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writings are not thought worthy of equal credit with those which preceded them, on account of there not being that regular succession of prophets."

The two Prologues to Ecclesiasticus.

B. Christians.

a. Fathers.

August. de Civit. Dei, XVIII. c. xxxviii.

Justin Martyr did not admit the Apocrypha as
sources of Christian doctrine. See Dial. c.
Tryph. c. xxxii., "I draw all my proofs from
your own holy and prophetic Scriptures."
Jerome. "Sicut ergo Judith, et Tobiah, et Macha-
bæorum libros legit quidem Ecclesia, sed eos
inter canonicas Scripturas non recipit; sic et
hæc duo volumina (Ecclesiasticus et Liber Sapi-
entiæ) legit ad ædificationem plebis, non ad
auctoritatem Ecclesiasticorum dogmatum con-
firmandam." Præfat. in Proverb. &c. vol. III.
p. 692, Paris, 1624. See also his Prologus
Galeatus, vol. I. pp. 318-322.
The Apocrypha do not occur in the list of Melito
(2nd cent.) Origen, Athanasius, Hilary, Cyril of
Jerusalem, Epiphanius, Gregory Nazianzenus,
Jerome, Rufinus, and others.

b. Councils.

3rd Council of Carthage (A.D. 397) commanded that the Scriptures only should be read in the Church. See Labb. et Coss. tom. ii. col. 1177.

Council of Laodicea, A.D. 364. Can. 60.

c. Confessions.

Gallican, Art. iii. Belgic, Art. vi. 2 Helvetic, c. i.
Westminster, c. i. § 3.

PROP. VII. All the Books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive and count them Canonical.

This Proposition is included in the IVth. See IV. 2. B.



De Veteri Testamento.

Vetus Novo contrarium non est, quandoquidem tam in Veteri quam in Novo, per CHRISTUM, qui unicus est Mediator DEI et hominum, Deus et homo, æterna vita humano generi est proposita. Quare male sentiunt, qui veteres tantum in promissiones temporarias sperasse confingunt. Quanquam lex a DEO data per Mosen (quoad ceremonias et ritus) Christianos non astringat, neque civilia ejus præcepta in aliqua republica necessario recipi debeant, nihilominus tamen ab obedientia mandatorum (quæ moralia vocantur) nullus quantumvis Christianus est solutus.


The Phraseology of this Article.


Of the Old Testament.

THE Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament, everlasting life is offered to mankind by CHRIST, Who is the only Mediator between GOD and man, being both GOD and man. Wherefore they are not to be heard, which feign that the old Fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the Law given from GOD by Moses, as touching ceremonies and rites, do not bind Christian men; nor the civil precepts thereof ought of necessity to be received in any Commonwealth: yet, notwithstanding, no Christian man whatsoever is free from the obedience of the Commandments which are called Moral.

1. As compared with Articles VI. and XIX. of 1552.

A. In the Latin.


1562, 1571.

Title. Vetus Testamentum De Veteri Testamento.

non est rejiciendum. Testamentum Vetus, quasi Novo contrarium sit, non est repudiandum, sed retinendum.

non sunt audiendi.

nihilominus tamen.

quare illi non sunt audiendi, qui sacras literas tantum infirmis datas esse perhibent, et Spiritum perpetuo jactant, a quo sibi quæ prædicant suggeri asserunt, quanquam cum sacris literis apertissime pugnent.

B. In the English.


Testamentum Vetus Novo

contrarium non est.

male sentiunt. nihilominus.


1562, 1571.

Title. The Old Testament is Of the Old Testament.

not to be refused.

Article. The Old Testament

is not to be put away, as

though it were contrary to the New; but to be kept still.

The Old Testament is not

contrary to the New.

in the Old and New Testa- in the Old and New Tes

[blocks in formation]

empt and loose from the
obedience of those com-
mandments which are

called moral.

is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral.

Wherefore they are not to be Omitted.

hearkened unto, who af-
firm that Holy Scripture
is given only to the weak,
and do boast themselves
continually of the SPIRIT,
of Whom (they say) they
have learned such things
as they teach, although the
same be most evidently
repugnant to the Holy

2. When the Latin and English are compared with each other.

[blocks in formation]

I. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New.

II. Both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to

mankind by CHRIST.

III. CHRIST is the only Mediator between GOD and man, being both GOD and man.

IV. They are not to be heard which feign that the old Fathers did look only for transitory promises.

V. The Law given from GOD by Moses, as touching Ceremonies and Rites, doth not bind Christian men.

VI. The civil precepts of the Law, given from GOD by Moses, ought not of necessity to be received in any commonwealth.

VII. No Christian man whatsoever is free from the obedience of the Commandments which are called moral.


PROP. I. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New.

1. The Testimony of Reason.

The Old and New Testaments proceed from the same author.
The Old and New Testaments have one and the same end.

2. Divine Testimony.

A. Old Testament. Exod. xxv. 40, "And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount."-See also Exod. xxvi. 30. Numb. viii. 4. 1 Chron. xxviii. 11.

B. New Testament. Heb. i. 1, 2, "GOD, Who at sundry times. and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son."-See also Matt. v. 17. Luke iv. 18, 19; xxiv. 44. Acts iii. 25; vii. 44. Rom. iii. 21; xv. 4. Col. ii. 17. Gal. iii. 8. Heb. viii. 5.

3. Human Testimony.

A. Fathers.

Augustin. cont. Adimant. c. iii. "That people which received the Old Testament, was holden under certain shadows and figures of things, before the coming of the LORD, according to the wonderful and most orderly division of times. Yet therein was so great preaching and foretelling of the New Testament, that in the Evangelical and Apostolic discipline (though it be noble and divine) no commandments or promises can be found, which are wanting even in these old books."

See also Ignat. Epist. ad Philadelph. c. ix. Iren. lib. iv. c. ii. § 7. Orig. Philocal. c. vi. Tertull. adv. Marc. lib. IV. c. xi. August. cont. Faust. lib. xv. c. ii. vol. VIII. In Ioan. Tract. XXVI. ii. vol. III. part ii. Chrysost. in 1 Tim. Hom. VII. vol. iv. p. 277, ɛiç TÒ "EXOVTEC TO AUTò IIveuμa, vol. v. p. 377. Ambros. in Luc. XX. vol. I. p. 1504.

In Luc. xv. vol. 1. p. 1456.

Lactant. de Vera Sapient. lib. IV. c. xx. Cyril. Alexand.
Glaphyr. in Gen. i. 3, init.

B. Confessions.

Saxon, Art. III. Gallican, Art. xxiii. 2 Helvetic, c. xiii.
Wirtemburg, c. viii.

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