FrostKnopf, 2006 - 341 Visceral, raw, singular, and distinctive, "Frost" is the story of a friendship between a young man at the beginning of his medical career and a painter who is entering his final days. A writer of world stature, Thomas Bernhard combined a searing wit and an unwavering gaze into the human condition. "Frost" follows an unnamed young Austrian who accepts an unusual assignment. Rather than continue with his medical studies, he travels to a bleak mining town in the back of beyond, in order to clinically observe the aged painter, Strauch, who happens to be the brother of this young man's surgical mentor. The catch is this: Strauch must not know the young man's true occupation or the reason for his arrival. Posing as a promising law student with a love of Henry James, the young man befriends the mad artist and is caught up among an equally extraordinary cast of local characters, from his resentful landlady to the town's mining engineers. This debut novel by Thomas Bernhard, which came out in German in 1963 and is now being published in English for the first time, marks the beginning of what was one of the twentieth century's most powerful, provocative literary careers. |
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abattoir able already anymore anyway asked beer blood brain brother Carinthia cellulose factory cemetery cold course dark dead death death masks door dream everything face feel forest front Goldegg gone grave head hear heard Henry James human idea illness imagine jacket Klamm knacker landlady landlord landscape larch wood laughing legs listen live look magic tricks megalomania morning mother superior mountain never night once pain painter Strauch person policeman poorhouse power plant public bar pulled puttees ravine river rucksack says the engineer says the painter schnapps Schwarzach seemed sitting sleep slivovitz smell snow someone sort standing stick stop stream substitute teacher suddenly talk tell terrible there's thing Thomas Bernhard thought tion told torment tramp tree tuberculosis turn understand valley village walk walls Weng whole wild boar window word