Obrazy na stronie

dered out a troop of mountaineers, to scour shore; yet I warn the Greeks to be cauthe passes in pursuit of the fugitives; but tious in countenancing foreign interference in vain. They returned in the morning hereafter-I tell them to beware, lest, after without having seen anything of them; having opposed and destroyed the power they had only heard from some peasants of the infidel, the fate of unhappy Poland that a small band of Suliotes had been | may be theirs. seen passing one of the defiles early in the day previous, taking the direction of Pa


This sad loss of my faithful servant made me very melancholy for some time, and pressed upon my mind my lonely and friendless situation-far from my native land, fighting amongst hostile and savage


Early in December the congress was removed from Argos to Epidaurus, a small ruinous village situate near the coast, opposite to the Island of Egina, and celebrated for its once magnificent temple of Esculapius, the ruins of which still exist.

"Trust not for freedom to the Franks,

They have a king who buys and sells, In native swords and native ranks The only hope of freedom dwells,” was the advice of one of the noblest and most devoted friends of Greece. I repeat, that under circumstances of unparalleled difficulty, while successfully resisting the combined fleets and armies of the Ottoman empire, Greece, only just emerged from slavery and degradation, displayed a wisdom and energy in the organisation of her internal government that entitled her to the respect of Europe, and the independent When we contemplate this first general management of her own affairs. If I am congress of Greece, since the Achaian asked what sort of government is best league, in which, on the 21st January, 1821, suited to the circumstances of that counshe declared her independence, together try, I answer, that which, with certain mo. with the wisdom and talent displayed by difications, the people themselves first esher leaders in their deliberations, and the tablished. The complex interests and old enlightened policy which directed their suc- institutions which in other countries rencessful labours, we are filled with admira- der a different form of government expetion and astonishment. Never let it be dient, do not exist here. Let them revert, said that Greece is unable to form or main- then, to the simple systems of her ancestain a settled government of her own. I tors-let their chief magistrate (call him foresee that the time will shortly arrive archon, president, consul, or what you will) when the attention of the great powers of be elective, but chosen by the elect of the peoEurope will be called to the affairs of ple-let them have their ephori-the name Greece.* I predict this from the favour is still familiar—and, above all, let them and sympathy which her cause has already received in Western Europe; but however important such sympathy may be in her present struggle, however honourable to those enlightened nations that have evinced it, and indeed there is nothing that more strongly proves the progress of their own civilisation and freedom than the enthusiasm which has been called forth by the sufferings of Greece, and that noble crusade of so many generous freemen to her

* How complete has been the fulfilment of these forebodings of my departed friend! He died shortly after Capo d'Istrias was made president by the allied powers; and though he deprecated the appointment of a Russian minister to preside over the affairs of Greece, yet he acknowledged the personal merit and claims of Capo d'Istrias as an illustrious Greek; but what would he have said, had he lived to witness that abortion of Gothic despotism which has been for a time established in Greece by foreign interference? What, in the name of all that's absurd, had Bavaria to do with Greece? But it is England who will suffer for this, the consummation of her folly in the triple alliance. By assuming a high and independent tone in the affairs of Greece, which our possession of the Ionian islands warranted, and by guaranteeing her independence, and granting her some commercial advantages, which to a naturally maritime country would have been so encouraging and valuable, we should have called forth the numerous resources of that fine country, and have established a free and flourishing state, the best bulwark against the now so dreaded encroachments of Russia in the East.-P.

have their ecclesiai, or their popular assemblies; they will thus be modelled on the Spartan form of government-the best of the old Greek constitutions, as being the most perfectly tricorporal-a constitution which, as Potter remarks, bearing a close affinity to that of Britain, preserved its triple elements, and endured, in a flourishing condition, for nearly eight hundred years. Such a form of government would meet support which I do not think is likely to be granted to any other-it would be congenial to the cherished remembrances of the people, and those haughty and inde. pendent chieftains might be induced to submit to an authority delegated from themselves. The person of the chief magistrate would be more secure-his office more respected. It is Machiavelli who, I believe, says, "He who attains the supreme office through the great, holds a more precarious title than he who acquires it through the people "-the purest source from whence it can flow.

The reduction of Corinth, perhaps the most important point in Greece, followed fast upon that of Tripolitza, and the seat of government was removed shortly after to that place.

