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one bread, who are partakers of one Bread: Who wouldest that we all should be bound together in the bonds of faith, hope, and charity, as members of Thee, the one Head: hear our prayers, and have mercy upon the disturbances and desolation of Thy people. We acknowledge that we, by our sins, have merited this chastisement of heresy and schism. We pray Thee that by Thy most bitter Passion and Death Thou wouldest give Thy people broken and contrite hearts; such as Thou wilt not despise. Bind up our wounds; cause Thy Faith to rise up among us; drive away disputes and

us in Thy wrath, deliverest us in Thy mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In Time of War.
GOD, Who makest wars

to cease, and by the might of Thy protection overcomest the assaults of all who attack them that put their trust in Thee, help us who call upon Thy mercy, that all violence being laid aside, we may continually praise and thank Thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In Time of Pestilence.

corruptions, and let Thy peace, O ALMIGHTY

which passeth all understand-
ing, keep our hearts and
minds, and lead us back unto
Thee, our true Shepherd, from
Whom all light and grace is
poured upon Thy members
joined to Thee in peace: Who
livest and reignest, world with-
out end.

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Who in Thy wrath didst send a plague upon Thine own people in the wilderness, for their obstinate rebellion against Moses and Aaron; and also in the time of King David didst slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thousand, and yet remembering Thy mercy didst save the rest: Have pity upon us, miserable sinners, who are now visited with great sickness and mortality; that, like as Thou didst then accept of an atonement, and didst command the destroying Angel to cease from punishing, so it may now

please Thee to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sickness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In time of Cattle Plague.

GOD, Who hast ordained

that man in his labours should receive help even from

dumb beasts, we humbly beseech Thee, that Thou wouldest

preserve to our use those creatures which are needful for our subsistence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In a Storm.


EAR us, O Lord, when we call upon Thee, and grant us fair and calm weather in answer to our prayer; that we who are justly punished for

infinite mercy and goodress, to calm this storm above and around us, that we may give thanks uuto Thy holy Name, and glorify Thy Majesty; Who livest and reignest God,, world without end. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving.

GOD, Whose mercy is

infinite, and the riches of Thy mercy without number, we give thanks to Thee for the gifts Thou hast mercifully bestowed upon us humbly beseeching Thee of Thy goodness, that as Thou hast given us what we asked, so Thou wouldest ever more be with us, and lead us into Thy everlasting rewards; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

LORY be to Thee, O Lord; glory be to Thee. Glory to Thee, and to Thy holy Name:

our offences, may mercifully GLOR be delivered by Thy goodness: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

LORD JESU CHRIST, Creator of Heaven and earth, and of all that therein is, Who by Thy Baptism in the river Jordan didst sanctify the water, and by Thy spreading forth Thy most holy arms upon the Cross, the air: we beseech Thee, of Thine

For all Thy perfections: For Thine ineffable and incomparable goodness.

For Thy mercy towards unworthy sinners:

And to me, by far the most unworthy of all sinners:

For these, and for all other things,

Glory, honour, laud, benediction, and giving of thanks :

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A General Intercession. GOD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, have respect unto the prayer of Thy servant on behalf of himself and of this people. Lord, put Thy fear into our hearts, and give us true repentance for our great and crying sins; root out all growing vices, and avert the judgments which we have justly deserved.

Preserve this Church in the midst of this uncertain world. Keep us from all wild and dangerous errors, and prepare us for what Thy providence shall bring forth.

Bless the Lady of this Isle with a spirit of wisdom, justice, and the fear of God: provide her offices and council with able men, such as fear God;

men of truth, hating covetous


Endue the clergy with all those graces and abilities that are necessary to fit them for their high calling.

Extend and suit thy graces to all conditions of men amongst us that we may all be upright in our dealings, obedient to our governors, peaceable in our lives, sober, honest, temperate, chaste in our conversation, and charitable to the poor, and towards one another.

Increase the number and grace of all such as fear Thee.

Enlighten the minds of the ignorant, awaken the conscience of the careless, silence the gainsayers, convert the profane, and all that hold the truth in unrighteousness.


Rebuke the spirit of Antichrist, idolatry, libertinism, the sins of drunkenness, whoredom, litigiousness, defrauding the public, and sacrilege, which are broken in amongst us.

O God of peace and truth, rebuke the spirit of Antichrist, libertinism, and discord, which is ready to break in upon this Church and nation; rebuke its abettors; and give me grace, like a faithful servant and soldier of Jesus Christ, to stand in the breach, and to omit no part of my duty in this day of danger; for Jesus Christ's sake, the Prince of Peace and Son of Thy love.

In tender mercy remember, O God, all sick and dying persons, that they may omit nothing that is necessary to make their peace with Thee. Be gracious unto all that are in affliction of mind or body, or under any pressing calamity; all desolate widows and fatherless children; all that call upon Thee in their distress, and have none else to help them.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


MOST merciful Jesus, look mercifully upon the necessities of my.... husband

.... wife.... father, etc., and of all those who for love of Thee have done good to me, or have desired my prayers, whether they be in this world or the other. Grant them the assistance of Thy grace. Give Thy help to those in trouble; protect those in danger; deliver those that are in any pain or suffering. Have mercy also upon those who have hurt, or injured, or maligned me, or who have done me any other wrong. Have mercy upon those whom I have grieved, distressed, or scandalized, by word or deed, knowingly or in ignorance, and forgive us all our offences, and the sins we have sinned against one another. Take from our hearts all suspicion, indignation, anger, quarrelling, and everything that can hinder fraternal charity. Have mercy, have mercy, upon those that pray for mercy; give Thy grace to those that need it, and make us such that we may rejoice in Thy grace, and come to everlasting life; Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

PRAY to Thee, O Lord Jesu Christ, for all those for whom I am bound to pray,

to whom I am related, or who are related to me, by the bonds of religion, of relationship, of friendship, of kindness, or in any other way: For all who pray for me, to whom I am indebted, or who have commended themselves to my prayers: For all Christian people, for our country, our home, our parish, and diocese, for all prelates of the Holy Church, for all the clergy: that we all may faithfully persevere humbly and faithfully in Thy holy service. I pray also for all the faithful departed, for all that are sick, and for all that are in trouble. Have mercy upon us, and help all; Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

For the Church.

ALMIGHTY and Everlast

ing God, by Whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified, receive our supplications and prayers, which we offer before Thee for all estates of men in Thy holy Church, that every member of the same in his vocation and ministry may truly and godly serve Thee; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

For our Country.

GOD, the Holy Ghost,

Spirit of unity and love, unite together the hearts of all the people of this land, and grant us Thy joy. Bless our Queen, our Princes and Princesses, and all the nobility, and lead them in the way of righteousness. Ward off from us war, rebellion, and all evil, and grant us all in safety and peace to call upon the Name of the Lord, and to live according to His holy will: through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

For the Queen.

ALMIGHTY and Everlast


ing God, we are taught by Thy Holy Word that the hearts of Kings are in Thy rule and governance, and that Thou dost dispose and turn them as it seemeth best to Thy Godly wisdom : humbly beseech Thee so to dispose and govern the hearts of Victoria Thy servant, our Queen and Governor, that in all her thoughts, words, and work, she may ever seek Thy honour and glory, and study to preserve Thy people committed to her charge in health, peace, and godliness: Grant

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