SATIRE VI. THE FIRST PART IMITATED IN THE YEAR 1714, BY DR. SWIFT; THE LATTER PART ADDED AFTERWARDS. I'VE often wish'd that I had clear For life, six hundred pounds a-year, 5 I ask not to increase my store; 10 I can't but think 'twould sound more clever, To me and to my heirs for ever. If I ne'er got or lost a groat, By any trick, or any fault; 15 As thus, " Vouchsafe, oh gracious Maker! To grant me this and t'other acre : Or, if it be thy will and pleasure, Direct my plough to find a treasure :" 20 But only what my station fits, And to be kept in my right wits; 1 Hercule: si, quod adest, gratum juvat: hâc prece te oro, Pingue pecus domino facias, et cætera, præter Ingenium; utque soles, custos mihi maximus adsis. Ergo ubi me in montes et in arcem ex urbe removi, (Quid prius illustrem Satiris Musâque pedestri?) Nec mala me ambitio perdit, nec plumbeus Auster, Autumnusque gravis, Libitinæ quæstus acerbæ. Matutine pater, seu Jane libentiùs audis, Unde homines operum primos vitæque labores Instituunt (sic Dîs placitum) tu carminis esto Principium. Romæ sponsorem me rapis: Eia, Ne prior officio quisquam respondeat, urge : Sive Aquilo radit terras, seu bruma nivalem Interiore diem gyro trahit, ire necesse est. Postmodo, quod mî obsit, clarè certumque locuto, Luctandum in turba; facienda injuria tardis. Quid vis, insane? et quas res agis? improbus ur get NOTES. Ver. 30. on this side Trent ;) He was perpetually expressing his discontent at his Irish preferment, and forming schemes for exchanging it for a smaller in England; and courted Queen Caroline and Sir Robert Walpole to effect such a change. A negociation had nearly taken place between the Dean and a Mr. Talbot for the living of Burfield, in Berkshire. Mr. Talbot himself informed me of this negociation. Burfield is in the neighbourhood of Bucklebery, Lord Bolingbroke's seat. Warton. Preserve, Almighty Providence ! In short, I'm perfectly content, 25 30 35 40 "Good Mr. Dean, go change your gown, 45 Let my Lord know you're come to town." I hurry me in haste away, Not thinking it is Levee-day; Chequer'd with ribbons blue and green : 50 Some wag observes me thus perplex'd 1. Iratis precibus; tu pulses omne quod obstat, Hoc juvat, et melli est; ne mentiar: at simul atras NOTES. Ver. 82. And, Mr. Dean] Very happily turned from Si vis Warton. potes. " I thought the Dean had been too proud, To justle here among a crowd." Another in a surly fit, Tells me I have more zeal than wit, 55 60. 65 70 75 80 |