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The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.

And the Deacon,

The very fame Spirit fhall Minifter with us all the days of our Life.

And the Deacon again,

Holy Sir, remember me.

And the Priest,

May the Lord God remember you in his Kingdom, always, now, and for ever, and to Ages of Ages.

And (the Deacon) adding,


And killing the Priest's right Hand, he goes out, and standing in the ufual place, he faith,

Let us finish our Prayer to the Lord.

For the precious Gifts propofed, let us befeech the Lord.

For this Holy Houfe, and for all that enter therein with Faith, Devotion, and the fear of God, let us befeech the Lord.

That we may be deliver'd from all Affliction, the Wrath of God, and Tribulation, let us befeech the Lord.

The Prayer of Offering after the divine Gifts are fet upon the Holy Table.

O Almighty Lord God, who only art Holy, who receiveft the Sacrifice of Praise from those who call upon thee with their whole Heart, Receive alfo the Prayer of us Sinners, and bring it to thy Holy Altar, and make us fit to offer unto Thee, Gifts and Spiritual Sacrifices for our Sins, and for the Ignorances of the People; and make us worthy to find Favour in thy fight, that our Sacrifice may be acceptable unto Thee, and that the good Spirit of thy Grace may rest upon us, and upon these proposed Gifts, and upon all thy People. Receive, Save, be Merciful.

Let us beg of the Lord, that every Day may be Perfect, Holy, Peaceful, and without Sin.

Let us ask of the Lord, the Angel of Peace, the faithful Guide, the Keeper of our Souls and Bodies.

Let us ask of the Lord Pardon and Forgiveness of our Sins, and Misdeeds. Let us ask of the Lord thofe things which are Good and Profitable to our Souls, and Peace to the World.

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Let us beg of the Lord that we may compleat the remaining time of our Life in Peace and Repentance.

Let us ask of Christ Christian ends of our Life, without Pain, without Confufion, Peaceful and a good Apology before the dreadful Tribunal.

Of our most Holy, Immaculate, above all Bleffed, Glorious Lady.


By the Mercies of thy only begotten Son, with whom thou art Bleffed, with the All-holy and Good and Quickening Spirit, now and for ever, and to Ages of Ages.

Peace be to all.

The Deacon,

Let us Love one another, that we may with one Mind confefs.

And the Priest adoring thrice, kisses the Holy Things fo as they are covered.

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And in like manner also the Deacon adores with him in the place where he ftands, and kiffes his Horarium where the fign of the Cross is made, and faith thus aloud,

The Doors, the Doors; let's attend in Wifdom.

The People,

I believe in one God. &c.











FIG. 5.






The Deacon.

Let us stand well, let us stand with fear, let us attend to offer the Holy of fering in Peace.

And the Prieft lifting up the Aer from off the Holy Things, lays it afide, faying,

The Grace of the Lord.

But the Deacon having Worshipped, goes into the Holy Tribunal ( Chancel) and taking the Fan, he devoutly Fans the Holy Things.



The Grace of our Lord Jefus Christ, and the love of God, and the Father, and the Communication of the Holy Spirit, be with us all.

Let us lift up our Hearts.

Let us give thanks unto the Lord.

The Prieft goes on Praying.

It is meet and juft to celebrate Thee, to blefs Thee, to Praise Thee, to give thanks unto Thee, to worship Thee in every place of thy Dominion; For thou art God Ineffable, Inconceiveable, Invifible, Incomprehenfible, always Exifting, being after the fame manner, Thou and thy only begotten Son, and thy Holy Spirit. Thou out of nothing broughteft us to be, and when we had fallen Thou haft raised us again, and haft not left doing all things, until Thou haft brought us back to Heaven, and haft given us thy Kingdom to come. For all these things we give thanks to Thee, and to thy only begotten Son, and to thy Holy Spirit; for all things which we know, and which we know not; for all the Benefits done unto us manifeft and hidden, we alfo thank Thee for this Holy ministration, which thou haft vouchsafed to receive from our hands; although Thousands of Archangels and Myriads of Angels, the Cherubims and the Seraphims, having fix Wings, with many Eyes, Sorers a loft, Flyers, wait upon Thee.


Singing, Crying, Shouting and faying the Triumphing Hymn.

Here again the Deacon taking the Afterisk off from the Holy Difh makes the fign of the Cross upon it, and kiffing it lays it by.

The Priest goes on Praying,

With thefe Blessed Spirits, O Lord, Thou lover of Men we alfo cry and fay, Holy and All-holy art Thou and thy only begotten Son, and thy Holy Spirit. Holy and All Holy art Thou, and magnificent is thy Glory, who haft fo loved thy World, as to give even thy only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in Him fhould not Perish but have everlasting Life; who coming and having fulfilled the whole Dispensation for us, in the night wherein he was delivered, of rather delivered himself for the Life of the World, taking Bread into his Holy, Immaculate and Unblameable Hands, having given Thanks, and Bleffed, San&tified, Broken (it) He gave (it) to his Holy Disciples and Apostles saying, Aloud,

Take, cat, This is my Body which is broken for you, for the Remiffion of Sins.

