Obrazy na stronie

and beheld the Ambracian Gulf! And was thy soul, young Lesbian ! Warm and enthis sea which I now sailed over, filled with thusiastic, friendship became with thee a my petty cares and anxieties, once vexed by passion, which the dull and cold of heart the tributary fleets of those "who did the could not understand. The genius of Sapround world divide?" And where was Oc-pho-her fine sensibility and ardent imagitavius? where was Antony? and that impe- nation, could only be generated in the derial beauty, whose royal luxury would ex- licious clime and under the bright skies of haust a kingdom's revenue in a night's Greece. We find, indeed, that she has been banqueting? Ask for the eddying bubbles in all ages remarkable for having produced of those receding waves, and exclaim with great and distinguished women-illustrious Solomon, "All is vanity!" Yet is there no real instances to prove what the female mind is glory? Is that glittering though unsubstan- capable of: in opposition to those degradtial prize for which in all ages the great ing doctrines of the Koran which, it is to be amongst mankind have thirsted for and feared, have too many abettors even amonst contended-is it of so vain and fleeting a Christians. When the long night of darknature, that wisely the philosophic Juvenal,*ness and slavery, which has for three cenin bitter irony, only weighs the dust of the turies rested upon Mcdern Greece, accommighty dead? Even so does the enlightened panied by its never-failing attendants, mind treat the names and actions of many of ignorance and superstition, has fallen in those falsely styled "great," to whom igno- common, nay, perhaps with heavier hand rance and the corrupted voice of Man have upon her daughters, it is in vain to look for decreed a fictitious glory; but with the the Sapphos, Aspasias, and Corinnas, of march of intellect and diffusion of know. other and brighter times; but taking examledge a re-action takes place, and he hastens ple from her troubled eras, when, as now, to forget the old objects of his idolatry, to Greece was threatened with destruction by form other and juster notions of real great- her barbarous foes, they have directed their ness. When Cyrus and Babylon, Alexander energies more usefully to the emancipation and the Granicus, Hannibal and Cannæ, the of their country. And Bobolina of Spezbrilliant victories of Cæsar, the triumphs of zia,* with the patriotism which the royal Augustus, the conquests of Charlemagne, traitress wanted, is not unworthy of comthe Crusaders and Ascalon, Swedish Charles parison with the warlike Artemisia.t and Pultowa, Marlborough and Blenheim, I went below, and turned into my cot, and Napoleon, Marengo and Austerlitz-all are fell asleep, dreaming of Greece and her forgotten, or only remembered as the de- heroes. I was awakened in the morning stroyers of mankind, and the fatal scenes of by the rattling cable, as we came to anchor their destruction,-Socrates and his moral near Argostoli. We found the armed maxims-Plato and his dialogues--the devotion of Leonidas-the justice of Aristides, -the discoveries of Newton-the philanthropy of Howard-and the patriotism of Washington-shall claim and receive the admiration of mankind. They, and such as they, shall alone be considered as the heroes and benefactors of the human race, the possessors of real glory.

And is it not, thought I, enthusiastically, a glorious achievement to drive the bar barous Mussulman from the lovely land of Greece, which he has long desolated -to expel those slavish and brutal denizens from the native land of freedom?

"Yes!" said I, "such a cause is worthy of the name I bear. To die is but to live to mingle my clay with the sacred ashes of those who cannot die."

"Yonder is the Lover's Leap," said the man at the helm; and out beyond the leebow of the felucca the high promontory of Leucadia was seen, overhanging the deep.

I had not then, alas! known what it is to love; and my mind was attuned for loftier and sterner meditations; yet did I not pass that fatal steep, O gentle Sappho, without conjuring up the remembrance of thy own beautifully-told sorrows, and dropping a tear into the cold wave, where thou didst seek for rest. Noble and highly gifted was

* Expende Annibalem : quot libras in duce summo
Invenies ?
Juv. S. X.,
v. 147.

schooner Leonidas already there. On making a signal, an officer was sent to us. I delivered him a letter from Signor Vostizzi. He was very courteous, and, in answer to my questions, informed me that Admiral Miaulis was at Hydra, and that the army and the principal chiefs were still before Tripolitza, prosecuting the siege. He said it would be impossible to land the arms or myself in the Gulf of Patras, that there were several Turkish ships of war at anchor near the town, and a large disposable body of troops in the different garrisons; who, now that the Greek forces were drawn away to a distant quarter, roamed about, desolating the country. We resolved, therefore. to land in the Gulf of Arcadia, and cross the country to Tripolitza, where, he said, the arms were much required. He advised me to remain on board the felucca, and in the event of our falling in with a Turkish cruiser, he could divert her attention, whilst we, carrying English colours, might proceed quietly to our destination.

