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declarations of the unity of the Godhead, and repeated warnings against idolatry, I meet with the terms, Father, Son, or Word (of God) and Holy Spirit. Whether men style these, persons, subsistences, or by any other name, I find ascribed to each those attributes which I judge incommunicable to creatures, as much so to those of the highest order, as to worm's or oysters: such as omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Therefore, whether I attempt to think of Father, or Son, or Holy Spirit, I think of God, and yet I am sure there can be but one God.

I read in the gospel of St. John, that the Word was God, that all things were made, or created by him in the beginning. This, therefore, is a fundamental article of my faith. I am told by the same authority, that the word was with God. I conceive that this clause, likewise, has its determinate meaning. It teaches me to attend to the above distinction; but I think it does not require me either to comprehend or to explain it. I observe a distribution pointed out in the economy of redemption; that the purpose is more peculiarly ascribed to the Father, the accomplishment to the Son, and the application to the Holy Spirit. But as these offices and engagements can only be sustained or fulfilled by the perfections of Deity; and as God is essentially and immutably one, I hope that whether I bow my knees to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whether I pray to the Saviour himself, or implore the Holy Spirit for his gracious light and influence, I still worship the same one God.

I sometimes hear of Sabellians, but I know not well who they are. I have been told the Moravians or United Brethren are Sabellians; what they once were I cannot say; I judge of them at present by their late publication, entitled in Latin, Idea Fidei

in English, an Exposition of Doctrine. If the word Sabellian imports any thing unscriptural or dangerous, I hope, for my own sake (according to this book), they do not deserve to be branded with it. For I am free to confess, that of all the systems of divinity I am acquainted with, none seems in the main to accord more with my sentiments, and particularly in what relates to the Trinity, than the Brethren's Exposition of Doctrine.

But 1 apprehend that some good men, though not in their judgment and experience, yet in their more general manner of expression, seem to border upon another extreme; for though they profess to believe, and I doubt not, cordially do believe, the deity of the Saviour, they do not seem to speak of him with that freedom, frequency, and fervency, of which the apostle Paul has given us such a pattern in his writings. I have heard excellent sermons, evidently upon Gospel principles, and well adapted to general edification, in which I could perceive but one defect (and I must think it a defect), that the name of Jesus Christ the Lord has hardly been mentioned, but only the word God, which has, perhaps, been so often repeated, as to sound in my ears almost like an expletive. On the other hand, I have known some ministers suspected of Sabellianism, for often addressing their prayers, directly and immediately, to the Lord Jesus.

For my own part, if the one be three, and the three one, as I believe, I am not afraid that there is a jealousy in the Godhead, lest one person should be over-rated or too much admired and adored to the disadvantage of the others. Rather I read it is the will of the Father that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. I endeavour to honour the Father by prayer, by praise, by intrusting and surrendering my all to him, by obedience,

and proclaiming the glory of his, character. The same honour I owe, and endeavour to pav, to the Son, and, by parity of reason, to the Holy Spirit.

If the Lord Jesus be verily and indeed God over all, blessed for ever, how can I possibly think or speak of him too highly; or pray to him, or praise him too often? The question, how far, and when, we may warrantably pray to him, seems to me the same as to ask, how far, and when, we may warrantably pray to God?

I think the glory and grace of God, can only be duly perceived, at least by us sinners, in the person of Jesus Christ. His mediation, though it derives its efficacy from his divine nature, is performed in the human. With regard to this office, I consider him as the way to God, the mercy seat, the throne of grace. But I consider his human nature, likewise, as the temple in which the fulness of God substantially dwells. In prayer, as I am differently led, 1 come to God by Christ, or I come to God in Christ. In both I think I have scriptural precepts, promises, and precedents for my warrant.

Bishop Bonner ignorantly charged Philpot, that he was like the ancient heretics mentioned by Pliny. These heretics were the primitive Christians; and Pliny tells us, that they assembled together, to worship Christ as God. May such heresy ever be my privilege and my glory !

I have observed, that in revivals of religion, the word Lord has generally become more in use and repute than at other times. I admire this word. We have none that can better answer the Hebrew word Jehovah, and it is likewise the peculiar name by which the apostles speak of the Redeemer. He is Lord of all. Yet the Father and the Holy Spirit are frequently spoken of by the same title.

Dr. Owen in his Christiologia states, that the more general object of prayers in the New Testa


ment is the God and Father of our Lord Jésus Christ. But he afterwards points out some especial seasons in a believer's experience, in which, he thinks it may be helpful to faith to address prayer more immediately and directly to the Saviour. Perhaps many of the Lord's people feel themselves always in one or other of those situations, which the Doctor deems peculiar and occasional. But he has omitted one case, which I think well worthy of mention. I think the Lord Christ is he with whom we, who have the honour to be ministers of the Gospel, more especially have to do. Is he not the head of the church? Do we not hope that we have received our designation from him? Is it not his flock we are engaged to feed? To whom should we, like the apostle, report our discouragements or success, what we have taught, and what have we done? On whom are we to depend that his grace may be sufficient for us, to enable us for service, or to support us under temptations? What is the grand, the inexhaustible subject of our ministry? Whom are we to preach? Christ and him crucified! Christ Jesus the Lord! from whom, as the great and righteous Judge, we hope to receive the crown of life, which he has promised to all who love his ap


I grieve to think, how often I have amused myself and my hearers (I fear it has been little more) with making grave remarks upon sin or holiness, which though, I hope, true in themselves, and important in their proper places, have, by the length of my proofs, reasonings, and illustrations, tended to hide the Saviour from our view. I have since compared this mistake to that of a painter, who in a historical piece should omit the principal figure. I have thought it like an attempt to point out the most striking parts of an extensive prospect at

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midnight. In future, I wish when I preach (if I may so speak) to keep the sun in view above the horizon. Then I may hope that He will be seen by his own light, and will likewise diffuse a light upon every part of my subject.

That there is an injudicious, improper way of preaching Christ, and dwelling and chiming upon the name of Jesus, as though the sound of it could work like a charm, I readily admit. But I believe the most judicious preacher, if faithful, if warmly conscious of the Saviour's just right to appear glorious in every eye, and precious to every heart, will not escape censure, from fastidious, superficial, and incompetent hearers. They will allow us to speak of God in general terms, but they will not be pleased with hearing too much of Christ. His name is of small value with the careless, and those who are at ease; it is designed for the relief of the weak, the wounded, the helpless, and the miserable; and they who truly know him, and have experienced his saving power, will be ready to speak of his name (if they could speak Latin) in the words of Austin, that it is "Mel in ore, melos in aure, " medicina in corde."

To draw to a close :- If the Lord shall be pleased to give me clearer and deeper views of this point than I have as yet attained, I believe it must be not by investigation on my part, but by a manifestation on his part. I cannot, by searching, find out God. Nor am I ambitious of that moon-light knowledge, which chiefly qualifies for framing distinctions, and weighing words and phrases. The only knowledge I think worth praying for, is that which, while it enlightens, exhilarates, animates, and sanctifies the heart: such as the good woman had, who told her persecutors, when they would have disputed with her, -" I cannot talk for Christ, "but I can burn for him."

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