Mind, Modality, Meaning, and MethodSUNY Press, 1 sty 1983 - 225 |
Spis treści
Some Remarks on Philosophic Criticism | 1 |
II | 10 |
III | 19 |
IV | 31 |
On the Metaphysical Presuppositions of Logic | 39 |
VI | 50 |
VII | 62 |
VIII | 73 |
XI | 118 |
XII | 136 |
XIII | 145 |
XIV | 157 |
XV | 163 |
XVI | 174 |
XVII | 185 |
XVIII | 197 |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
abbreviate abstract action events Actl acts actual Agent algebra appropriate argument axioms bivalent Chapter concepts concerning construed course designation DesvR discussion dyadic relation Eccles entities epistemic example expressions formulation Frege functors fundamental given Goodman handled Husserl inscriptions intensional intuitionistic logic kind latter laws Linguistic Structure logical forms logical sum Logico-Linguistic Papers mathematics meaning merely mereology metalanguage metaphysical modalities n-adic natural language needed nonlogical notation noted notions object language Ofobject one-place predicate ontic ontic commitment ontology perhaps Perm person philosophical physical Pmtd pragmatics Prawitz PredConOne predicate predicate constant predicate-functor presumably presupposed principles protometaphysics Purps quă quantification theory Quine Quine's reference regarded relational term rules seems semantics Semiotics and Linguistic sense sentence sentential form set theory sign events similarly Socrates speak Strawson suitable symbols syntax taken tion triadic relation Truth and Denotation truth-functional universal algebra variables virtual classes vocabulary Whitehead