*Bobolina of Spezzia fitted out seven ships against the enemy, at her own charge. neighbouring islands, followed Xerxes in his expe† Artemisia, queen of Halicarnassus and some dition against Greece. Her conduct at the battle of Salamis was so brave as to call from the Persian monarch the remark, that on that day the men had behaved like women, and the women like


Assenting to the propriety of all this, we hove the anchor up and made sail, and, without meeting any opposition, brought-to again the same evening near Cape Katakolo in the Gulf of Arcadia. We sent a messenger on shore, who procured the aid of a dozen rude carts, drawn by oxen, to convey the arms, with Arcadian shepherds to guide them-think of Arcadian shepherds!

I was now in Greece-the long-sighed for bourne of my aspirations. We landed near the river Rufra, the ancient Alpheus. We 'passed the ruins of Olympia-indeed every step we took inland was entering upon classic ground, and amid scenes the most glorious upon earth. Here fired with noble emulation, had flocked the sages and heroes of old, whose virtues have dignified human nature, who, though without revelation, had still loved and followed virtue for its own sake, and left an undying example to mankind. Still does their spirit, with the genius of liberty, seem to haunt those lovely valleys, and walk abroad on the hills of Greece.

ger, he was fitted to command the rude chiefs by whom he was surrounded. Like his brother Alexander, he seemed born a soldier, for at this time he could not have been much more than thirty, and yet he was generalissimo of the Greeks, and had proved himself one of their most successful leaders. In person he was about the middle height; his features were pale and thoughtful; he did not seem in good health, and walked with lameness, but I believe this is owing to some natural defect. In conversation he was courteous and animated. He seemed much mortified by the opposition he had met with from the Greek ephors, or pri mates, in his plans for bringing the army into regularity and discipline. He informed me that Mavrocordato, with Catacuzenc, was gone into Western Greece, to assume the command there; and added, that from some unpleasant tidings he had that morning received, he would be obliged to march in the evening, with a small division of the army, northward towards Patras. He said he thought the garrison must eventually surrender, as the passes were all guarded, and they had no chance of receiv ing any supplies. "The Turks," said he, "have not made so many sorties of late; their cavalry are destroyed; while they were fresh, they kept us from the plains; Yet no generous mind can contemplate but now we can make nearer approaches; Greece without the most painful emotion. and if these fellows," said he, "who will Her fertile vales are lone and neglected-stand for hours behind a rock to have a shot her fine public roads are broken up, or at a Turkish sentinel, would only employ rather not a vestige of them remains-her themselves in making a few gabions or fasbusy commerce-her immense and restless cines, something might be done; but no, population-her numerous cities, now only distinguished by their ruins-all, all are gone-an exterminating war has completed her desolation. She is Greece, indeed, "but living Greece no more!"

"The silent pillar, loan and grey,
Claimed kindred with their sacred clay;
Their spirit wrapt the dusky mountain,
Their memory sparkled o'er the fountain;
Despite of every yoke she bears,

That land is glory's still, and theirs!"

any manual work of this kind they think. servile and beneath them. We have, indeed, cut off the water pipes, and thus pressed, the garrison will surrender, but not till the season for action elsewhere has gone by. We now began to descend the hills which Long ere this I would have ventured an slope towards Tripolitza, and to fall in with assault; but no," said he, scornfully, "the foraging parties from the besieging army. ephors expect vast spoil and treasure, and Tripolitza, like most of the Greek towns, would not that the profane hands of the looks imposing at a distance, but approach-soldiers should touch any of it. Your mus. ing nearer, we are sadly disappointed kets will prove a most opportune aid, as with this capital of the Peloponnesus. many of our people have no other arms The fortifications are weak and ill construct- than a stick." ed, and could not have withstood a regular army forty-eight hours. Yet here had been ten thousand Greeks for nearly a month, and they seemed to be as far from taking the place as ever; indeed their only hope seemed to rest in starving the garrison into a surrender. This was not, however, owing to any defi. ciency, on the part of the Greeks, of courage or resolution, but to their complete want of a battering-train, or even artillery to cover an assault, supposing a breach were effected.