Whilst this is said, the Deacon fhews the Holy Dish to the Prieft, holding alfo his Horarium with three Fingers of his right Hand.

In like manner when the Priest faith,

Drink ye all of This,

He alfo fheweth at the fame time the Holy Cup.

The Prieft foftly to himself,

In like manner also the Cup after Supper, faying.




Drink ye all of this, This is my Blood (which is, or that) of the New
Teftament, which is fhed for you and for many for the Remiffion of Sins.
The Priest goes on Praying,

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Being therefore mindful of this faving Commandment, and of all Things

which have been done for us, the Crofs, the Sepulcher, the Rifing again the third Day, the Afcenfion into the Heavens, the Setting on the right Hand, the Second and Glorious coming again.


Offering to Thee, Thine of Thine in all Things, and for all Things.

The Priest goes on praying,

Moreover we offer unto Thee this rational and unbloody Worship, and we intrcat, and pray, and befeech, fend down thy Holy Spirit upon us, and thefe Gifts proposed,


And the Deacon lays down the Fan, and comes nearer to the Priest, and they both worship thrice before the Holy Table, praying to themselves and Saying,


B. C.


E. F.

Lord who fenteft down thy Holy Spirit at the third hour to thy Apostles, take him not, O Thou Good, from us.

G. H.

The Verficle,

Create in me a clean Heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit within me.

This again.

The Verficle.

Caft me not away from thy Prefence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
And this again.

Then the Deacon bowing his Head, and shewing with his Horarium the
Holy Bread, he faith foftly,

Blefs, Sir, the Holy Bread.

And the Prieft ftanding up, figns the Holy Gifts thrice, faying,

And make this Bread the pretious Body of thy Christ.

The Deacon.


Then he again,

Blefs, Sir, the Holy Cup.

And the Priest blessing, faith,

And what is in this Cup, the pretious Blood of thy Christ.

The Deacon,


And again the Deacon fhewing with his Horarium both the Holy's,


Sir, Bless them both.

And the Priest blessing both the Holy's, faith,

Changing by thy Holy Spirit,

The Deacon,

Amen, Amen, Amen.

And the Deacon bowing his Head to the Prieft, and faying,

Holy Sir, Remember me a Sinner,

Stands in the place where he stood before, and taking the Fan, he Fans the Holy's as he did before;

The Priest goes on Praying,

That to all that Receive (them they) may be made to Soberness of Mind (or Soul) to the Remiffion of Sins, to the Communication of thy Holy Spirit, to the fulness of the Kingdom of Heaven, to Confidence towards Thee, not to Judgment or Condemnation;

Moreover we offer unto Thee, this rational Service for our Fore-fathers, Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelifts, Martyrs, Confeffors, Strict-Livers, who are Departed in the Faith, and for every righteous Spirit perfected in the Faith,

And the Deacon Incenfeth the Holy Table round about, and remembers whom he pleafeth Living and Dead.

The Priest with a loud voice,

Especially for our All-holy, Spotless, above all Blessed, Glorious Lady,

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E. F.



Mother of God and always Virgin, Mary,

The Deacon Commemorates the Diptych, (or Tables) of the Dead;
But the Prief goes on Praying,

For the Holy Prophet John, the Fore-runner and Baptift, the Holy, Glorious and moft Celebrated Apoftles, for the Saint N. N. whom we Commemorate, and all thy Saints by whofe Prayers, O God, do Thou regard us, and be mindful of all that have flept in Hope of a Refurrection of Life Eternal. And give them reft where they behold the Light of thy Countenance, or where the Light of thy Countenance feeth.

Moreover we beseech Thee, O Lord, be mindful of all the Epifcopacy of the Orthodox, those who rightly divide the Word of thy Truth; of all the Prefbytery, the Deaconry in Chrift; and of all the Holy Order.

Morcover we offer unto Thee, this rational Service for the whole World; for the Holy Catholick and Apoftolick Church; for all that lead a Chaste and Holy courfe of Life; for our most Faithful and Chriftian Kings; for their whole Court, and their Forces. Give them, O Lord, a peaceful Reign, that we also in their Peace, may lead a still, and quiet Life, in all Godliness and Honesty; Aloud,

Chiefly, O Lord, remember our Arch-Bishop (N. N.) whom do thou bestow upon thy Holy Churches in Peace, Safe, Honourable, Sound, Long-liv`d, and rightly dividing the word of thy Truth.