I had met at the congress the celebrated Greek admiral Miaulis; the brave old man is indeed worthy of the esteem and admiration of his countrymen; frank and simple in his manners, he unites to the daring

of Themistocles the moderation, ay, and it Greeks were quite unequal to attack them, may be added, the justice of Aristides, for, and he therefore resolved, that while the amidst all the jealous rivalry of contend- rest of his little squadron should remain ing chieftains, his purity alone has never in the offing, two fireships should be debeen questioned. He invited me to accom-spatched to make a night attack on the pany him on a cruise in the Archipelago; enemy's fleet. They were to assume as and as the campaign for the season had for much as possible the appearance of merthe most part closed with the fall of Co- chant ships, and on making the land, to rinth, I had begun to tire of the predatory impede their way by towing hawsers or kind of warfare which was now pursued sails overboard, so that, coasting along on both sides, and to incline to so favoura- during the day without attracting the obble an opportunity of visiting the shores servation of the Turks, they might be able of the Egean, when one of those barba- to enter the Bay of Scio at nightfall, when rous and shocking events, which give such our daring and bravery were to do the rest. a ruthless character to Turkish warfare, Miaulis promised that the squadron should occurred, and hastened my determination. stand in, and pick us up at daybreak. The second campaign opened, on the This bold and excellent plan was as nobly part of the Turks, with the desolation of executed. I got permission to go on board Scio, and the massacre of its wretched the fireship commanded by Canaris, one inhabitants. Remarkable for quiet sub- of the most intrepid seamen of Greece, mission to the rule of their Turkish lords, and well acquainted with the management the Sciotes had long devoted their atten- of these destructive flotillas.

tion to commerce, and their island was now the happiest and most flourishing of the Grecian Archipelago, alike distinguished by the polite hospitality of its inhabitants and the beauty of its women. Still they were Greeks, and could not witness without sympathy their countrymen struggling for freedom against a common tyrant. An ill-advised and abortive insurrection soon furnished their barbarous enemies with a pretext too favourable for the indulgence of their lust and cruelty, not to be taken advantage of.

On the 22d of April, the capitan pacha, with a large fleet, five of them being ships of the line, entered the bay, and opened upon the town, while several thousand soldiers were landed under cover of their fire. Unprepared to resist such an overwhelming force, without concert or any settled plan of defence, the wretched Sciotes, abandoning all thoughts of resistance, only hoped to save themselves by flight. The town was now set on fire by the infuriated Mussulmans, and man, woman, and child, given to the edge of the sword! In this dreadful scene of wholesale destruction thousands perished, or were led into captivity; the latter, mostly women boys, selected for their beauty, and only reserved for a fate still more horrible. So atrocious and wanton an act of barbarity, instead of striking the patriots with terror, only excited a deeper feeling of detestation, and an impatient desire for a bloody and adequate revenge.


Sharing in these feelings, I embarked on board the corvette which carried the flag of Miaulis, and, in company with some smaller vessels and two fire-ships, sailed for the straits of Scio. The atonement for the late atrocious massacre, and the second great naval triumph of the Greeks, were reserved for and planned by my friend Miaulis. He observed, that it was utterly useless to appear in force off Scio, as the enemy would have time to get into the open sea, where the light vessels of the





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CHARMING Roselle! lovely Roselle,
Come to the fountain you love so well!
Oh, no! she hath gone
To the shelvy shore,
Where her gay lover rests
On his idle oar:

There's a blush on her cheek
Which a tale doth tell,-
To-morrow he weds
Our young Roselle !

Charming Roselle, lovely Roselle !
She hath left the fountain she loved so well:
In the giddy world,

Ah! she smiles no more,
For her gay lord is changed,
And his love, it is o'er!
There's a shade on her brow
Which a tale doth tell,-
Deserted she pines,
Our poor Roselle !

Charming Roselle, lovely Roselle !
She sits by the fountain she loves so well.—
For the roses that decked
Her raven hair,

Why are rushes and straws
Twisted wildly there?
There's a glare in the eye
Which a tale doth tell:-
Oh! a maniac roves
Our poor Roselle !





"My dear fellow," said Captain Francis Forbes, "what are you doing with yourself to-night ?"

"I am thinking of suicide," replied Mr. Walter Wickham; "but I have not yet quite determined the mode."

