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Devil, and the Pretender" (p. 69),-for these three go together; and the Pope is two of them, being both Pretender and Pope, whilst the person named between them proclaims the banns and unites the illustrious pair.

The Pope is based on tradition, and Popery is based on him; but Dr. Newman confesses that he is "not content with tradition;" therefore he should abandon Popery, which rests on the "great red turtle," called the Pope, who in turn rests on nothing but. one of Newman's "first principles," which he acknowledges cannot be proved. So the Pope's assumption consistently rests on assumption.

We will, therefore, dismiss the Pope with the emphatic exposure of our Lord himself, the only universal bishop, the only true priest, and no false priest can gainsay his words. Remember, then, that in Matt. xvi. 17-19 the supposed primacy was given to Peter; but it plainly was not received as any settled authority for that Apostle, since we find that in two chapters afterwards (Matt. xviii. 1-6) the disciples DISPUTED WHO should be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

OUR LORD, THEN, SETTLED IT FOR EVER, without any mention of Peter or even the owner of Peter's shadow. The Protestant may rely on his own translation, whilst the Romanist may read the settlement of the primacy, in the Roman Bible, collated with the Douay Old Testament and Rheims New Testament, with the APPROBATION of Dr. Murray, in 1846.

Matt. xviii. 1-6; Mark x. 32-36: Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, the man who rules all, or the man who serves all? The men who in splendour are surrounded with priests and gentry to kiss their ring and prostrate themselves, while the barefooted and ragged children of ignorance and delusion lie down at the feet of these lordlings, who may trample on their necks as they trample on their reason-are these the greatest? And who offends the little ones of Christ, but such as despise the laity and curse the heretics, who in Christ's name lift their eyes to heaven, instead of casting them down before the dazzling usurpation of Levitical Brahmins, and the grand Llama of Rome?

So, then, Christ himself condemns the Pope and his supremacy, whilst the Apostles stand round and say, "We, in our ignorance, disputed of greatness; but our master told us of littleness and humility, and made us ashamed of ourselves, by the lesson of a little child."

Wherefore let every mother thus answer the priests and their Pope, as she lifts her child on her knee, and gives them a divine lesson of Christian greatness.


And now we come to the second Sham-the SHAM CHURCH, fitly associated with a Sham Peter; for we care not to enter far into the sidequestions of gossip and small talk, which suit the understandings and policy of the Newmans and Wilberforces; but drive right home at the great points, and join issue with them at once on the fundamental inquiry is the Pope what you pretend? is your Church what she says? The questions we have undertaken to discuss attack at once the three legs of the PAPAL TRIPOD, the pillars and buttresses of this vast fabric

The Rev.Father, in effect, assures his convulsed auditory that it is painful, but necessary for him to laugh at our Protestant follies; yet he smiles through his tears, since it is so very wicked that he sees nothing to laugh at, but rather a reason for crying, and so he crosses the two, and "Grins horribly a ghastly smile."

He pities our simplicity, and sheds crocodile tears of compassion, because the crocodile of the Tiber cannot persuade us into his jaws. Surely, then, if the doctor can afford to smile, we may deride his folly and compassionate his victims.

Let it be a settled maxim, then, for which we have abundant more evidence, dare any priest openly question the statement, that the Church of Rome spoken of by the priests, is nothing at all but a false image made up of false words, and does not exist in reality-in heaven or on earth, or in the waters under the earth.

Some tell us the Church is all the baptized; and this includes the baptism of heretics, though Rome alone can give true baptism! So, to hear the Church, we must go everywhere to hear everybody; or everybody must hear himself.

Again, this Church is said to be composed of all outwardly in communion with Rome; but, it is added, the truly faithful are the soul, and the merely outward the body of the Church. So the true Church is not seen. Its faith is not a matter of sight; the soul of Rome is an invisible Church.

But their grand scheme is two Churches, one mainly of the faithful or laity, the other of the clergy; and the former Church is to hear the latter. In fine, every man is to be a dupe of a priest, under the fancy of a

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THE Apostles Peter and Paul had little time to occupy seats: the chief place which Paul occupied at Rome was in prison, for we know HE was at Rome; but his seat was in the Inquisition, where alone we are to look for the true successors of the Apostles in that city.

Even according to their own account Peter's seat was not the grand Mahometan chair in which the Pope now sits; but the cross on which they say he was crucified with his head downwards. Let the Pope, then, mount Peter's chair, and the world would ring with Hosannas! He prefers advancing heretics to that honourable position.

All these pretences are set up to afford the Universal Church a local seat and a visible head; whereas, when Christ was visible, he was unknown; and, therefore, he said, "It is expedient for you that I go away (become invisible); for if I go, I will send"-NOT PETER, NOT THE POPE, but "the Comforter," the Holy Ghost, which is invisible, and is Christ's vicar. And we are to look "not to the things which are seen, but those which are not seen;" to "walk by faith and not by sight:" whilst the Romanist looks at what is seen-a visible head, and walks by sight and not by faith. The Christian says, "whom having not seen, we love; and whom, though now we SEE him not, yet BELIEVING, we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory."

The one is carnal, and appeals to the senses, the bodily eyes; the other is spiritual, and appeals to the mind, the eyes of our understanding. One is earthly, the other is heavenly.

The Christian lives ever, as "seeing him who is invisible;" the Papist lives ever as seeing him who is visible; the one is the raree show and Bartholomew Fair of mountebanks and harlequins: the other is the solemn grandeur of spiritual truth, commended to every man's conscience in the sight of God. The one is the policy and the craft of men to the enslaving of every follower; the other is the power and the wisdom of God to the salvation of every believer.

