O'Brien's Sermons on Justification,
On Imputed Righteousness, 560, 769; Remarks on, by I. A, 764. Palatine Settlements in Ireland, on the, 50.
Parallel between the Millenarians and Romanists, 331; Remarks on, By M. 458, 857.
Parents Religious, on the Children of, 103, 155.
Polemical Controversy, on, 592. Poor, Education of, 948.
Poor's Rates, 209.
Popery, Renunciation of, 288; the Lying Wonders of, 569. Popery in Newfoundland, 213; in Switzerland, 288.
Popish Superstition, Progress of, 280. Poverty, Ireland's, what is the Cause of? 404.
Presbyterian Church in Ireland, History of, by Mr. Reid, Review of, 612, 657.
Priest, a, Cursing his Congregation,
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Church, 347; of Dick's Lectures on Theology, 373; of the Law of Anti-Religious Libel reconsi- dered. by the Rev. J. Blanco White, 386; of Haldane's Evi- dence and Authority of Divine Revelation, 465; of Greek and Turkish Accounts of the Capture of Constantinople, 470, 535; of Sydney's Life of the Rev. Rowland Hill, 486; of the Church and the Home Mission, 547; of Hooker's Works, Hanbury's edition, 589; of Taylor's History of Mohamme- danism and its Sects, 597; of Reid's History of the Presby- terian Church in Ireland, 612,657; of Knox and Jebb's Correspon- dence, 623, 687; of the Belfast Unitarian Discussion, 668; of the Voluntary System, by a Church- man, Part I. 683, Parts II. and III. 924; Roberts' Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More, 737, 817; of Meek's Reasons for Attachment and Conformity to the Church of England, 756; of Rev. Hugh White's Sermons, 773; of Croly on the Romish Church in Ireland, 793, 865; of the Fathers not Papists, 846; of Hardman's Ex- position of 1 Corinthians, 888; of Missionary Researches in Armenia, 908; of the Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister, Vol. I. 924. Riches, on the Lawfulness of Retain- ing, 481.
Righteousness, on Imputed, 560,769; Remarks on, 764.
Rome, on the Church of, and the Theatre, 733.
Russia, the Church in, 216, 285. Sabbath Scenes, 63. Sacerdotal Gallantry, 947. Sacred Classics, Notice of, 282. Saint Simonian Mission in London, 66. Savings' Banks, 429.
Saxony, Roman Catholic Church, 67. Search's Considerations on the Law of Libel, Review of, 145. Scripture Miracles, on the Apparent Scriptural Education in Ireland, on, Incredibility of, 729. 183. Sermon, the, of a Roman Catholic Archbishop, contrary to his Church and Creed, 46.
Sermon, by H. W. 361. Sermon-Blessed are the Meek," by H. W. 217.
Sermon, preached in St. Peter's Church, for the Female Orphan House, by Rev. H. Woodward, 505. Sermon, on the Belief and General Practice of Christians, 577; on the Love of the World, 649. Sermons, by the Rev. Hugh White, A. M., Review of, 773. Smith and Dwight's Missionary Re- searches in Armenia, Review of, 908.
S. N.'s Answer to the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, 414.
Spirit, on the Dispensation of the, 787.
Sprague's Hints, designed to Regulate the Intercourse of Christians, Notice of, 790.
St. Doulogh's a Tour to, by C. O. 120, 279.
St. Kuran's Lough, 498.
Superstition, Popish, Progress of, 280, Superstitions, Popular, in Ireland, 498.
Sunday Schools, 532.
Sunday School Society, Twenty- third Report, 62.
Switzerland, the Church in, 286. Teachers and Exhorters, 89. Taylor's Life of Cowper, Review of, 73.
Taylor's History of Mohammedanism and its Sects, Review of, 597. Theological Education in Germany, 223, 303,515.
Thoughts on the Propriety of Con-
tinuing in Union with the Estab- lished Church, 371. Thoughts on Memory and Hope, 585, 679.
Thoughts and Reflections, 729. Thoughts on Faith, 779; on Eternal Duration, 854.
Tithe, on the Recovery of, 808. Tour to St. Doulogh's, and on to the Boyne, by C. O., 120, 279. Unitarian Discussion, Belfast, Review of 668.
Use of Gifts, on the, 48. Vine, the True, 354. Vision, a, 30.
Voluntary System, Blessings of the,
Voluntary System, the, by a Church- man, Review of, Part I. 683, Parts II. and III. 924. White, Rev. Hugh, Sermon by, 721; his Sermons Reviewed, 773. White, Rev. J. Blanco, the Law of Anti-Religious Libel reconsidered, Review of, 386.
Woodward Rev. H. Sermons by, 217, 361, 505, 577, 649.
Zoologists, Lives of Eminent, by Macgilvray, Notice of, 937.
Dublin: Printed by J. S. FOLDS, 5, Bachelor's. walk,
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