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speaking order-Lyndhurst not spitefulMelbourne, not wound up-our turn come soon-notes for three hours-another for parentheses-half of one for extemporaneous illustrations-another half to explain explanations-well, seven now-just dined-he a bottle, I another-seven-twelve !-Why, about one I may be emancipated-will that do?"


Excellently. I am going into the club for an hour and then to see Lablache parody honest Jack Falstaff-he wants the buckbasket for doing it-I shall stop the ballet, and then step out of the Opera into a hack, and stop for you at the Lords-give you ten

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"Have a good plan. Mechified razors ?" No; though they looked very tempting while I dressed; but vulgar-quite vulgar. I did think of tightening my cravat, but I re-minutes' grace, and then go without you-so membered that a Turkish bowstring was as you know what you have to expect.' small as a lady's needleful of embroidery "I shall expect you." silk, or a fibre of her hair; so I tied my cravat in the ordinary style. I hate things in a coarse vulgar way."

"And prussic acid?"

"Ha, ha!-well, adio!"

Mr. Walter Wickham, with the air of a martyr, entered the mysterious sanctuary of the Lords, all bright with crimson and gold,

"Has become the property of clerks and and wonderfully small to hold all the coromilliners."

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O, to the everlasting House! How I do long to go to sleep on the woolsack! The Babel of eternal clamour! To be crushed under pyramids of words-mountains of sentences-dictionaries of dulness. O that the poor six-and-twenty sounds of the human voice formed by the organs of speech should be capable of being drawn out into these interminable spider webs !-spider-webs of wire-wire spider-webs, and I the poor fly in the midst."

"Why don't you rebel ?"

neted wisdom in the realm. There stood the empty throne, and there sat the lordly chancellor, pillowed in his wig and his woolsack, and there gathered in the recipients of all the hereditary sense of the nation, notwithstanding that some of the heads that held it nodded with its weight, and a curious degree of ophthalmic disease prevailed, which of course could not be sleep, though it resembled it in some of its symptoms.

Mr. Walter Wickham was happy enough to catch a nod and a smile from his illustri ous relation, Lord Killikelly, as he got upon his legs, after the business of the House had progressed about two hours. He took out his watch-just nine-and then looked at his uncle.

What was Lord Killikelly like? Why, he was a specimen of human nature that had been flourishing in this world of ours about forty years; and this duration brings mortality to a sort of clearing-ground of the weeds and follies of youth, which, at such an age, are exceedingly apt to die a natural death, being, like the youth which engenders them, only temporary things, and yielding their ground to the more durable and better wearing vices, such as covetousness and am

"Because that would be an assertion of bition, which, being only perversions of imfree-will."


Any objection to that?"

"Only a compulsory one."
"Will your uncle speechify long to-night?"
"Only as long as he can stand upon his

"Or till his wits fail him."
"Or till his tongue tire."
"Which will be soonest ?"

"O, his under-standing undoubtedly."
"Well, but soberly, at what time do you
expect to be free to-night?"

"O, sober enough some time to-morrow morning."

"Ha, ha!-well, but we are going to have a little supper-what say you?"

"Should like it of all things. Let me see -ministers pretty quiet-Brougham not in

mortal virtues, are of course indestructible, and never die, even in patriarchal age. We do not say that these were Lord Killikelly's vices-we are not going to utter a word of scandal- --we will not dissect him-we will not even give a sketch of his nose ; all that we will say of Lord Killikelly's person is, that it was exceedingly diminutive, and that he had a gentlemanly ugliness-an ugliness that is so far from being disagreeable, that it is infinitely better than vulgar comeliness.

