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tweene Kinsale and Rosse; Captaine Roger Harvie, who had with him his brother Captaine Gawen Harvie, Captaine Francis Slingsbie, Captaine William Stafford with their Companies, and also the Companies of the Lord Barry, and the Treasurer, with the Presidents Horse, did the like betweene Rosse and Bantry.

Not many dayes after the death of Captaine Roger Harvie, Captaine George Flower having the charge of Baltimore, and the commanding of the Garrisons thereabouts, which formerly was under Harvies direction, understanding that the Castle of Cloghan was guarded by the Rebells, and that in the same there was a Romish Priest lately come from Rome, taking with him Captaine Francis Slingsbie, and Captaine William Stafford with their Companies of Foot, (besides his owne) he marched unto it, in hope to gaine it, the rather, because he had in his hands one called Donnell Dorrogh, a traytor, brother to the Constable that had the charge thereof: Vpon his summons they refused to yeeld; then hee told the Ward, that if the Constable did not presently render the Castle unto him, that hee would hang his brother in their sight: they said the Constable was gone abroad (but therein they said untruely as afterward it was proved) in conclusion to saue the Priest (whose life they tendered) they persevered obstinately not to yeeld; whereupon Captaine Flower in their sight hanged the Constables brother: Neverthelesse within fower dayes afterward the Priest being shifted

away in safetie, the Constable sued for a Protection and rendered the Castle to Captaine Flower. I doe relate this accident to the end the Reader may the more cleerely see, in what reverence and estimation these ignorant superstitious Irish doe hold a Popish Priest, in reguard of whose safetie the Constable was content to suffer his brother to perish.


A Branch of a Letter from the Lords of the Councell to the Lord President. The Ensignes of Magistracy redelivered to the Corporation of Kinsale. Of Spanyards defeated at Kinsale, in the time of King Richard the second. The Rising out of the Country committed to the charge of the Lord Barry. The Lord Deputy requires the Lord President to meet him at Galway. Sir George Thornton appoynted to joyne with the Lo. Barry. A Messenger from the Rebell Tirell to the Lord President, and his Answere. The Knight of Kerry defeated. The Knight of Kerry, Thomas Oge and Osulevan Mores Sonne make their submission. A foule murther committed by Osulevan Mores Sonne.`

THE Lords of the Councell, by the Letters dated the sixteenth of December, signified their pleasures unto the President; that in regard Florence Mac Cartie was a prisoner in the Tower, his children (to avoyd her Majesties charges) should bee set at libertie, and also the children pledges of others (except the President saw cause to the contrary) to bee enlarged: That her Majestie was pleased that the

President should deliver unto the Corporation of Kinsale, their Charter and other Ensignes of Magistracie, and to impose upon them in stead of a fine, the reedifying of their wals at their owne charges, and certaine workmen, towards the finishing of the Fort of Castle ny Parke: That her Majestie was pleased at the Presidents Request, that a faire and strong house should be built for the President, where hee thought it convenient, to bee defrayed upon the fines and casualties of the Province: That the fort of Haleboling should be presently finished: Lastly, thankes in her Majesties name for his services, liking well of his proceedings with Cormock Mac Dermond, and for the courses he had taken in his returne from Donboy, and of the well disposing of the Garrisons, and his raysing and making of fortifications, &c.

By this Letter it appears that the President was directed to redeliver unto the Burgesses of Kinsale their Charter, and other their Ensignes of Magistracie, among the which there was a faire large Standard of Damaske with the Armes of England in it: This Standard aforesaid was first delivered unto them (by the commandement of King Henry the eight) by Sir George Carew, the Lord Presidents cosen german, when hee arrived at Kinsale, who not long before the siege of Bollogne) was Admirall of some of the Kings ships: Into the hands of Sir George it was left in safe keeping, when the Spaniards arrived there, and by the same time Sir George Carew, by Queene Elizabeths

commandement, it was (as is said) redelivered unto them againe: although this petty note may seeme to some scarce worth the relating, yet for the rarenesse of the accident, I thought it meet to bee remembred: And that the Reader may also understand what a fatall place Kinsale had beene unto the Spaniards in former times (as well as now) I thinke it not impertinent to relate what hapned unto them in that port, Anno 1380. and the fourth yeare of the Raigne of King Richard the second: My Author is Thomas of Walsingham, who lived in those dayes, and thus Englished in Hollinshed.

IN this meane while that the Earle of Buckingham was passing through the Realme of France, the French and Spanish gallies did much mischiefe on the Coast of England, but about the latter end of Iune, by a fleete of Englishmen of the West Countries, part of them were forced to retire, and take harbour in an haven in Ireland called Kinsale, where being assailed by the Englishmen and Irishmen they were vanquished: so that to the number of foure hundred were slaine, and their chiefe Captaines taken, as Gonzales de vorse, and his brother Martin de Motrigo, Turgo Lord of Morrans: Also the Lord of Reath, Peers Martin of Vermew, John Moditt of Vermew, the Seneschal of Wargarie, the Seneschall of Saint Andrewes, Cornellis of Saint Sebastiano, Paschale de Biskaya, Iohn Martinez, Sopogorge of Saint Sebastiano, and divers others: There were

taken foure of their Barges, with a Ballenger, and one and twenty English vessels recovered, which they had robbed and taken away from their Owners : There escaped yet foure (of their notable Captaines) from the hands of our men, Martin Grantz, fohn Perez Mantago, Iohn Husce Gitario, and one Garcia of Sebastiano: Thus farre Hollingshed, craving the Readers patience, for to some, this old story may seeme to bee a needlesse curiositie, but to proceed.

The President to make the speedier prosecution, and expedition in the affaires of the Province, caused the Rising out of the Countrey to bee assembled to the number of sixteene hundred (at their owne charges) under the conduct of the Lord Barry: These Provinciall Forces were not prepared for any great need that was of their service, it was thought meet to draw as many hands together as conveniently might bee, who according to their manner, for spoyles sake, would not spare their dearest friends. And also it was thought no ill policie to make the Irish draw bloud one upon another, whereby their private quarrels might advance the publike service. The President had first determined himselfe in person with fiue hundred English, (joyned to the Provincials) to haue taken the field; but his intentions were casually diverted by Letters from the Lord Deputie, who signifying that his Lordship purposed to bee at Galway about the two and twentieth of December, required him (all other businesse set apart) immediately to

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