He offered me a command amongst the Philhellenes, or sacred band, a battalion formed of Greeks, educated abroad; or foreign volunteers. I told him, however, of my little band of Suliotes, and their wish to act with the Arnauts or the Albanians. It was then settled that I should give my letter to Giorgaki Kizzo, whom, he said, I would find a very noble fellow, and join his followers. These matters being arranged, he advised me to take up my quarters in one On joining the army, I immediately made of the hamlets near the town, which he pointmy way to the tent-one of the few in the ed out to me. "The Greeks," said he, "in army of the General, if, indeed, amongst this delightful clime of theirs, easily man-so many independent chieftains, there was age about their couches for the night—a really such a person. I found in Demetrius few boughs and leaves make a rude but Ipsilanti all that I had previously heard of sufficient housing to keep off the dews of him. Bold and enthusiastic in the cause of the night, and that is all that is Greece; intelligent and well informed; sary." Such, indeed, was the kind of tents unmoved by difficulties, undaunted by dan- which outstretched, far and near, around


Tripolitza, for every man seemed to have his own particular domicile, such as it was.

terms to capitulate offered that morning by the Bardouniotes, a wild and warlike tribe, living near the Mainotes; it was agreed that they should be granted, and that evening the Bardouniotes came out and surrendered to the Mainotes.

I took my leave of Ipsilanti, who left his tent to give directions to some of his officers about his intended march, while I, attended by Tahir, my favourite Suliote, and Nicolo Vasi, took my way to see The Turks now began seriously to think about quarters in the village pointed out. of capitulation, when confidence and impruMiserable, indeed, was the accommodation dence on their part anticipated them, and it presented; for a small consideration, I brought the siege to a close with a horrible induced a Mainote chief to give up a catastrophe. Some of the Greek soldiers wretched house, with white-washed walls having entered into conversation with the and flat roof, and only three rooms. I Turkish sentinels, and offering fruit in barordered Tahir to domicile himself and his ter, the latter imprudently assisted them to comrades on the ground story, and notwith-mount the wall; but they were no sooner up standing the musquitoes and a hard mattress, than they hurled down the Mahometans, managed to sleep pretty soundly. Next opened the gates, and displayed the standard day, with Nicolo, who now seldom left me, of the Cross. to act as interpreter, I waited upon Giorgaki I was returning from an excursion to PaliKizzo, whose quarters were not far off, opolis with Giorgaki, when suddenly the din amongst the Mainotes and Epirotes, under of drums and shouting fell upon our ear. Pietros, bey of Maina, who had assumed "Hark! " cried he, "Tambourgi! tamthe command of the army at Ipsilanti's bourgi! the Turks have made a sortie." departure. I found Giorgaki standing out- We pushed rapidly forward, and, clearing side a large painted tent, engaged with some an olive wood, beheld the whole army rushyoung chieftains at quoits. Never did I seeing to the gates. a more complete model of manly beauty; "St. Spiridon," cried Giorgaki, "the gates his features were formed in the noblest cast are open-the cross! forward-forwardof Grecian outline; his eyes were large and Tripolitza's ours!" Saying this, we ran at dark, mild in their expression, but full of full speed to our quarters: the Mainotes latent fire; of the middle height, but slim were already in motion; in a moment they and graceful as Apollo; every action, as, were formed, and Giorgaki at their head. bounding with the quoit, he surpassed his fel- My Suliotes were ready waiting, with flashlows, betrayed the agile strength of a moun- ing eyes and impatient gestures, for me to taineer; clad in the complete and splendid lead them to the assault; the boy Nicolo Arnaut garb, his finely formed throat was was amongst the most eager. I ordered him bared and his raven hair fell down his to retire and take charge of my baggage. neck in almost feminine luxuriance. He The hope of pillage, and the slaughter of received me courteously, and, after reading their Albanian enemies, roused the demon of the letter I was charged with, embraced me, carnage in the breasts of the savage Suliotes, and invited me into the tent, where sat some and clashing their sabres, they cried to me of the elder chiefs playing at drafts, smoking to lead them forward. I drew my sword, and their chiboukes, or conversing. Amongst in a moment more we were mingled with the the latter was Pietros Bey, and the celebrated Colocotroni; the first of these was a venerable looking old man, but the last attracted and fixed all the observer's attention: he was a man of about the middle age; though above the common height, his huge figure and breadth of chest made it appear less; his limbs were large and muscular, and evinced great strength; his features were noble, but fierce and haughty in their expression; his eyes dark and flashing like the eagle's; his hair, which had once been black as the raven's wing, was slightly griz zled; he was dressed like the Mainotes, and in addition, wore a kind of half armour; his shoulders were protected by burnished scales, terminating in lions' heads; his nether limbs were sheathed in greaves, or buskins, with silver scales.