Now it is part of the most beautiful of all doctrines, the doctrine of compensation, that little men should make great speeches; and as great things cannot generally be got into small space, so Lord Killikelly could not, by any earthly power of hydraulics or steam pressure, compress more than a certain num.

ber of words into a certain number of seconds; | is getting old, the hands of the clock did cirtherefore, though the torrent came thick and cumambulate-it was nine-it was ten-elefast, thicker and faster, thicker and faster ven-twelve-one-half-past one-and then, still, so the time wore on, but like an ugly joy! there was a shuffling of feet, and cough garment, as if it would never wear out. The ing, and hemming, and putting on of hats, Lord Chancellor nodded his approbation, and shaking of garments, and donning of and kept his eyes shut that he might be all great coats, and crackling of Macs; and the ear: the draperies of the throne waved their reporters that had been asleep woke up, and regal approbation, the red curtains began to the reporters that had been obliged to keep dance in gentle motions like the Bayaderes, awake blessed their stars that fine glittering the opposition slept audibly, and even his starlight night, and there was a general brush, own party took snatches of refreshment, only and a rush, and a stumble. The house was waking up at intervals to cry "hear! hear!" awake, quite awake-it had broken up-it either in the proper or improper places; not was like an open prison, liberty and delight, a few adjourned to Bellamy's for a steak, and some of the lords rushed out, and some desiring to be sent for just an hour after Lord of the lords lounged out, and Walter WickKillikelly had reached his lastly; the report- ham, feverish with delight, like a boy out of ers laid themselves down on the floor of their school after having got through some imposlittle sheepfold, and those who were lucky sible lesson, made his way up to his uncle, enough to belong to the other side went very looking as pleasant as possible, and laid his comfortably to sleep for a few hours, trusting hand upon his arm. to the joy that would fill the house when his lordship had finished and sat down again, to awaken them, while the unfortunate set who had to register his oratorical exertions lay down and wrote upon their hats, trusting to good fortune and the shaking of their elbows not to fall somnolescent; but all these indulgences were denied to Walter Wickham, who was obliged to listen without equivocation.

"Well, Walter, well-what did you think of that last argument? Did it tell? Did it tell?" "Outdid yourself, sir."

"Ah! think so? Well-glad of that; but getting late for you-home as fast as possible. Just want to speak to Flummarie, and then home too. Glad you think that a good argument. Bye with you."

"Delightful"" exclaimed Wickham, and off he bounded, enraptured at having regained his liberty, and in some faint hope of coming in for the latter end of the feast, and the champagne; but, just as he reached the lobby, he found himself seized by the button. My dear Wickham, I'm immensely glad to see you! Did you ever feel anything like this heat? It must do an immense amount of mischief to the constitution! quite frightful! perfectly astounding!"

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Yes, rather warm."

"Rather warm! Why, the shock upon the brain is quite frightful-perfectly astounding. I am sure the Lords must have suffered an immense amount of mischief—an immense amount!"

"I rather think that they slept tolerably well, and forgot it."

We have said that he caught the nod and the smile of his uncle as he set out on his speech, like the good-bye inclination of the head of an outside passenger on the top of a stage-coach as the driver gives the first flourish of his whip, and the wheels whirl round, and then on and on he went, like the man with the steam leg, or the railway train, or the perpetual motion, or anything that never stops, and that is only time, though time just now seemed to be panting after him as though it never, never could get up to him. The repeaters kept striking the same hour, the minute hand seemed to have made a resolve not to make a revolve, the hour hand had an obstinate fit of immovability. Mr. Wickham thought of the splendid theatre, of the volup tuous show, the streams of light dancing in myriads of glittering beams through diamond lustres, the throng of the élite, the dress, the show, the pageantry, the beauty, the pretty coquetry, the piquing whisper, and the long dying strains of harmony-and then his ear caught a few of his uncle's emphatic denunciations, as if in the tone of filing iron, and Wickham twisted his button out of the finthen his thoughts turned again to the little gers of the astounded man, not being willing supper, the delicious French cuisinier, the un- to leave that as a gratuity, and got as far as speakable champagne, liberty of thought, the vestibule: here, amidst a crowd of the leave and license, any thing and every thing peers, and the retainers of the house, he felt allowable, all glee, all frolic, all spice, all himself pulled by the sleeve, and turning spirit-and all this waiting for the everlast-round, recognised one of the messengers. ing clock to go round, that would not move a bit faster than it pleased, just as if it were standing still to listen to his uncle-and there stood his uncle with an organ of speech as if it were made of India rubber, promising to last for ever.

But, at last, slowly, by dull degrees, laggardly, as laggardly as one finds out that one

"Slept! ah, slept! Yes, there is an immense amount of character in the Lords-an immense amount of character. Ordinary men would have kept awake. What an im mense amount of character it shows to go to sleep. It is perfectly astounding.'

"Mr. Wickham, sir ?"
"Yes! yes! well?"