The stalking horse behind which the fraternity of priests hides its serpent-like subtlety, is the convenient figure of the Church, an ideal creation to fill men with loyalty and chivalrous devotion towards a figurative

woman, not the true Church of the living God, composed of uncanonized saints, those whom God has canonized by his grace; but the scarlet woman, to whom the faithful are called upon to do homage. This is their grand fetch of human policy, to talk ever of a woman who never appears, and insult the true spouse of Christ, those living Christians who are required by priests to transfer their fealty from the Saviour to this spouse of the Pope, who professes to marry his own body, as the head and shoulders should be united, though not by the sacrament of matrimony. The Pope espouses the Church, the Pope is the head of the Church, whilst she is also married to her own children-the other bishops.

This pretended Church is the card they play-the queen of the pack, supported by the knave of clubs,-deception backed by force, as gamblers who first cheat, and then answer with violence the remonstrances of their victims.

As Vulcan with his axe opened the head of Jupiter, whence Minerva sprang, a full-grown and full-armed goddess, so the Vulcan of necessity -greedy avarice of money and power-the father of sacerdotal invention struck the head of the priests, and out sprang the Church, the Virgin Queen of Monks, to retain in the garb of Christianity the old Pagan sway; whilst the Pope, her platonic paramour, has retained the marks and line of his succession, by keeping up the title of the old hoary high priests of Pagan Rome, Pontiff-Pontifex Maximus, the Universal Bishop of Heathendom.

A schoolboy in secular learning knows the meaning of the Pope's pontifical title. A schoolboy in a Sabbath Testament-class knows how well it is applied. Thus we have the genealogy of the Pope, and the origin of his spouse, the Church, the "Great Mother" of Newman and other children; she is nothing but the figure-head on Peter's boat; l'esprit du corps of priests; the uttered and impersonated concentration of their insolence, tyranny, and unsanctified ambition. Both she and Minerva sprang from the brain of mythologizing priests; both are weaponed, both are praised, and neither is real.

Therefore we bid farewell to the Pope and his spouse, the grandpapa, and the grandmamma, since we are no more children, but have put away childish things, no more children of a Church, but children of our Father in heaven, sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ, to whom alone every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, to the glory of God the true Father, the only Father of his family, the Church of his Son our Redeemer.


We now come to the third Grand Sham, THE SHAM BIBLE; or the Roman method of either withholding or nullifying the divine word, the relation of the Roman confraternity of the Holy Scriptures.

We shall arrange our observations on this subject under three heads, taking only the main points; but yet sufficient to bring the controversy to a manifest issue.

First, the conduct of the Roman corporation of priests in reference to the Bible.

Secondly, the principles on which they justify their conduct, and claim both the ownership of the Scriptures, the right to give or protect, and to explain them with a final and authoritative voice.

Thirdly, the refutation and exposure of these principles.

The first of these topics will, we fear, be a little tedious, as entering somewhat into detail; but we shall rely upon the candid spirit of earnest inquiry, to bear with the necessary points of historical facts in the conduct and position of Rome, respecting man's light and God's light, reason and the Bible, for both of which the Roman Church is the extinguisher. When these fundamental questions are settled, there is clear scope for attacking the separate doctrines of Rome.

We shall, however, first prepare the way by a clear statement of the questions at issue in this part of our investigation.

The Roman priests DENY OUR COMMON RIGHT TO THE BIBLE; they deny THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE BIBLE; they deny THE NECESSITY FOR THE BIBLE; and, on the contrary, assert THE RIGHTS OF THE CHURCH, THE NECESSITY FOR THE CHURCH, AND THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE CHURCH. Three denials and three assertions, which should be well studied, besides being committed to memory, as the whole controversy stated in a few words: three denials and three assertions; every one false in the meaning and for the purpose intended;-six sacerdotal fabrications, the staple manufactures of that firm which "makes merchandize" of mankind "by feigned words," and lying wonders, and lighted candles, and hocus pocus et hoc omne genus.

These are the saints that, as Newman says, "shine in the dark;" but are absorbed, lost, and eclipsed by the light: the saints that, as Newman says, sail over the sea on a cloak-the cloak of Phariseeism, pretensions, and hypocrisy. These are the saints who, should any unmask them, have an army of spies dressed in invisible green, armed with the poisoned stiletto of slander, to stab in the back those whom they cannot look in the face. But God covers his champions with an invulnerable panoply, so that nothing can harm them; for should men kill the body, they have nothing more that they can do, else they would; but even this, like the crucifixion of the Redeemer, is but the avenue to glory, the hastening of the coronation and consecration of those who are kings and priests unto God for ever!

Let us, then, examine first the conduct of the Roman conspirators in reference to the word of God. What have they done to extend it? what to hinder it? How far do they put the gag into the mouth of Jehovah, forbid God to speak, and put their fingers upon the ears of the laity.

Mr. Langdale having stated at a York county meeting that he "could show a Paper from the Pope enjoining all classes to read the Bible. A correspondent wrote to the Times, as follows, to show the absurdity of the injunction, when at Rome, in the winter of 1847;-this writer sought for an Italian Bible: "I sought for one," he says, " at all the booksellers in Rome, but without success; but one day, when I had nearly given up the search as hopeless, I entered a shop not far from the College of the Propaganda, I made the usual inquiry for the Old and New Testament in the Italian; and the shopkeeper replied that he had one copy. Good,' said I, and began to feel for my purse. 'Stop,' said the tradesman very honestly;

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