I now placed my small but, I hoped, devoted contingent, including myself, at the disposal of the chiefs, who informed me, however, that I could not be better than with my friend Giorgaki Kizzo; that, in the path of honour and the hour of danger, I could find no truer companion in arms. The chiefs then began to consult upon the

Mainotes, and amongst the advancing troops rushing towards the gates. Now rose from the plain the reverberating din of the artillery; the quick rattling peals of volleying musketry; the war-cries and shouting of hostile men meeting in deadly conflict. "Hellas! and the Cross!" "Souli! souli!" "Allah! allah! allah il allah!" were heard above the bickering of sabres, and the groans of the dying. We have gained the drawbridge, soon choked by the assailants; now friend and foe are trampled on-the walls are scaled-and, after a furious conflict, all opposition is quenched in the blood of the Moslems; and Tripolitza is given up to slaughter and pillage. Now ring upon the ear the yells of the vanquished, and shrieks of flying women. Here and there, from street to street, some returning party, rendered desperate by despair, rally, and make a fierce resistance.

Mingled in the mêlée, and carried away by the maddening tumult of the assault, I had advanced far into the town, without being aware that gradually our party, and even my own band of Suliotes, had fallen off to plunder. Just then I fell in with a small body

of Turks retreating towards the citadel. A standard? By St. Bazil! Signor Delaval, huge Nubian carrying a red standard, brought but your daring bravery throws our deeds up their rear. I waved my sword, and turn-into the shade."

ing round to cheer on my companions, per- I pointed to Nicolo, as he stood gazing on ceived that I was abandoned and alone. I the gigantic form of the lifeless Nubian, and paused, uncertain how to act. The rest of related the events of my late encounter. the Turks seemed only attentive to their "Noble lad, thou art worthy of our counescape, and did not heed me; but the Nubian try," said he, embracing him, "and shalt stopped short, and fronted me. never want a friend in Giorgaki."

"Ah! dog of a Nazarene, come on! and, with the crescent of the prophet before thy dying eyes, let me send thy trembling soul to Sathani!"

I had only time to defend myself, when the gigantic savage, bounding forward, was upon me, dealing blow after blow, with an arm like a windmill, and a force which seemed more than human. I was master of my weapon, and was armed with a good cut-andthrust sword; yet I found my strength fast failing me in this constant parrying of the rapid attacks of my adversary's sword. I saw I must no longer act on the defensive; I made a feint, and getting my sword beneath the curved Damascus of the Nubian, with a sudden movement, forced it from his grasp. "Ah! dog of Eblis-but it shall not save thee." He retreated a pace backward; but seeing that I was too active to allow him to recover his scimitar, he seized the standard in both his hands, and rushed forward again with desperate fury. I struck at him as he threw himself upon me, but he received my sword on the flag staff, and, ere I could recover myself, had grasped my sword arm with one of his brawny hands, and with the other seizing my throat, he bent me backward to the earth. Earth and sky reeled before my vision-my brain swam-death was nearand it would have been relief to the throes of strangulation which I suffered under the grasp of the infidel. "Now Monker shall have thee, Christian," said the Nubian, as, kneeling on my chest, he wrenched the hilt of my sword from my nerveless hold, and shortened it for the fatal thrust. His arm was raised aloft, but ere it descended, a poriard was driven by some friendly hand into the broad back of the Nubian, and with a convulsive spring, uttering a deep groan, he fell back and expired.