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"A gentleman waiting for you at the door, in a hack, sir."

Wickham needed no further intimation : he bounded off, threaded his way through the mob of cabs and carriages, drivers, and policemen, and got bundled into a hack, of

which the coachman was standing with the door open ready to receive him.

"All the heavenly constellations be praised!" exclaimed Wickham as he bounded in, "that I have at last escaped from my dear uncle's eternal tongue. A five hours' speech, Forbes, believe me, as I am alive-or rather, as I am half dead; five hours' tedious, tiresome, wire-worn twaddling!"

Some sort of hysterical affection, a kind of gurgling and choking in the throat, a violent agitation of the whole body, a passionate pull at the check-string-all these symptoms of sudden insanity on the part of his companion, roused Wickham's attention.


Why, what now, Forbes-what now?" "It is I, sir-it is I!" exclaimed the voice of his uncle, in tones that might have been dignified enough for a Roman emperor, had they not been impregnated both with passion and feeling.

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"Yes, yes-I see, I see. We must strengthen the system-we must strengthen the system."

"Do you think, doctor, that an oratorical exertion is injurious? Do you think that my public duties are detrimental to my health? I made a short speech-that is, I spoke in the house last night. Have you seen the morning papers?

If Wickham had been bit by the tarantula, or had found himself by mistake at the Something like one of the solitary twinkmouth of a four-and-twenty-pounder, with les of one of the palest of the stars shone a match at its touch-hole, or if he had ac-out of the corners of the doctor's eyes; cidentally wandered into Van Amburgh's that was the only sort of shining that ever den, he could not have rebounded with came out of them, except when they reflectgreater celerity. Before the coachman ed the brightness of a sovereign. could stop the whirling of his wheels, and before the segment of another had circled round, Wickham had dashed open the door, and, at the hazard of life and limb, had bounded out; and, without one earthly purpose in view, had fairly shown his valour by running away.


However disagreeably nights pass, mornings do come all the same; so the morning came, after that eventful night, just in the usual way, and found Lord Killikelly sitting at his library-table, cross and discontented with himself and all the world.

"I did just see the papers-but my time is of so much value-I am actually torn to pieces. I have killed three pair of horses this winter. I have no time to read."

"Did you happen to notice whether my speech was reported ?"

"Yes, O yes-it was there-but I did not read it-my time is of so much value."

"I did not presume that you would honour it with your attention," said my lord, with dignity.

The doctor found that he was wrong; instead of getting out of the mire, he had got deeper into it.

"I shall find time-I shall find time. I have it here in my pocket ready."

And so he had, to show to a few favoured "A speech," said Lord Killikelly, solilo patients to whom he made the amiable. quising, "that I had taken so much pains "Yes, yes-I see, I see. We must write with. Deep thought-grave consideration for you, my lord. I see-I see. Overworn -statesman-like-views-enlarged concep- with public duties. Yes, yes; we must tions-vigorous measures-vivid language. relax, we must recruit; we must strengthen And that jackanapes boy. He to under-the system."

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value my speech-that I've nursed from Yes, my public duties and my private his cradle to talk of my five hours' speech. ones. My nephew, doctor, is a great anxIt was not five hours-but I won't be angry.iety to me." A statesman and a philosopher ought not


"A sad boy, doctor-a sad boy; gives

Ah, indeed, indeed; out of healthto be angry. No, I am not angry; but I'll shall have great pleasure in writing for never see him again; that is a cool deter-him." mination." Just at this juncture dashed up a hasty me the greatest uneasiness." wheel to the door. A dark green chariot stopped in a violent hurry-you might know it for a doctor's, because it was so dirty; that part of the profession who really keep their own, never giving their "Mr. Wickham is not my heir, and very servants time to clean them, and the great-likely never will be."

"Yes, yes, public duties and private anxieties. We must strengthen the system. Shall we write for your heir? no doubt we can do him good."

er part having jobs, and not caring whether "Ah! ah! indeed. Perhaps no occasion they are clean or not-and you might to write for him, then. But we'll soon put know it for a doctor's by the hurry; stop all to rights with you, my lord. We must with a dash-out in a hurry-in doors in a strengthen the system-we must strengthen hurry-all to impress you with an idea of the system. Ah! here are pen and paper;"

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