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formed to himself a system of what he called Bible Divinity, from which he never departed through life, though he doubtless acquired clearer and more distinct views, as he advanced in years: and he became so possessed of his system of biblical knowledge, that he could without difficulty preach a lecture upon any portion of scripture, without premeditation, when he was afterwards called to it in the course of divine Providence.

The Presbytery of Kelso, in whose bounds he resided, had such a high opinion of his abilities, and of his knowledge in divinity, that they in a manner forced him upon trials. They wrote his circular letters without his consent, and at length prevailed on him to comply with their wishes. In a year or two after he became a preacher (when about the age of twenty four) he published what he called The Sober Enquiry, which had the good effect of putting an end to a dispute, warmly carried on for a considerable time, between two parties of the most eminent men in the church of Scotland.

He was much esteemed by many of his contemporary ministers. My information particularly mentions four by name, as his intimates: the late Alexander Calder, of Oxman; Thomas Boston, of Etterich; Henry Davidson, of Gallashiels; and Gabriel Wilson, of Max


In the life of Mr. Thomson (author of the Seasons) there is an acknowledgment of his obligations to Mr. Riccaltoun, who was himself likewise a poet. And his son's letter informs me, that some of his father's poems were published under Mr. Thomson's name. He mentions one piece of his in particular, entitled, The Description of a Winter Blast, upon which Mr. Thomson founded his Winter.

Mr. Riccaltoun met with one great trial, which brought him into very straightened circumstances through the remainder of his days. But he did not regret it. His son has often heard him say, that it was the very best dispensation that could have befallen him; as he thought, that if he had not been so bore down, his spirit might have been very haughty and overbearing.

A Mr. H, a preacher, and a farmer, who married Mr. Riccaltoun's wife's sister, had borrowed large sums of money from different persons, and persuaded Mr. Riccaltoun he had sufficient funds to pay off all his debts, provided he could get in his own money; and assigned some plausible reasons why he could not call it in for some time. It is not difficult to deceive a young man, unpractised in the world, and who posseses an upright mind, and a warm benevolent heart. Thus he was drawn in to bind himself for a large sum, expecting, as he was promised, to be soon released. But not long after Mr. H. obtained a church in Shetland, and then it appeared he had no money to call in. Of course, the creditors came upon Mr. Riccaltoun, and at once tore from him every penny that his father had left him, to the amount of above £800, nor did that suffice to clear him. He was some years assistant to Mr. Deans, of Bowden, before he was settled at Hobkirk, and still harassed with the payment of Mr. H.'s debts. After living 15 or 16 years at Hobkirk, he was involved in new distress, by oppposing the settlement of a minister, patronized and presented by a nobleman, contrary to the inclinations of the parish. He thought the people's cause a just one; and therefore saw it his duty to support thein with all the strength of argument he was able. But he suffered severely for it. Mr. H. had been the nobleman's tenant, and one of the sums for which Mr. Riccaltoun was bound, was for the arrears of his rent.

This bond was brought against him, for principal and interest, to the amount of £300, and he would certainly have been thrown into prison, if a friend had not advanced the money; for the payment of which he assigned one half of his stipend, yearly. But he was obliged to contract debts for the support of his family.

I sympathize with his son, while I transcribe the period which concludes this relation:-"At my father's "death, as I was bound with him to many of his cre"ditors, I became liable to his debts, which has kept

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me under water ever since. But the cause was. "good, and I have struggled cheerfully. But now I " almost despair of being clear (though it is brought " within £100), as I have seven children to maintain " and educate, which, with the most frugal manage"ment, will exhaust the whole of my stipend."

Perhaps this little history may engage the notice of some persons, able and willing to assist him. I shall be sorry if a deserving son of such a father does not obtain relief in his exigency.

They who are competent judges of the late Mr. Riccaltoun's writings, will perhaps wonder, as I do, that a man so circumstanced for a course of many years, should be able to write with that apparent composure, and peculiar energy of thought and manner, which seem to require a state of mind and situation perfectly at ease. But the paper before me affirms, that none of his most intimate friends ever heard him repine. The whole of his conduct manifested a serenity of spirit, and an habitual cheerful resignation to the will of God: -a striking proof of the faithfulness of Him, who has said, As thy day is, so shall thy strength be!

He was a very studious man, and when thinking closely upon any subject, or even if writing, the various conversation of others in the same room gave him no



disturbance. Yet he was a very cheerful, agreeable companion, and always happy in company, where the conversation was instructive and sensible. He was especially pleased with the company of young people; and they who had access to know him, were so warmly attached to him, that even reproof, when necessary, was thankfully received, when it came from him. And few men made greater allowances for the foibles of youth, than he. He was an affectionate husband and parent, a warm and sincere friend.

He was taken suddenly ill, during divine service, in the forenoon of a Lord's day, and desired a young man, who was frequently with him, to preach for him in the afternoon. His complaint terminated in a total suppression of urine. He continued in exquisite pain, till about the middle of the week; from that time he seemed to be quite at ease: but as he never spoke after, the cause of the transition from so much pain to sudden ease remained unknown. He breathed strong and full through his nose, for the last three days of his life, without once opening his lips. But his countenance discovered an animated serenity, which was much noticed by those who saw him. He breathed his last, without the smallest convulsive motions, on the evening of the following Lord's day, in the later end of September, 1769, in the 78th year of his age.

The controversy, which, it seems, subsided when his Sober Enquiry appeared, was occasioned by the publication of a book, entitled, The Marrow of Modern Divinity. I have not seen his Sober Enquiry; but I have in my possession his answers to Mr. Sandiman, who had animadverted upon Mr. Hervey's Theron and Aspasio, in two volumes 12mo. under the signature of Palemon.

My paper contradicts a report, that the late Rev. Mr. Walker, of Edinburgh, had made many alterations in the third volume of Mr. Riccaltoun's Works (containing Notes and Observations on the Epistle to the Galatians), and declares that Mr. Walker neither made nor proposed any alterations; but only corrected the proof sheets.

I am, Sir, your's,


Jan. 31, 1795.



WOMEN who profess godliness, and who have the care of young persons of their own sex, are perhaps in no point more blameable, than in the example which some of them set, and the liberty which perhaps a greater number allow, of undue conformity to the world in the article of dress. Few ministers touch upon this subject in their public discourses; and indeed it is not very easy to treat it with propriety from the pulpit. Yet whatever is unsuitable to the Christian profession, an inlet to temptation and productive of evil consequences, should in some way or other be noticed, by those who have the honor of the Gospel, and the welfare of their fellow-creatures at heart. I make no farther apology, for offering a few hints, which I hope will not give offence, and which I pray, so far as they are agreeable to the Holy Scripture, and confirmed by *experience and observation, may be attended to.

I doubt not but many parents who desire to see their children brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, give them many excellent lessons in the nursery. They endeavor to impress their tender minds with a sense of their sinful state by nature,

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