AN ADDRESS TO THE INHABITANTS OF OLNEY. MY DEAR FRIENDS, EVERY person in the parish has a place in my heart and prayers, but I cannot speak to each of you singly. Yet I am desirous to give full proof that I watch for the welfare of your souls; and likewise (if it be possible) to have a witness in every conscience, that none may plead ignorance of those things which it highly concerns them to know. I hope you will receive this paper in good part, as a token of my love, and read it with attention. The great God, who appoints to all "the children " of men the bounds of their habitation," Acts xvii. 26. has been pleased to fix yours in a place favoured with the light of the Gospel. This is a great and distinguishing privilege in itself; but it may be abused, and if it is, will aggravate your guilt and condemnation. "JESUS CHRIST crucified," 1 Cor. ii. 2. is preached among you; the foundation, which God himself has provided whereon poor sinners may build their eternal hope, is set before you, 1 Cor. iii. 11. You are warned of the evil of sin, of the wrath of God denounced against transgressors, and of the impossibility of being saved without that faith which, being of the operation of GOD, purifies the heart, " and works by love." And the great blessings of life and immortality, pardon, justification, adoption, holiness, perseverance, and eternal glory, are preached amongst yon, as the sure and inseparable effects of a living faith in the Son of God, Col. ii. 12. Acts xv. 9. Gal. v. 6. In a little time we must all give an account of our improvement of the opportunities we are favoured with. This thought, joined to a consideration of the state of the parish, leads me to offer a word in season to each of you. Perhaps there is hardly a single person who will not be more or less concerned under one or other of the following particulars. 1. If God has taught you the truths I have mentioned above, if you have faith in his Son Jesus Christ, or if, convinced of its necessity, you are humbly and diligently seeking it in the use of the means he has appointed; I may address you in the angel's language to Mary, "Hail, that thou art highly favoured!" Luke i. 28. for if you have this faith, you have the promise and earnest of everlasting life; John vi. 47. or if you account yourself but a seeker, the word of the living God is engaged for your success; for he has said, "Those who seek shall find," Matt. vii. 7. I am persuaded that you will readily receive the word of exhortation. You are called with a "high and holy "calling," Phil. iii. 14. 2 Tim. i. 9. Watch and pray therefore, that you may be preserved from the snares of the world, and the devices of Satan. That no errors in judgment, no sinful indulgence in practice, nothing contrary to the spirituality, love, gentleness, and patience, which become the Gospel of Christ, may defile your conscience, rob you of your comfort, or "cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of," 2 Pet. ii. 2. through your miscarriage. You are called "out of "darkness into marvellous light," 1 Pet. ii. 9. that by your profession God may be glorified. Therefore keep close to his word as your rule; be constant in your application at the throne of grace; attend diligently upon his public ordinances, that thus by waiting upon the Lord your strength may be renewed, Isa. xl. 31. and " your light may shine before men" Matt. v. 16. to his praise. That justice, truth, so. briety, and diligence may adorn the exercise of your ordinary calling; and that you may fill up your relation in life as a master or servant, a husband or a wife, a parent or a child, in such a manner as may and will be expected from one who has "tasted that the Lord " is gracious," 1 Pet. ii. 3. Beware of a worldly or selfish, a proud, peevish or passionate spirit: if you give way to any of these evils, you will walk un. comfortably yourself, you will grieve or discourage others, and you will open the mouths of the wicked to "blaspheme that worthy name by which you are "called," James ii. 7. II. But if you are one of those who account the Gospel of Christ a burden, and can hardly be brought to give it a patient hearing; what can I say to you? You are already prejudiced against all I can offer, and perhaps account me an enemy because I tell you the truth. Yet I would fain persuade you of my good will. I have no complaint to make of you upon my own account; having received no personal incivility even from those who are dissatisfied with my ministry. Though you are unwilling to hear me from the pulpit, yet let me expostulate a minute with you in this way. If I cannot prove my doctrine by the Scripture, and even, by the articles and public offices of our own church, you have reason to be displeased with me. But why will you venture to reject, what you must confess may at least possibly be the truth? I am sure you cannot disprove the general subjects of my ministry, not even to the satisfaction of your own minds, if you will sit ¥2 leisurely down, and examine them by the New Testa. ment. It is, indeed, easy to turn off the inquiry with a laugh, while you are in health and good spirits: but if you can remember a time when you have been sick, and apprehensive of the approach of death, probably you then felt your confidence fail, and was not so sure of the safety of your state as you once thought yourself. Such a time will come again. If you should not be cut off by a sudden stroke, or visited with some illness which may deprive you of your senses (which God forbid should be the case!) you must again be brought within the view of death. You must experience that untried moment, and render up your soul to the tribunal of God. O then beware of resting your eternal hopes upon any less authority than his Word! You may now be supported by the names and examples of men; but no teacher, or friend, or favourite author, can or will stand between you and your judge. You may live in a crowd, but you must die alone.What you think of yourself, or what others may think of you, is of small moment; the main question is, What you are in the sight of the great Judge, to whom " all "hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom 66 no secrets are hid," 1 Cor. iv. 3: for according to his unalterable sentence, you must stand or fall to eternity. Alas! if our Gospel is true, and you live and die a stranger to it, "it will be more tolerable in that day," for those who never heard of the name of Jesus, than for you, Matt. xi. 22. III. There are too many people amongst us who abstain from the public worship, not so much from any particular objection they have to the doctrines of the Gospel, as from an inconsiderate and worldly turn of mind, which keeps them in a general neglect of religion. I have more than once publicly lamented and testified against the shameful profanation of |