which he has gone, and of the that he might return from the place where he had inheritance to which you also are called there. too late sought a restoration of health, to die at the May it teach you to ascend in heart and mind to scene of his ministerial labours, on the holy por the hill of the Lord, and so worship in this his holy tion' of ground where his lot had fallen, his proper place, that you may find your final portion in his Christian home. The wish itself shewed where his eternal sanctuary; where the Lord our God giveth heart was; it was the voice of natural piety which || light to his servants, and they shall reign with him spoke by it, and declared his love for the souls of for ever and ever!" his flock. While the hope of life remained, he thought much of the order of divine service in this restored sanctuary; and he has left, in writing, his

Intelligence. last wishes, expressing what it was that he desired

St. GERMANS.- Chapel of Tideford. - The interto see restored. It was his desire, first, that the

esting ceremony of laying the first stone of a new holy communion should be more frequently admi

chapel of ease at Tideford, St. Germans, took place, nistered, as it was in the good days of the early

a short time since, under circumstances which Church, before the love of many had waxed cold.

bring back the recollections of England in its best His handwriting speaks of a monthly communion,

days, by shewing the revival of the ancient spirit. as what he had purposed to hold among you. It

Gratifying is the spectacle, and full of hope, when was also his desire that you who are parents and

rank and power and wealth confess before men guardians of children would send them more fre

their responsibility towards God when the venequently to be cateelised in the house of prayer;

rated peer comes forth with the peasantry to make and he purposed more diligently to instruct them

his offering, himself and his substance, at God's altar here in those first truths which young Christians

—when the noble statesman turns from the cares of ought to learn, and aged ones to keep in remem

empire to think of the village poor-when those brance, that their souls may prosper. He wished,

who are the grace and ornament of society, and also, that your infants should be brought to be

whose example is ever the most influential, since baptised when the whole congregation may wit all desire "to win their grace," shew themselves ness the holy rite, and unite in prayers for them,

1 This alludes to a beautifully executed east window over 1 John Hacket, bishop of Lichfield, A.D. 1661-1671; au the communion-table, given to the church by the late lathor of the little treatise, entitled " Christian Consolations." || mented yicar,

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