Again I breathed freely, my senses returned, and, looking up, I beheld Nicolo Vasi supporting my head, a second time my preserver. The gallant boy, notwithstanding my orders, had stormed the town with his countrymen, and singling me out after we had cleared the ramparts, determined to follow me, and if I fell, to fall with me. I rose up and took him by the hand-"Brave youth, henceforth you shall never leave me; and here," said I, taking up the standard which was wound round the Nubian, "here is a proud memorial of your early prowess for your kinsmen at Kiappa."

A large body of the Greeks led on by Giorgaki Kizzo, his sword red to the hilt with the blood of the Moslems, now rushed up the street. "Well met, signor," said he, Tripolitza's ours. What? the Pacha's

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He had not time to say more, for the troops he had led on had begun the work of devastation; fire burst from the roofs of the surrounding houses, furniture and spoil came tumbling from the lattices, and now and then, above the crackling and falling of the burning rafters, were heard the stifled shrieks of the wretched Mussulmans, as they were dragged from their hiding-places and given to the sword. Yes, truth must confess that the atrocities that followed the assault on Tripolitza were barbarous in the extreme. But ere we utterly condemn the Greeks, we should remember the annals of our own campaign in the Peninsula, the ruthless violence which too often followed the storming of our armies, gallant and disciplined as they were, when roused by that bloody impatience and animosity which is common to all armies that have endured the hardships of a long and obstinate siege. Callous does the most generous heart become amidst the desolating scenes and countless horrors of war. Giorgaki, heedless of the cries of these wretched prisoners, only seemed anxious that his men should postpone their ruthless occupation, until they had cut off the few straggling parties of the enemy, who now, from different quarters, were seen flying towards the citadel.

"Forward! forward, sons of the Greeks!" he cried, "there will be time for plunder when we have gained the citadel."

He waved his sword, and some Mainotes gathering round, we pushed forward in pursuit; we had not proceeded far when a fearful and united cry, as from several women, fell upon our ears-it proceeded from a large square building connected with a court-yard, round which ran a gallery of chambers.

"Ha! they have burst the pacha's harem,' cried Giorgaki; "on Signor Delaval-on to the rescue! Beshrew the caitriff wretch who hearkens not to the cry of woman in distress!"

We crossed the court-yard, and, ascending a winding staircase, were within the pacha's serai. We heeded not the Mosaic floors and jets of living water sparkling in their marble basins, the Parian pillars supporting the roof, which glittered with golden verses from the Koran. We heeded not all this eastern luxury and magnificence so painfully contrasted with the squalid appearance of the town, and its present hour of desolation. No; our souls were appalled, our pulses stilled, by the heart-rending cry which woman utters in the moments of her utmost distress. Shriek after shriek resounded through the desolate oda, and now came

mingled with the oaths and imprecations of | master? Yet so it was-she was indeed the men. We rushed forward, and entering a favourite wife of Chourchid Pacha. dormitory-heaven and earth! what a sight was there! Woman in her loveliest form, the captive beauties of Circassia and Franguestan, struggling with frail and impotent strength in the brutal embraces of an infuriated soldiery. I recognised in these barbarians my own band of Suliotes, aided by three fierce Arcadians. The very moment Giorgaki appeared in the oda, Tahir, my favourite Suliote, was dragging a tall and lovely woman towards the entrance.

"Ah! Aεσπоiva," exclaimed Kizzo, as he recognised the jewelled poniard at the captive's girdle; "the pacha's wife! Down with thy burden, ruffianly Klepthes, or by St. Basil thy apostate blood shall dye my sword deeper than that of the infidel !"


Not without ransom," said the Suliote, fiercely; "she is mine by right."

