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through this night too under the shadow of thy wings, and that of the same thy goodness and grace thou wilt mercifully defend and keep me from all danger of body and of soul, that my eyes may sleep in peace, my body may rest in safety, and my soul may ever watch for thee; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen.

IGHTEN our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord, and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, for the love of thine only Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord guardeth thee, the Lord is thy protection.

The sun shall not burn thee by day, neither the moon by night.

I will lay me down in peace and take my rest. (Here may be said any of the subjoined prayers, p.45, &c.)


LORD God Almighty, to whom and before whom all things are manifest and plain, who sufferest not a sparrow to light on the ground without thy providence, and who in times past by thy Holy Spirit didst guide our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in thy paths and ways; and against the going of young Tobias into a strange country didst provide thy holy Angel

and messenger to be his guide: Grant unto me a sinner, whom by thy word thou dost encourage to call upon thee in all times of need and of necessity, that I may have thy Holy Spirit so to direct my paths and ways this day, that I may walk according to thy godly will and pleasure, to the profit of my neighbour, and the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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LORD Jesu Christ, who art the very bright Sun of the world, ever rising, never setting, who with thy glad look engenderest, preservest, nourishest, and makest joyful all things that are in Heaven and earth: Shine favourably, I beseech thee, into my spirit, that the night of sin and mists of error being driven away by thy inward light I may walk all my life without stumbling and offence, seemly as in the daytime, being pure from the works of darkness. Grant this, O Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

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LORD, who art only God, true, gracious, and merciful, who commandest them that love thy Name to cast fear and care from them, and to cast it upon thee, promising most mercifully thyself to be their protector from their enemies, their refuge in danger, their governor in the day, their light in darkness, and their guardian in the

night also; never to sleep, but to watch continually for the preserving of thy Faithful: I beseech thee of thy bountiful goodness, O Lord, to forgive me wherein I have offended thee this day, and to receive me under thy protection this night, that I may rest in quietness, both of body and of soul. Grant to mine eyes sleep, but let my heart ever watch perpetually unto thee, that the weakness of the flesh cause me not to offend the Lord. Let me at all times feel thy goodness toward me, that I may be at all times stirred to praise thee: late, and early, and at midday, may thy praise be in my mouth, and at midnight, Lord, instruct me in thy judgments, that all the course of my life being spent in holiness and purity, I may be led in at last to the everlasting rest which thou hast promised by thy mercy to them that obey thy word, O Lord: to whom be honour, praise, and glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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MOST gracious and most wise guide, our Saviour Christ, who leadest in the right way to immortal blessedness those who truly and unfeignedly trusting in thee, commit themselves unto thee; Grant us that as we are blind and feeble indeed, so we may take and repute ourselves, that we presume not of ourselves to see ourselves, but so far to see that always we may have thee before our eyes, to follow thee being our Guide; to be ready at thy call most obediently, and to commit ourselves wholly unto thee; that

thou, who only knowest the way, mayest lead us the same way unto our Heavenly desires; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


MOST dear and tender Father, our defender and nourisher, endue us with thy grace that we may cast off the great blindness of our minds and care for worldly things, and may place our whole study and desire in keeping of thy holy law; and that we may labour and toil for our necessities in this life like the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, without care; for thou hast promised to be careful for us, and hast commanded that we should cast all our care upon thee; Grant this, O Lord, for Jesus Christ's sake thy Son our Lord. Amen.


LORD Christ, in most mighty power most meek, in greatest excellency most lowly, of thine own will most humble, give unto me thy mind and spirit, that I may acknowledge my weakness, leavened and infected with sin; that through thine example I may be humble and meek, who have no cause to boast myself. Things of the world are uncertain, lent for a short use. The body is fading, frail, and faulty; the mind is blind and froward; whatsoever I have of mine own it is naught; if I have any goodness it is of God and not of me. Knowing this feebleness of myself why should I mag

nify myself? And specially since thou, Lord of heaven and earth, being of such wonderful excellency, didst humble thyself to the lowest state of men, grant me true humility that I may be exalted to the everlasting glory; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

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LORD Jesu Christ, who saidst that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be guilty of the judgment; who also dost reserve from time to time all vengeance and displeasure to thy secret and just judgment; Grant us of thy mercy that we may never fall into intemperance of word or of speech through anger or desire of revenge, but that always remembering thy godly commandment which chargeth us to do well to them that hate us and to pray for them that say evil of us, we may ever bear in mind thy holy example who didst pray for them that cruelly crucified thee; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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LORD God, without whose will and pleasure a sparrow doth not fall upon the ground: seeing it is thy will and permission that I should be in this misery and adversity, and that thou punishest me with trouble, not to destroy me and cast me away, but to call me to repentance and to

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