And the Deacon ftanding at the door, faith,

For the Patriach. N. N. the Metropolite or Bishop,

Whoever it is, and the reft.

The Deacon commemorates the Diptychs of the Living, but the Prieft prays on.

Be mindful, O Lord, of the City in which we live, and of every City and Country, and the faithful Inhabitants in them. Remember, O Lord, thole that Travail by Water, or by Land; thofe that are Sick, thofe that Labour, Captives, and the Salvation of them all. Remember, O Lord, thofe who bring forth Fruit and good Works in thy Holy Churches, and who have remembred the Poor, and fend down thy Mercy upon us all.


And grant unto us with one Mouth and one Heart to Glorify, and with Hymns to celebrate thy All-venerable and Magnificent Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, now and for ever, and to Ages of Ages.


And the Mercies of the Great God, and of our Saviour Jefus Christ shall be with you all.

And the Deacon taking convenient leave from the Priest, and going out and ftanding in the accustomed place, faith,

Remembring all Saints let us again and again in Peace, befeech the Lord.
For the precious Gifts which are offer'd and fanctified, let us befcech the Lord,
That our God, the Lover of Men, having received them unto his Holy, and
Super-coeleftial and Intellectual Altar for a Smell of Spiritual Sweetness, would in
lieu of them send down to us his divine Grace and Gift of the Holy Ghoft,
Let us befeech (the Lord.)

Let us befeech the Lord that we may be delivered from all Affliction, Wrath, and Tribulation.

The Priest goes on Praying,

O Lord, thou lover of Men, we recommend to Thee our whole Life and Hope, and we Beg, and Pray, and Befeech, count us Worthy with a pure Confcience to partake of thy Super-coeleftial and dreadful Myfteries of this Sacred and Spiritual Table, for the Remiffion of Sins, for the Pardon of Offences, for the Communion of the Holy Spirit, for the Inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven, for Confidence with Thee, not for Judgment or Condemnation.


Then the Deacon repeat several fuffrages foftly, and at laft Aloud faith, And make us worthy, O Lord, with confidence, unblameably to make bold to call upon Thee, the Super-coeleftial God, Father; and to say,

The People

Our Father which art in Heaven, Sr.

The Priest,

For thine is the Kingdom, &c.


Peace be to All.

The Deacon.

Bow your Heads unto the Lord.

The Priest goes on Praying,

We thank Thee, O King invifible, who by thine immeasurable Power hast made all Things, and by the multitude of thy Mercy hast brought all Things from nothing into Being; Thou, O Lord, look down from Heaven upon those who have bow'd down their Heads to Thee; for they have not bow'd to Flesh and Blood, but to Thee, the terrible God. Thou therefore, O Lord, equally apply unto us all the Things propofed for Good, according to every one's proper neceffity; 'Sail with thofe that Sail, Travail with thofe that Travail, heal the Sick, O Thou Phyfitian of Souls and Bodies,


By the Grace, and the Mercies, and the Good-will to Mankind of the only begotten Son, with whom Thou art bleffcd, with thy All-holy, and good, and quickening Spirit, now and for ever, and to Ages of Ages.

The Priest goes on Praying,

Regard, O Lord Jefus Chrift our God, from thy Holy Habitation, and from the Throne of Glory of thy Kingdom, and come to fanctify us, Thou who settest above with the Father, and art here invifibly prefent with us; and vouchsafe by thy powerful Hand to make us partakers of thy fpotlefs Body and pretious Blood, and all thy People by us.

Then the Priest worship, and likewife the Deacon in the place where he is, both faying to themselves thrice,

God be merciful to me a Sinner.

But when the Deacon fees the Prieft ftretching out his Hands, and touching the Holy Bread to make the Holy Elevation, he cries aloud,

Lets attend.

And the Priest lifting up the Holy Bread, faith aloud,
Holy Things to thofe that are Holy.



C. D.


G. H.



FIG. 9. 10.

Then the Deacon puts on his Horarium crosswife, and goes into the TAB. II. Chancel, and standing on the right Hand of the Priest who holds the Holy Bread, faith,

Sir, divide the Holy Bread.

Then the Priest with Attention and Reverence dividing it into four parts, faith,

The Lamb of God is divided and made into Portions, who is divided into
Portions but not into feparate Parts; who always is eaten but never confumed.
And the Deacon fhewing with the Horarium the Holy Cup, faith,
Fill, Sir, the Holy Cup.

And the Priest taking a Portion which lies uppermoft, with it makes a
Crofs over the Holy Cup, Jaying,

The fullness of Faith of the Holy Spirit;

And fo he puts it into the Holy Cup.
The Deacon,


And taking the hot Water he faith to the Priest,

Blefs, Sir, the hot Water,

And the Priest bleffeth, faying,







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