"Maintain it then," said Giorgaki, and with uplifted sabre, he rushed upon the Suliote, who stood ready to defend himself; and his comrades coming to his assistance, Giorgaki's life would have been the price of this contention, had I not interposed.

"Back, Tahir!” cried I; "you have sworn to obey me. I myself will pay you any fair ransom which you set on this lady."

"'Tis well, signor," said Tahir; "I was the first, with my brave countrymen, to clear the ramparts, and open a passage into the town, and heard yon false chieftain, to cheer on the wavering Mainotes, declare that Tripolitza and all it held were given to the victors. Yet now he would tear from me the captive of my sword! Let him look to it; and mind, signor, 'tis to you I yield her;" saying which, with a scowl of hatred and defiance at Giorgaki, he retired from the seraglio, with his countrymen, who looked as enraged as himself; a few thrusts and blows from our sabres sent the Arcadians after them; and the oda being cleared, we had time to contemplate the inmates of the harem. Never did the eye rest upon more lovely forms than these poor slaves of Scio and Circassia. Their very abandonment, their dilated eyes, and dishevelled tresses, but heightened their charms, and engaged more deeply our sympathy for those whom their brutal lord only considered as the toys of his lust.

Poor Giorgaki! the sympathy which was at first awakened by his own generous disposition, deepened into a warmer and more tender interest, as he gazed upon the supplicating beauty of her who knelt before him. And Aisi, lovely Aisi, did she share in those feelings? Yes! that tearful eye and quivering lip tell of emotions never felt till now. And ere the handsome young Greek raised her from the ground, she felt for the first time that she loved, and was beloved. Such is love in the East-the love of nature-vital, and rapid in its growth, as the shooting beams of her own orb of day.

Giorgaki soon succeeded in assuring the trembling inmates of the harem of their security, and in quieting their alarms; he promised that a strong guard should be posted during the night in the courtyard to protect them; and that he himself and his friend, meaning me, would take up their quarters in the adjoining building.

Willingly do I throw a veil over the horrors which filled the first terrible night that settled on Tripolitza after its occupation by the Greeks; fain would I, indeed, blot them from my memory. Next day the citadel surrendered at discretion, and the seat of the Ottoman government in the Peloponnesus, the scene of innumerable atrocities on the part of their Turkish tyrants, and about two thousand prisoners, were in the hands of the patriots. *





A few days after these events, Nicolo Vasi came and informed me that Tahir and the Suliotes had sworn the death of Giorgaki Kizzo. I was not surprised at this, and willing enough to get rid of these dangerous and troublesome followers-for though brave and faithful to their masters, they are equally savage and untractable. Summoning Tahir and the rest of his band before me, I paid them their arrears and a handsome gratuity, and dismissed them from my service. They seemed irritated and unprepared for this, till, observing Vasi standing behind me, Tahir cast a glance of intelligence at his comrades, and bowing low, retired.

I hastened to Giorgaki's quarters, and informed him of the conspiracy against his life, which providentially I had been Gradually they seemed to recover from able to defeat, and I took care not to leave their fears, until, loosening their hold of the him till the Suliotes had long left the army, pillars to which they had clung in the extre- and crossed the mountains. I engaged a mity of their distress, they timidly approach- Greek servant, whom my friend had reed us, and, kneeling down, embraced our commended to me, and returned to my knees, and poured forth their thanks in sim-quarters. I was much surprised at not ple but touching eloquence. Foremost finding Nicolo waiting, as usual, to receive amongst them was the beautiful Circassian me. Alarmed, I ran through the rooms, whom Giorgaki had rescued from the savage calling his name, but he was no where to Suliote: distinguished by her beauty, even amidst that beautiful group. And can that gentle creature, thought I, as, kneeling at the feet of her preserver, she pressed his hands to her lips and heart, and moistened them with her tears of gratitude-can that child. like simplicity have charms for her ruthless

be found. I now apprehended the worst, and was convinced that the vindictive Suliotes had made away with the boy. Ihastened back to the quarters of Giorgaki, and told him of the disappearance of my brave young follower. He seemed as much distressed as myself, and immediately or

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